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Everything posted by standingupformyself

  1. ok, you need to get back in touch with them.... It is not unusual to only receive a couple years worth at first, but I would have expected it to have been more like about 4 or five years. I found this lasy quite helpful, if you email her she usually responds within a day or so (unlike others at MBNA that do not answer at all) and if she cannot help you then she will put you in touch with who can. Dont put your full details on an email, they are not secure. I usually put my name, post code and asterix out some of my account numbers 1234 **** 01** **33 you kow, something like that. State in the email the date you sent the SAR request, the date the 40 days run out (which is the day after you posted it) and how much you have received so far. I would if I were you push my luck here and state that you wish to receive ALL information since you opened the account, rather than just the six years worth, they will possibly refuse, but is certainly worth a try. Pleasantly, politely but firmly remind MBNA that they have to send you this information by the suchandsuch date. If you need a hand with the email give me a yell, or PM me, happy to help! tanya.crompton@mbna.com she seems very nice and tries to be helpful. xx
  2. She's not wrong....... We need a campaign to bring back Wednesday! I wonder if he's on holiday?
  3. Hey! Hopeful is not just a pretty face then!
  4. Morning Hopie, how are you... you sound cheerful today. All is wonderful here at Standing Mansion thank you very much xxx My account was initially Abbey, in fact the statements still come through with Abbey on it, but I Sar'd MBNA. I think I just put Abbey National in brackets.... (That Wednesday has been quiet recently hasn't he)
  5. I still doubt they will have the CCA after all this time, let us know how you get on..... xxxx
  6. Your account is 12 years old! Excellent! Who did you open the account with initially? For example mine was Abbey National and a friend of mine had a Homebase card?
  7. I did get the deal in writing some time after the event... I know I was one of the lucky ones really, but it does show that MBNA can and will help, My advice to you Jase would be to set up your CAB interview, and when that is in sight speak to someone from MBNA when they phone and ask to speak to a Manager. Explain that you intend to sort out your debts through the CAB, if they can make you a decent suggestion, all well and good, if they cannot you still have the CAB to help you
  8. If it helps Jase, I had a similar situation last year, it must have been about 6 months for me too.......I burried my head in the sand and hoped it would go away. I ignored all phone calls, everything. Then one morning, I had a phone call on my mobile, it was not a with held number, and I answered it..... A cheery voice on the end just asked for me by my christian name, I said speaking and he introduced himself as Chris from MBNA. Too late I thought and started talking to him. He asked why my account was in arrears and would I discuss the situation with him... I told him that I had an appointment with the CAB (which wasnt strictly true, but I intended to) He asked what for, and I said that it was because I couldnt afford the repayments, that the debt was escalating and I felt it had all gone over my head. To be fair he offered to help there and then...explaining that I didn't have to do that because he could help. I explained that my battery was low and I was not at home at the moment, so he offered to phone me back at home in an hour or two. I disagreed to this and said it was hard to talk at home at that time because I didnt want the family listening in. So he arranged a mutually agreeable time the next day. We went through income and outgoings and agreed a £10 per week payment, without interest and charges, as long as I stuck to the arrangement. He then took my debit card number and we decided what day this £10 could come out of my account (This wasnt forced upon me, I was happy to do it) and for the next 12 weeks the mney came out of my account weekly. Then I had to re-phone and give my card number again for the next 12 weeks. It worked for me, and as I say I must have been 6 months down the line. Not everyone appears to have been quite so lucky, but I feel that the mention of the involvement of CAB was critical. Good luck
  9. Joesoap! I din't know that.... maybe the party starts now for Wednesday then! I thought I was the only one up at this un-earthly hour?
