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Everything posted by dillon21

  1. Hi Sorry been really poorly its not to do with any of the previous posts its one my OH had a form from the court sent acknowledgement back saying he had asked for a sar he didn't get a relpy now received this form saying proposed allocation to the small claims track just need to know how and the best way to fill this in
  2. advice please received notice of proposed allocation to small claims track saying this is now a defended claim how do I go about filling this form Thanks
  3. No it isn't this is a Halifax card I have just turned out some old papers what shall I do next Thanks
  4. Good Evening please could I have some advice I have received a letter from HL about a charging order it says as directed by the court we enclose a service on you copies of the interim in respect of above address then says what court it's at they say we do not need an acknowledgement unless you are attending the hearing it then goes on with the claimant applies for an order imposing a charge on the interest of the defendant in the land and property mentioned below to secure payment on the amount owing under the judgement given on the 4/12/13 didn't know there was a judgement there's a load of jargon then a page saying interim charging order it says on 6th October 2014 district judgexxxxxxxx considered the application of the claimant a) a judgement or order given on 4/12/13 the ccn ordered the defendant to pay the judgement creditor b) the amount now owing under the judgement c) and the debtor is the owner of or has a beneficial interest in the asset described in schedule below It than goes on to say a hearing in late nov when a judge will decide id the charge should continue or with or without modification be discharged I had no idea about all this what should I do Many thanks
  5. Hi Been trying to deal with this mess but to no luck today have received a letter saying disappointed they have not received my completed expenditure form ( haven't received one) then say have had enforcement agents on hold to give me time to seek advice and meet with mr they then state the amounts owing I have send them my husbands p60s for 2012/13 and 2013/14 off the top of my head the earnings were £5500 and 6340 I have sent theses p60S into the offices abound explained surely they can't expect full council tax on such a small income but they say they need to know my ability to pay DAH It then says I wrote about being a vulnerable adult and enforcement agent should not call they then go on to point out that a person whose disabled but can manage their financial affairs is unlikely to be considered vulnerable also your husband is not vulnerable he is able to deal with enforcement officer as he's jointly liable for debt it then goes on to say they will hold of enforcement agent till 10th June and he will visit out of hours after this date when your husband can deal with him it then goes on to say if he has to visit again a further £235 will be added to their fees Now I'm sure all they have said is correct sure they have checked their facts But I have been writing to the recovery team to ask why I have to ,pay the full amount on such a small income I have also told them this year we will have to pay full amount because works picked up what I was wondering could I write to the court and ask them to deal with this as I'm sure the council are going to make me pay full amount on some sort of instalment plan Phew thanks in advance
  6. The girlfriend and my son were given the deposit by a family member that family member then signed an agreement to say they had no claim on the house (so basically if they sold didn't want deposit back I presume )
  7. Yes it is the. Council I had to ring our council offices to speak to them and that was what they wanted to arrange a face to face imitating at my home I think I'm going to cancel I don't feel comfortable
  8. They borrowed the deposit from a family member who at the time they signed the mortgage who at ten time signed to say she as no claim on the house even thou if he could stay in the house he would try to pay this back over a period of time ok just wondered because they had signed into a 2 year fixed term weather there would be a penalty to grey out of that
  9. I know it's silly but I feel I being snooped on I just want to put a agreement it place give them the evidence they need don't see why they should come into my home silly I know What would a local councillor do and what would I say to him
  10. Yes I definately think it's just the council put I still would be more comfortable with just dealing with them in writing
  11. Sorry haven't made myself clear the council want to come see mr face to face
  12. HI I cant seem to find the post I put up about the bailiff was give advice on here to get council to give me the dates of liability order etc which they have was also told to send them a letter of my proof of getting DLA which I sent up with a letter they have rung me this afternoon and want to visit Monday I have said yes cause wasn't sure if this is a good thing or bad thin please what should I do I don't really feel comfortable with a home visit and would rather do everything in writing but didn't want them to think I was fobbing them off any advice pls PS where can I find original post I have tried under subscribed threads
  13. Can they make him sell if he just keeps paying mortgage
  14. Just one other thing she said she wants her name taken off everything
  15. Thank you Thank you Thank you just for replying he believes he can paybespecially if he rents out a room he just doesn't want to move the little lad again i suppose the difficult bit will be persuading the bank because the mortgage was arranged on 2 incomes I will of course keep you up to date should is next move be the bank or citizens advice
  16. Hi I can't believe I have to write this but could someone pls advice my son and his girlfriend just and I mean just bought a house she nows decided she doesn't like living down here she's from London missing the night life etc even thou they had rented a house for 18mts they have only paid two payment off the mortgage so you can understand everyone is really angry to have gone through all that expense and then decide this so soon what I need some advice for my son is where does he stand he has joint custody of his little 3 year old boy from a previous relationship poor kids always in the middle of this just got his little bedroom all sorted I presume he will have to sell up ASAP to pay her off is there any help he can get and what should his next move be in getting it Many thanks
  17. I have just been truthful about what is coming in they have not asked for it I am just trying to get across I cannot pat the outrageous amounts they say I have to on the yearly income
  18. Liability order 2012/13 £994.14 2013/14 £1292.04 Now there will be this years There is only a cost of £40 ton the 2013,to 2014 one Sorry forgot to say no they haven't been and listed any goods
  19. Yes I did but t he forms were lost then the second time the four weeks ages were to much but I lost faith with illness etc didn't bother but now owe loads on such small incomes didn't know if there was an an organisation out there that could help me get the amount reduced as will cause hardship Many Thanks for your reply
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