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Everything posted by dillon21

  1. I yes that is what I am saying it was discontinued in Dec 2009 sorry for confusing
  2. Hi Sorry for delay but the court case was a few years ago I will check when for a marks and spencer credit card it was discontinued I have since bring on here last received a vacounty court claim form. From weight and who have bought the debt I presume should I write to weightmans and tell them this debt was discontinued and what should I do about filling the court claim form inMany Thanks
  3. Sorry yes I do mean discontinued they are not a related case so what should I do about the guy that called I think they may have sent a letter but I made no appointment with them in the mean time I don't want them calling back so should I email telling them I will not be dealing with them if he calls back And many thanks for your prompt reply
  4. Hi please can someone tell me what I need to do first a chap from scotcall left a card saying he had called at my home he's left a mobile number and a email address should I text and email him telling him I will not be dealing with anyone on the doorstep I don't want him having my mobile number thou . Also had a letter from another company saying about court proceedings for an account that went to court a few years ago and was discarded what should I do about that one Many thanks
  5. Minimum wage zero contract hours but have spoke to ACAS and the minimum wage people and they are breaking the law there are lots of different departments where he works and they knew they were breaking the law so usual passing the buck now going on lol
  6. Yes but when you have been looking for work for months and they can sack you at the drop of a hat you are just thankful to have a job and they know this I too would have gone mad but that's what makes us all different and now I'm not just doing it for t my child but all the other people who are afraid to speak out at this establishment and I have done it and they've got the wind up told me that it with be dealtbwithbat once so glad I did everyone one needs someone in their corner like the help everyone seeks on here From a mother looking out for her child thanks
  7. They are a well established employer just take the mickey finding a job is not so easy as he as already found out
  8. Thanks it's a adventure theme park he will not say anything fear of losing job but I was going to phone as an anonymous parent telling them I will report this if they are not paid
  9. Hi could anyone help please my son as awful trouble finding a job finally got one minimum wage zero contract hours the thing is they work till 6pm but many evening it goes over till 7 but still only get paid until 6pm also they have a clocking in system if they forget to clock in they get docked an half hours pay is all this legal
  10. Had an email from solicitor saying customer sent lengthy letter will forward onto us but Is not going to pay another penny. So small claims court it is any advice welcome because we can't afford any legal advice now just about scraped money together for her to send initial letter Thanks
  11. Sorry didnt read through probably many thanks citizen B very grateful
  12. Hi Maddie Just to let you know it's DDay tomorrow we have heard nothing but the solicitor as been away, but the 18th is the date she gave him to reply
  13. I have just found a template on Moneysaving expert site which you can send telling them that no doorstep communication will be agreed never knew you could send one of these
  14. Please can you run by the law again about doorstep collections our rights etc i have just had one turn up for husband said he wasn't in and wouldn't be talking to anyone on doorstep she asked if I was talking for him I said yes and I know we don't have to talk to doorstep collectors she replied I don't care people think they're so clever Lol but I do need a recap of our rights Thanks
  15. Yep will do appointment with solicitor Wednesday morning of a cost of £250 + vat great what really gets me is there was no profit made it was straight down the line giving him the invoices no profit made on materials I just worry because estimate was so far a drift but hopefully because all paper works there for small claims court to see that is the true cost that will help would be interested to know what T&c you have on your quotes will update Wednesday
  16. Hi Maddie we are going to get a solicitors letter out to him on Wednesday I will give you all the info. in the beginning he only had plans with no building Regs they came just before the build started he told the customer they would have a rough estimate not a quote but he would be doing it on a day rate basis and the customer would have all invoices from the building suppliers so he could see all that was being used as it was on a day rate everything was done on a verbal agreement he trusted them he thought they were genuine which I think maybe they were at the time but after he paid the second instalment he explained that his estimate was going to be a way off and did he want time to get money togheather he said no it would all be worth it in the end my husband held his hands up and told him the estimate was out from the original but explained this was the true price he was only paying for the hours he was on site and had all suppliers invoices so he could see he wasn't ripping him off once again when the following month he paid he told him a rough price where the end price would be still he said go ahead so he worked through that month but when he gave him the bill he said he couldn't believe it was that much didn't say he wasn't go to pay just said he would be in touch. couple weeks passed didn't hear a thing so asked him to tell us his proposal to pay got a email saying although im pleased with the quality of work I am disappointed with the pace and price after you