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Everything posted by andyj5447

  1. Thanks for your help again tomtubby. I rang TEC on Friday and they told me the warrant was issued in October I believe. I have it written down somewhere and will PM you all relevant details when I can confirm it. The Out of Time was faxed on Friday and I rang the TEC to confirm reciept (they are very helpful) so they should of called Drakes off by now. I didnt recieve any warrant or anything just a letter through my mums door saying they had come to remove goods etc. When I spoke to bailiff she told me the charges as i have posted above and when I said it seems excessive for a first visit she said "oh its because its an ATR" and that was it. I will draft a letter tommorow to send to Drakes basically asking for details of charges, when visits are claimed to have been made and why I have had no copy of warrant. Is there anything else the letter should include? Thanks again for all your help!
  2. Hi tomtubby thanks for your help. I did file a out of time stat declaration yesterday so hopefully this will get the bailiff off my back for now!
  3. So its not illegal then as previously suggested? I notice your a bailiff yourself maybe your advice is not that helpful after all...
  4. Well if the appeal is unsuccesfull and I do owe the money legally all fair and square then I dont mind paying it. What do you think about the letter just been pushed through the door not in a sealed envelope? Is that illegal as has been suggested?
  5. Will the bailiffs be back for the money if the appeal fails or will it revert back to a stage where i can pay the original fine (£95)?
  6. Thanks very much-I have PMd tomtubby hopefully he will be able to help. I have filed the stat dec with the TEC so hopefully they will of notified the LA and the bailiffs will be called off for now. Do you know what happens now? Sorry for all the questions it all is very overwhelming when you have bailiffs demanding hundreds of pounds from you!
  7. Hi and thanks for your reply! Is there some sort of specefic legislation I can quote when challenging them on this? Also, is there somewhere to find out if the bailiff is certified?
  8. I think its because the visit is called an Attendance To Remove goods visit or something along those lines... The bailiffs bypassed the letter and first visit with me and came straight to the ATR by the looks of it....
  9. Thanks for your reply John. I actually spoke to bailiff this morning and she told me the cost were: £95 for fine, £50 admin and hen £150 for her visit. My mum doesn't open any of my mail, I do. The letter from yesterday wasn't in a sealed envelope it was just pushed throught the letter box along with a leaflet. I have had no previous correspondence from Drakes whatsoever no letters or anything. This is the first I have heard from them. This was also the first time they have visited. Anyway, I have been on to TEC and they have informed me they never recieved my appeal form ( I thought I had just been rejected) so I have filed a stat decision form and hopefully this will be the end of the matter. Beleive me if they had sent me a letter saying your appeal was rejected you owe us £95 I would of paid it straight away rather than let it get to bailiffs coming around!! EDIT: So Drakes cannot charge me anymore even if they visit again?
  10. The van is registered to that address as I am self employed and work away a fair bit so use that address for all my business correspondence. I have had no letters from Drakes regarding this previously just this visit today out of the blue! I have been reading the other threads in the forum and am now resigned to the fact I am going to have to pay this and the costs etc but can someone enlighten me on how much the bailiffs can charge? Is there a limit or can they just make it up? I am not sure where the £306.50 comes from since the original PCN was for £60!!
  11. Right here goes... I have just recieved a phone call from my mother saying there is a letter through the door from a bailiff. I have been around and it seems a bailiff attended today to get money for Leeds City Council which i presume is for an unpaid parking ticket from about a year ago. Firstly this address is the one my van is registered to but I dont actually live there. Secondly I have had no previous correspondence, no letters or phone calls or anything. Now on the letter the amount owed is £306.50. I am not sure where this amount comes from but I am guessing its mostly bailiff charges as the parking fine will of been £90. I dont mind paying the original fine but what I dont want to be doing is paying the bailiffs loads of money when they should of sent a letter at least telling me I owe them money! Should they of sent it recorded delivery or anything? Is there anything I can do except bite the bullett and pay them? Please any help would be much appreciated!
  12. Thanks for your reply I have sent you a PM.
  13. I suppose the last pic is irrelevant if they require no sign. To me that writing is illegible (even has letters missing!) and must therefore be unacceptable. I just need to know how to word it on the appeal form so I get it right if anyone can help me it would be much appreciated!
  14. I have some better pics of the markings that I took myself when I had moved my van. I will try and upload them now. There was also no signs at the side of the road.
  15. Basically I have appealed against a PCN as the road markings were not clear and had worn away. The appeal was rejected but I want to appeal the the Independant Adjudicator but want to make it look professional and that I know what I am doing! ANY help would be much appreciated! I have included copies of what they sent me. Thanks in advance!
  16. Thats what I did then SC&M have taken that amoount and then deducted the £750 from that. If I had asked for the full amount then they would have takent the £750 and given me the correct amount. Worst thing is I sent them a letter saying I didnt want to settle on their terms etc etc as they had offered me the wrong amount and they have just put it in my bank account anyway.
  17. I faxed mine off on tuesday and the money went in today! £750 short though.
  18. Hi peeps, I have had some success with my claim. I took the claim through the court and recieved a letter from s the solicitors saying they would give me all my money back. The thing is they deducted the £750 that the bank had already given me. I had already deducted that from the claim so i sent a letter saying fine i will accept the settlement only if they give me the full amount. I look into my account tonight and i have been paid back the amount minus the £750! So, doi just continue my claim through the court for the rest? My advice to anyone else is if they have paid you any money dont count it on your court claim form just go for the full amoount.
  19. Hi I have had a "goodwill" payment from LLoyds but obviously I didnt accept and sent them a letter telling them and have had no reply so I am filling in the claim form. I am not sure how to word it correctly to include the info about the charges, interest etc and also the £750 payment. Do I just knock it off the total or what? I have looked all over the forum but cant find any advice! Please help this place has been invaluable so far worth its weight in gold!
  20. Thanks Barty much appreciated.
  21. Well its been nearly 14 working days since I sent the LBA special delivery....I decided to double check on-line that it had been recieved before starting court proceedings and its coming up saying "the letter has been held back for delivery on monday. this is done at receivers request or site is flagged as no delivery on a saturday". My question is can I still start court proceedings? I dont want to have to wait any longer really.
  22. have decided to send them the letter before action letter tommorow give them another 14 days to respond.
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