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Everything posted by annifridsl04

  1. I've just come across something on the internet and was wondering is she would be able to apply for a DRO? She meets most of the criteria.... the rest I don't know what they mean. The debtor is unable to pay his/her debts; (Check) The debtor’s total unsecured liabilities must not exceed £15,000; (Check) The debtor’s total gross assets must not exceed £300; (Check, she lives in a council house and no car etc.) The debtor’s disposable income, following deduction of normal household expenses, must not exceed £50 per month. (Check, I think. But not really sure what normal household expenses means) The debtor must be domiciled in England or Wales, or in the last 3 years have been resident or carrying on business in England or Wales.(Check) The debtor must not have previously been subject to a DRO within the last 6 years.(Check) The debtor has not entered into a transaction with any person at an undervalue during the last two years.(Not sure what this means??) The debtor has not given a preference to any person in the last two years.(Not sure what this means??) The debtor must not be involved in another formal insolvency procedure at the time of application for a DRO, such as: An undischarged bankrupt; (Check) A current Individual Voluntary Arrangement;(Check) A current Bankruptcy Restrictions Order or Undertaking; (Don't know what this is??) A current Debt Relief Restrictions Order or Undertaking;(Check) An interim order (Don't know what this is??) A current pending debtor’s bankruptcy petition in relation to the debtor but the debtor has not been referred to the DRO procedure by the court as a more suitable method of debt relief; (Don't know what this is??) A current pending creditor’s bankruptcy petition against the debtor but the debtor has not obtained the creditor’s permission for entry into the DRO process. (Don't know what this is??) So does anyone have any experience with such a thing? Thanks Anni
  2. Hi guys, I wasn't sure where to post this, but as my Mum needs help in getting out of debt in general i thought this was the best place. Okay we have a few problems and I don't quite know where to start with helping her: - 1) She has PPI on her credit card and I want to reclaim that for her. But not entirely sure where to start. I saw a company that said it takes about 12 weeks? Is it quicker to do it yourself? If so how long? 2) She uses Chase Saunders for her debts and has just received a court summons from RBS for non payment??? She's been paying them for a while now. I read somewhere that they have gone bust, but I'm not sure how true that is. Also read that they haven't been making people's payments. How do I go about claiming the money back and sorting the creditors out? 3) Her debt is generally out of control, she's been off sick for 6 weeks with Shingles and hasn't got enough money to pay the bills. So if anyone is up for a challenge and is able to help me, I would appreciate it so much!!! I'm finding this a little overwhelming to deal with, I can't imagine how she feels! Thanks Anni x
  3. Do people not come on here anymore? :-?
  4. I've rec'd this letter to. Have you done anything with it?
  5. Hello Everyone, I've rec'd a letter today from RBS saying that the FSA waiver has lapsed. That they consider my claim to have been about the level, the fairness or lawfulness of the charges. They entered into proceedings with the OFT and following the judgement the test case is complete. In view of the judgement the level of unarranged overdraft charges cannot be assesed under the UTCCR or challenged under the law penalty doctrine. They do not believe that there is any other legal basis for the level of charges to be challenged. They are satisfied that the level of charges were properly charged and the legal proceedings comfirm that. They are therefore not upholding my complaint and will not be refunding the charges. If my complaint doesn't refer to the level, fairness and lawfulness of the charges to contact them further. So what does this mean?? Are we all screwed?? I lost the thread of what was happening a while ago and it doesn't really make sense. What should I do? Thanks Anni x Edit: Also just a point. I didn't end up amending my claim as above, because I read through it and it did mention the UTCCR. Would that make a difference, coz they say in the letter it can't be assesed for that?
