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Everything posted by rockhag

  1. This topic was closed on 2019-03-08. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. So does anyone have any idea as to how I can counterclaim against these for my costs that I incurred etc.
  3. Cool. So far it's took me 18-19 hours of my time so...
  4. Thankyou Paul. Think is this has cost me over £100 so far in court fees, phone calls, postage etc. so I at least want that back from them. I also want that CCJ removed from my credit history as well, so I have no idea how to go about this as yet. It is a relief however. I was filled with dread when I saw the envelope in the post but I did a little dance once I'd read the letter.
  5. I received this letter from Bryan Carter today: "Please find attached for your information, a copy of the Notice of Discontinuance forwarded to Sunderland County Court." I guess this means I've won then? Am I right in thinking that when I get confirmation from court that I will then look into counter claiming for costs incurred, to get the ccj removed fro my credit history and an apology??? Will I be able to claim my freelance rates for the 18+ hours I've spent on this as well??? I'm so relieved I can see some kind of closure to this.
  6. I went to court on Friday for the same thing and it was basically just me, my mum (everyone needs some moral support) and the district judge in an office. Good Luck.
  7. I didn't recieve a copy of the letter and I recieved nothing else. I was literally in there for 5 minutes.
  8. Sorry to be a numpty but which optioon reffers to me???
  9. No I didn't receive a copy no. I had it read out to me tho and I will ask for a copy. Thankyou.
  10. Well after a nerve racking morning I have no idea what to do from now on. The case has been set-aside and transferred to a small claims court and I should receive a letter in the post as to what happens next. Bryan Carter sent a letter to the court saying that they would not be attending and asked for the case to be struck out but obviously it hadn't. They provided no evidence to prove that this debt is mine also. So does anyone know what happens now???
  11. I sent the reminder latter off the other week and recieved a reply from Bryan Carter saying that they had put my case "on hold". I haven't heard anything from the courts however and I'm due to go there tomorrow so I'll be going there regardless. I hope this is over with soon.
  12. I don't even know why I update this thread anymore. Today I sent a letter to bryan carter with a copy of the initial letter, the postal order and the recorded delivery confirmation details enclosed via recorded delivery. I also photocopied all of the bumpf in my file for this and submitted it to the court ready for my hearing to have the case set aside on the 14th.
  13. Sorry to be a pain but could someone check over my previous posts? I know this is a busy forum but I am pretty desperate here.
  14. I'm in the exact same boat with Bryan Carter. They received the CCA letter and payment back in December and I still haven't recieved anything and I'm due in court to have the warrent for bailiff action set aside in March so I've written them a reminder and I will be writing to the Financial Services Ombudsman about this as well. It's a situation I'd rather not be in to be honest and am even conisidering seeing if I'd qualify for legal aid. My thread and a copy of the letter I'm about to send them can be found on my thread if it helps you. Good luck.
  15. I'm sure you will speak to someone as nice. Like I say we aren't all complete vultures.
  16. By the way I dont want any PM's from anyone with regards to their individual accounts. Just ring up customer services and they should help you with regards to any queries that you have. In future I'll give general information if I can but I will not look into individual cases on behalf of anyone here. That's what the freephone customer service number is for.
  17. Excuse me? Any information that I've gave here is just generic information that's not specifically for a single account. I haven't portrayed the company in a negative light, if anything I've done the opposite so...
  18. I'll have to check when I'm next in work. I have a sneaky feeling it wouldn't tho because technically you'll be going onto another tarriff but I'll double check for you. Thing is however if you have a disabled child I would advise against the prepayment meter. What would happen if you lost the key/had no money to charge it up and had to have no electricity for a while? If paying quarterly isn't ideal for you you can either set up a monthly direct debit or standing order with your bank or if you wanted you can have a payment card sent out so you can pay towards your bills weekly/fortnightly or whenever you had some cash spare. There'll be a solution out there. EDF aren't vultures in my experience.
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