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Everything posted by standingupformyself

  1. Hi. I am not qualified or nearly experienced enough to offer you any positive help, but I wonder if you should post this request in the debt forum, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt/where there are some superb experts lurking around? Good luck xxx
  2. Thank you Lula, and thanks for the PM's I received from others... really appreciated....
  3. Try this site, its anonomous and you can work out whether you are entitled to any sort of benefits. Apparently there are thousands of people that are not receiving what they are entitled to entitledto
  4. Am I right in thinking though that you have not received a liability order for this years council tax? Did they issue one, but you have not received it? Did you receive one but not yet dealt with it? Did they not issue one in the first place? Either way Chickie, you need help, and quickly. People like Rossendales will bully you and you need to be informed as soon as possible. Armed with as much information as possible, and as soon as possible I would suggest that you phone the CAB, your local CAB will have first hand experience of Rossendales, and of course your local council, cos although you feel alone right now you surely are not the first person to be treated like this. There are some letter templates on this site somewhere regarding ballifs and council tax, which could prove very useful to you, and there are people on this site much more useful than myself that will help you in any way we can. However I would ask you to state the facts about your liability order on this thread so we are all singing from the same hymn sheet so to speak. Stay in touch xx
  5. No update whatsoever...... I was initially pointed in this direction by some knowledgable listers, but although I would dearly love to see this through, I don't beleive that I have enough to go on, it is a shame as I appear to be the only person (I think) who has written admission that MBNA have not, and can not provide a true executed copy of my CCA. I wrote to MBNA on several occasions regarding this matter, stating the amount of interest they charged me, I threatened court action and MBNA point blank refused to enter into any form of correspondance with me. I would love to take this further, but do not feel qualified to do so, Thank you for your interest though xx
  6. I am with AOL and have been for a few years now.... I pay £21.99 per month and am out of contract. I never have any problems with them, am not subject to a fair usage policy, however I am sure that I am not getting this best deal of all the internet providers. I am not in a cabled area, any suggestions of who to use? We can have up to three computers on the go, my son who plays W.O.W. a lot in the evenings, which I dont think downloads anything, but relies on a good speed.
  7. My daughter has just started her A levels and is doing history, she could have chosen the Tudor period, but went for Roman instead, I was so disappointed.... fascinated by that time... Not sure about the comment on Welsh actors, had a think about that, and couldnt think of any more..sorry lol
  8. I enjoyed it...... Mind you I have just finished reading THE SIXTH WIFE by Suzannah Dunn, so I was in that place, if you know what I mean
  9. Sorry to pop up on this thread, but it seemed appropriate! Hubby and I fancy a weekend away, and fancy going to the Eden Project. If anyone knows of one? could you PM me with details of anywhere nice to stay in the area, I was thinking it would be really nice to stay in a Inn/Restaurant type place, so after a day out we could have a meal and a few drinks and not have to think about driving etc... But any reccomendations sooo gratefully received, PM me? Thank you xxxxx
  10. A couple of years back I answered the door to the balliff regarding council tax...... They will try every trick in the book, I fell for it then, but now am so much more knowledgable.. as you will be too... They get away with their actions because very few people know their rights... You have posted on the right forum, we will help you.
  11. Good luck Colpac Please make sure when you SAR MBNA you send a copy of ID, they tend to use the lack of this for delaying tactics. You must also make sure you send everything recorded delivery. MBNA tend to pay out in dribs and drabs, so dont be disheartend (?) Keep in touch with us, and we will all help you xx
  12. Hi Tawnyowl. I am not able to personally offer you any help with this, but I see the urgency. I have posted a link to your thread on another forum, which usually has some very knowledgable people on there. I hope you get the help you need. I will come back and check on this thread tomorrow. Best wishes Standing xxx
  13. Hi there. I know there are many people on this forum with a great deal of useful knowledge. Please can you take a look at this thread on MBNA regarding Charging orders and give this fellow CAGger your help. Thank you. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mbna/116157-mnba-advice-please.html
  14. I can understand your reluctance and can only speak from personal experience. Last September I cam to an arrangement with MBNA, I had not paid my bill for a few months, the phone calls were coming fast and furious and I could not bring myself to answer them. Anyway, they caught me on the phone one day, and asked what the problem was... I explained I was out of my depth, had an appointment to see the CAB... they asked why? I explained it was to sort out payment plans... MBNA offered to help instead. To be truthful I was dubious but I went with it.... We agreed £40 per month, which I said I would rather pay on a weekly basis, so I gave my Debit card details to them and they took £10 out of my account weekly.... they stopped all interest and charges, on the basis that I stuck to this arrangement, which I did. In March this year I sent off for my SAR and expected some sort of backlash from MBNA, but didnt get any.. I created a bit of a fuss because the last 6 months of statements were not in the SAR, and was told they were having difficulty locating them, but if they could not locate them they would work out the charges on the basis of an average of the next year... I sucesfully managed to claim back all charges and CI from them, and my final offer letter stated that this win did not clear my balance, and I would still have to continue paying MBNA with the arrangement that I already had in place with them. I was shocked, but true to their word they did not start charging interest or anything of the sort. What I am saying here, is that my case may not be typical of MBNA, but for me the arrangements I had with them did not change when I started the claiming process... other people may have a different story to tell though..... SAR them anyway, and take it from there......
  15. I opened an Abbey credit card in 1995/96, it changed hands in about 2001 ish to MBNA. I have sucesfully claimed back my charges for the past 6 years (including CI, so anyone thinking about it,,,, go for it) However when I SAR'd MBNA they only sent me five and a half years worth of statements, the final 6 months took a while longer as they had to apparently retrieve them from Abbey National. I want to try to SAR Abbey to receive the older statements myself, basically 1995-2001. Am I wasting my energy with this one do you think? Have I any hope of receiving these old statements/information? And what address should I send the SAR to? Obviously not the MBNA one, as I have already established that they do not hold any of my old information. Has anyone out there suceeded in getting pre 6 year information from Abbey?
  16. I dont see why you couldn't just re-issue an LBA stating that you have amended the interest.... I did with Barclaycard, I realised I had charged them 2% less than they charged me.
  17. Can someone help Bulldog? He would like me to give his POC a once over but I do not feel qualified to say yay or neigh.... thank you
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