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Everything posted by MattyH

  1. I'm sure that, if you come to the end of a tennancy agreement that you do not have to give any notice, UNLESS, you agreed to a new agreement. Best advice, check with your local CAB, they'll tell you for definate. Hope this has come in time, I have to say that CAB we're great with me when we had this a while back. For the record I hate letting agents. Matt
  2. I don't believe that the law allows for deposits to be retained for rent? When I moved out of my first rented property I wanted to use some of the deposit for payment of the last months rent (long story!) but the agent wouldn't let me, stating it was not allowed. However, if you're dealing with a nice landlord and you've left the place in a good state of repair etc, then what you agree between yourselves is up to you both. However it must be stated that if, for any reason you left the house in disrepair (sp?) then the landlord may not have enough left in the deposit to make good the repair etc, then he'd prob sue you etc... This was about 2 years ago mind you, so the advice I've given may well be out of date by now. Anyone know if I'm right for certain? Matt _______________________ Don't sue me if this isn't right, it's only my opinion.
  3. Get this for clearing cheques then: I paid a cheque into Smile, phoned them 6 days later to ask if it'd cleared, they said yes so I withdrew the funds and went on holiday (not with the proceeds from the cheque I must add). When I came back i checked my account on the internet, and found my savings account was overdrawn by the exact amount of the cheque. Turns out that the other party had cancelled the cheque, and Smile said that they could recall funds up to 3 MONTHS after they paid the money in. 3 MONTHS! needless to say I wasn't happy and threw a strop. eventually they told me if I didn't repay it, they'd just move the money from my current account. Cheeky buggers. Apart from that incident however, I must say I have been impressed with Smile. Matt
  4. I would like to suggest a "dictionary" of all regular acronyms used on this site, I'm sure it'd help people? When I first joined I struggled with some of them... I think I've got most of them now, but I believe it'd help people out? Matt
  5. Would I be right in saying that the banks won't ever go to court because it's likely that the Judge will tell them to provide evidence that their fee's are just and fair, and when they provide such evidence it'll only come to around £4.50 or so? Matt. P.S. Sorry for the semi hijack but I thought it semi relevant.
  6. Ok, as a precaution I hand delivered another copy of the SAR to my branch today, so now I'll probably end up paying £20 and getting 2 copies of my statements/charges, but 2's better than none, and I've got a reciept from the branch too! Although she (the woman in branch) said "just because I've given you a reciept doesn't guarentee that it'll [my letter] will reach the right department" Does what I've done sound ok?? (apart from not sending the letter recorded delivery in the first instance!) Matt
  7. yes, I did think it somewhat careless, but with work and all I didn't think about it. Luckily I sent a cheque, so when that gets cashed they then can't deny they've recieved the letter. Hopefully it'll get better from here on in! Matt
  8. I'd be pretty sure that there's something in there about you not sueing your employer etc... they'll prob say it's a conflict of interest and all that jazz, but I doubt they could sack you for it, because it's an unfair charge etc. However, I'm sure they could make it a really bad place to work for you. Matt
  9. Do you know if we will be able to get them (statements) in branches? Cheers Matt
  10. Not personally, but I would check the terms of your contract of employment etc. Matt
  11. I think I may have made a slight faux par. I haven't sent the SAR letter by recorded delivery. Should I have?? Thanks Matt
  12. Thanks for the responses everyone, I'm currently trawling through all the FAQ's and also other peoples "battles" and it looks like I'm going to have to go all the way to (almost) court. Matt
  13. Hi everyone, just sent my SAR to N'wide for both myself and my partner. After reading through all the details on here I'm quite looking forward to the "battle" although I must say I am very aprehensive because I've never been to court etc before, so I'd appreciate any help anyone could give should it go that far! Matt
  14. SAYNOTO0870.COM - Non-Geographical Alternative Telephone Numbers An website with alternative land based or local rate (0845 0844 etc) numbers which are cheaper to call! Matt
  15. My thoughts: Barratts are a member of the NHBC (National House Builders Council) and as such the council offer a 10 year guarentee to all of their properties, which I assume is how they are paying for the work. They have various registration numbers depending on the county. check at: https://secure.nhbc.co.uk/BuilderRegister/BuilderRegister/search.jsp?nhbcsite=consumer I'd certainly complain through your landlord to them. See if the landlord would consider going to the local papers etc, as Joa suggested. Unfortunately your somewhat in the hands of your landlord on this one, as it is his house, and as Joa and others have said, if you rock the boat too much with him, he'll just evict you. To be fair I think the landlord has been very good with you, and he could not have expected/predicted all the problems you have had with a brand new house. Barratts had major problems a few years ago with shoddy workmanship etc but I thought all the problems had been resolved. Matt
  16. Thanks for the advice, I've pretty much already read the FAQ's etc I do try and look before I leap. Thanks for the welcome. Matt
  17. Just thought I'd say hello to everyone on here, what a great place to be involved in. I don't know that much about the legalities of claiming charges back, but reading on here has been a great help and my partner and I fully intend to "get what is ours" back from the banks! Matt
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