  10. They seem to make a quick payment to most people. Thats absolutely fine as long as you write and tell them that you accept this amount as a partial payment only and you intend to persue MBNA for the balance of your claim, which you will be in contact with them about as soon as you receive your SAR information. As you did not send the information recorded I wonder if you realised that with MBNA you need to send them proof of your ID? If not, then please send them another letter, reminding them of the date you sent your original one (ignore the fact you did not send the first one recorded, but make sure you send all the other letters to them recorded) and enclose a photocopy of your ID, otherwise they will get to the end of the 40 days and then send you a standard letter requesting this information, it is just stalling tactics, so pre-empt them to it (did I spell that right?) How old is your account with MBNA? Chances are they have not got your CCA, so that could be interesting. Also remind them in the letter that you are waiting for your CCA, sent to them on XX date, not sure if there is a template, but you could just adapt the original letter Keep in touch, there are quite a few of us now that are experienced with MBNA and are ready to help xxx
  11. Thank you so much! She had her college appointment yesterday, and is taking 4 A Levels....... Yes the pub quiz needs her! Just read your thread Hopeful, you sound so positive, well done. Oh, and Wednesday?? Football needs teams like yours !!!! and may I just say, Torquay United 3, Rushden and Diamonds 2............ they will go back up, watch this space!
  12. Oh Hopeful. It is so good to hear your confident news. I really am proud of you. It's amazing how you have been able to gain information from this site and use it to your advantage. You just get caught in a trap don't you? I have not used these payday loans myself, but I certainly can relate. A few years back my hubby was working away a lot, and in theory earning a pretty decent wage. However each wage packet included expenses from the week before, hotel bills and petrol etc, all of which were needed to pay for next weeks hotel bills and petrol, and so it goes on.......... We ended up getting the cheque in the post on a Thursday or Friday, we had a bank account without even a small overdraft, Abbey National refused to help us regardless of how much money was going through the account each month. Therefore each week I was toodling into the bank and paying out ten or twelve pounds to "rush" the cheque through. I was on first name terms with most of the bank staff! No wonder they would not give us an overdraft, we were giving them £40/£50 each month just to clear our own money! All they had to do was fill in a form, take my money, post the cheque and make a phone call the next morning. They used to even let me post the letter for them, so I could ensure it was actually posted on the day it should have been! Bless them!
  13. I makes no difference at all. I am at work at the moment, so unable to spend time trawling through the forums to help you find a letter, but I think there is a template for defaulting on a CCA somewhere...... PM Josie8 who I see has added to your thread earlier on, she is very clued up and switched on about CCA's and I am sure will be able to help you... I will log back on later today and hopefully will have the letter templates if you have not got them sorted out by that point. xx
  14. Sorry I have been a bit quiet lately.... things going on at home.... 1 x A* 2 x A 7 x B My daughter got her GCSE results yesterday!!!!!!! So proud of her!!!
  15. Is it 14 days now from the date they should have received the CCA request? If so, they are now in default with you. There should be a letter somewhere on the forums about this, at the same time you can re-iterate the telephone harrasment part.
  16. There are a lot of us that can help you.............we get pleasure from it!!
  17. I am not experience enough to help you with the letter, but I can tell you that the SAR and CCA request have categorically not changed, stick to your dates and timescales on them.
  18. Ditto to what Ben above has said......(not the Judge Dredd part though!) AS for Barclays, I think you should open up a thread in the Barclays forum (if you have already then sorry!) My concern would be here: You have an overdraft and if you send the prelim letter and LBA they could retaliate and withdraw your overdraft facility....I do not wish to scare you.... Barclays experts will point you in the right direction.... good luck with it all though......
  19. I seem to miss quite a few emails too..... probably best not depend on them and refresh your thread every now and again.
  20. They have already refunded these charges back to you once, can't see them doing it again...
  21. MBNA phoned yesterday, my friends reminded them that they were waiting for SAR information and were not prepared to do anything with this account until this information arrived. The operator that phoned was not helpful towards them at all, although she did confirm that the SAR request had been received. My friend also told them that they were going to need more information too, and intend to request their CCA for this account. The operator asked why! Then the operator said that as they were not going to make a payment there was nothing she could do and the debt was going to be sold on.... Should we wait until the debt is sold on or should we send a CCA now?
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