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  1. Lloyds haven't given an explanation, but I will do what you suggest and see what they say. When I asked if this was legal, what I meant was: Is it legal for them to put all the accounts into a different single account with a brand, spanking new account number, then split them all back up to sell them off? As opposed to just selling them off? (Does that make sense?) Thanks for your help...
  2. Well................ After CCa 'ing' Lloyds, obviously, we didn't hear anything back from them....... till now! They have now put the three amounts into seperate account's, and sold them to another dc (Arrow Global Ltd......ever heard of these?) How legal is this? Should we now cca this company for the three 'debts' or, write a letter saying 'not on your nellie' type of thing? Or write a letter telling them it's obviously not legal what Lloyds have done, so send it back to Lloyds? Any suggestions greatly appreciated from anyone!.....
  3. Thanks dibs the frenchie, will be emailing tomorrow. Will keep you all informed with what they say!....
  4. Thanks for all your advice. First thing tomorrow I'm going to phone comunity legal service direct and see what they say -thanks Revenant, Then depending on what they say, may have to follow hefty hippo and godmothers advice. Thanks everyone. will keep you all informed...
  5. Hi, I've contacted the court now, and they have just said that I need to to seek legal advice. Which isn't all that helpful, as (don't know if I'm just being awkward here but...) I don't see that I should be the one to inform HC how much there is left to pay!? Obviously they should be keeping tabs on it. At a bit of a lost end now.........
  6. Hi, Yes, they were paid every month without fail into their bank account and he has ALL of the receipts. But, no, there are no payments for the first 2years mentioned on the statements. The statement just starts from October 2008 with the same amount that it began with from court totally missing out the 24 first payments..
  7. I kinda don't mind about not getting the credit (although it would be goos to know why, but what bothers me is Sainsburys giving out my private details for someone elses debt?....
  8. Just wondered if anyone else had any advice......
  9. Is there any thing I can do about Sainsburys giving it to them in the first place?
  10. No, it's not my account, they keep asking to for my partner to phone them back on the message.... My credit file is clear, cept for their search, i'm not at all linked to my partner on it....
  11. No, They have totally missed out the first two years worth of payments. Last year was the first year we received a statement cos' of the new rules now.....
  12. Hi there, another one for you...... I, myself have an excellent credit rating(!). But...... Before Christmas, I applied for credit with Sainsburys, and was unexpectedly turned down.:? Now, unbeknown to me, R.Way have been pursuing my partner for a debt that they cannot legally pursue as they do not have a cca he's already been down that route....(we do not share any monetry credits/mortgages or debts..) Since I applied for the credit, my credit score has gone down, I have had a visit from a company called scott call, and daily on my ansaphone (this is my phone number) is a message for my partner to phone Robinson way. Now, two things here.. 1st, Obviously it was Sainsburys that passed on my information to R.Way & scott call, as I'm ex directory and have not given my details out to any one else, are they allowed to do this? is it legal? 2nd, Is there anyway I can get their credit check off my file, as they obviously turned me down based on someone elses credit rating whom I have no financial connection with whatsoever.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks..
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