said you could do it for £xx,xxx. nothing was ever said to him about the pace and within 6 weeks nothing was ever mentioned about the time scale. it thaen says im stuggling to accept your latest bill I told you at the outset I had a max budget of £xx,xxx (this was also never mentioned) most expect no more than a 10% variation Your time sheet was imformative but cant believe there one days you worked fot 10.5 hrs without a break and cant see £xx,xxx worth of labour was carried out he then says hes taken legal advise and this is what was advised unless there were factors beyond your control we should stick to the original estimate. you have accounted for £2,500 worth of additional expenses which would bring the total to £xx,xxx although my solicitor advises that you should have built in the extra work demanded by building regs into your estimate. Hes not getting he didn't have them when estimate was done and it was a day work arrangement he then goes on to say I have been advised that we have 2 options They are You complete the job for the agreed price. I employ someone else to complete the job and sue you for their costs (would a solicitor really say this ) Then he puts a third option which im sure hes hoping we take we both cut our losses and have no further communication I really hope he has to prove this is what a solicitor said what really gets me is that if it wasn't for the fact that they were waiting for a stained glass window he would have let the guys carry on with no intention of paying Also he told my husband he wanted to help with the labour and didn't do a thing so my husband had to have another pair of hands all the time which wasnt estimated for Hes already telling fibs by time scales Please excuse grammer im doing this without glasses
  17. Hi has anyone on here been to a small claims court got some advice from a solicitor today and they seemed to think even thou nothing's in writing we had a verbal agreement and the word quote was never used only estimate and he's been transferring money each mounth until the last bill any advice greatly appreciated
  18. Thank you for your replays surely if the guy has excepted the invoices from my husband for materials £1534 for may he has to be responsible for paying them if he did that it would be a start the loss of £3000 labour would put us in dire straights but at least the supplier would be paid I can't believe people can get away with having an extension then not have to pay
  19. No here lies the problem nothing is in writing for either party hes taking an estimate as an actual price (he has the estimate in writingnot a quote) hes had every invoice for every product bought for the job so he knows that's what is owed to builders merchants its going to be his word against my husband and from his email this evening hes already stating thing that were not agreed like the job would be completed in 6 weeks and he told my husband he had a budget of £20,000 which is a lie he says hes taken legal advise and this is what hes been told unless there were factors beyond your control we should stick the original estimate have accounted for approx. £2,500.00 worth of additional expenses which would bring the total to 19,500.00 although my solicitor advises that you should have built in the extra work demanded by building regs (we did not have the building regs at time of estimate) I had a plan of the extension but no building regs at time As regards employing a quantity surveyor, my solicitor considers as I do that you should be able to calculate the quantity of materials needed yourself and this should not be necessary Not a lot of emphasis was put on the estimate as it was agreed it would be done on a day work basis and he would see every invoic
  20. Hi could someone help my husband a builder gave an estimate to build an extension firstly he told the customer he would do it on day work and the customer would have every invoice so he could see how much everything cost so he was only actually paying for what he got he thought this was the fairest way he wasn't intrested in making a big profit just happy for the work really.it has gone over budget by £4000so hes not happy even thou when he paid up at the end of April he was told this and my husband asked him if he wanted to carry on with the work to which he said yes and now owes over £4000 for May labour and materials but wont pay nothing was in writing
  21. Hi Please can someone help we have had an attachment to earnings put on my husbands wages he drives for an agency so dosent have reg hours so the week before last he earned a £100 pounds and £14 was taken the week before he earned £311 and £56 was taken this week he earned £454 and £151 was taken noe I dont have an issue with them taking the money its whats owing but £151 seem rather a lot it ws only his amount as paid extra for working new year is there any way i can get this reduce in case we have another when that amount is taken he really does make the weeks where he only earn £100 very hard for us to manage Many Thanks
  22. Please could anyone advise me my son finished uni last year and as been looking for work ever since hes found work but only part time which after he had taken out his bus far let him with £20 a week so we have told him he must get JSA we cant support him anymore what I wish to know is he will get about £53 a week now hes not going to be able to pay us anything out of that for board and lodge are we expected to still keep him for nothing Thnks
  23. Hi thanks for our reply its just a small leaflet saying followinf g our recent letter explaining provident has now been appointed to collect your debt and i called today to discuss a repayment plan sorry not sure how to post it up on here my husband isnt here so i will be speaking to her but just wanted the correct facts on what to say to stop here coming back Thanks
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