  6. I also forgot to ask, if I need to change my address do I only inform the courts and the bank. Will the courts charge me anything for changing it? Ta Anni
  7. Hi BAE, Thanks for that, if I'm honest I'm starting to panic. I can't afford to change it if it's wrong. I'll need to have a look at it when I get home. Thanks again Anni
  8. Hello, I read something about having to change your claim from unlawful penalties to something else, but I can't remember what it is or where I saw it. Can anyone help? I don't think I can afford to have it changed, will my claim be stuck out because of it? Thanks Anni
  9. Anyone? Do people not come on here anymore?
  10. Has it started again yet? I'm a little lost. Are people still claiming? Also, as I said above, I've changed my address with the bank. Will I need to inform the court and their solicitors, Cobbetts? Will I have to pay to change it with the court? I moved nearly a year ago and my claim had already been stayed. So I hope I haven't had any correspondence from them. Please help, I've not been keeping an eye on it like I should have. Thanks Anni x
  11. It's called Lowell Finance and they say she owes £55 for items that she bought on a store card fro mark one in 2004. The only problem is she has never had a store card with them and they wont provide a list of the items bought. Due to the credit crunch £55 might not sound like alot but it is to her. We asked for copies of what she bought and to see a signed agreement neither have been provided just some statement with charges on... but that doesn't tell her what size etc, to see if it's fraud and someone else has used her details. The card was used in Biddulph and my Nanna hasnt lived in Biddulph since my Grandad dies 8 years ago. It just seems like a load of rubbish to me and I dotn realyl know what to do. They rang her the other day and intimidated her into paying £8.01 a month, so they have her details and I dotn believe she should have to pay them as they cant seen to prove she used it. What should i do? They have laready taken £5, so I really want to find out what exactly its for just incase she DOES owe it and has simply forgotten. Thanks Anni x p.s. This may not make much sense as Ive typed it really fast, just about to leave work... sorry.
  12. How about now? It's taking a very long time. Bah! Also, I moved address about 6 months ago. Should I tell the solicitors? I told the bank so surely they are responsible for advising them? I hope I've not had any correspondence from them in the meantime. It didn't even cross my mind until the other night when my Dad mentioned that people have started getting there money back... I thought it was strange that I've not heard anything. Oops! Thanks Anni x
  13. Well, I've not been on here in a while! Whats been going on? Are people getting there money back yet? Anni x
  14. Damn it....I've got another charge. I was doing so well. Hadn't had one for over a year. I rang the bank and asked them to remove it. They said that they had rec'd a ltr advising not to refund any charges until the OFT case has been decided. Nevermind, hey. Anni
  15. That is fantastic!! I'll do just that. Thanks you so much guys! Anni
  16. OMG! Did you get it back? I can honestly say I despise the RBOS. Once, I made a deposit of £70 into my account via cash. Everything went fine and then they rang me later that day to ask me if I had taken the money with me? WTF? They said that they think they gave me the money back with the receipt. Well for starters they put the money in the till before they bother with a receipt. They said they would look at the CCTV and ring me back. I said fine, do it [EDIT]. They later rang me back and didn't even apologize for accusing me of stealing. They just said that they looked at the footage and couldn't see what had happened. (Crap CCTV then...maybe they should point the camera in the right direction). So in this instance they had no choice but to leave the money in my account... I was dumbfounded, I couldn't believe it. But that was at the time when I was a little scared of banks. I know better now. So yes!! RBS are EEEEVVVIIILLLL!!! Anni xx
  17. Hi, Thanks for your help this is brilliant. The rent and electricity aren't covered by the agreement. The company advised that they couldn't help with those. Thanks Anni
  18. Hi, I'm trying my best to help my Mum get out off debt. I'm trying to convince her that there is something she can do about it. But I think she's to depressed and sinking to think positively. I'm going to post something more fully in the proper forum when I get the info off her. She is in debt with pretty much everything. This is due to her being off sick a few years back. She was off sick for approx 2 years as she broke the top part off her arm and she has a lot of problems with her bones knitting. Well, enough of the ramble. What I wanted to know is if she is with an agency that charge her to help her get out of debt. Can she get out of it and is it wise to do so if her creditors have sign an agreement for her to pay them back? I think now she is with this agency, she doesn't have to pay the interest. I'm not quite sure where to start. She has other debts that aren't covered by the agreement. Mainly the electric which she has been told will be cut off if she doesn't pay something like £270 and the rent, shes about £700 overdue on that. It is a council property. Anyones advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Anni
  19. Please can someone tell me what CAB stands for? Thanks Anni
  20. So if the fire was fitted before she took over the tenancy then really they should have fitted a new fire? Is that right? Thanks for all your help. Anni.
  21. Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you all...thanks for your help! She noticed it on the Sunday 17th Feb and my Nanna reported it on the Tuesday, they came out that day. The fire has been installed about 6 years.
  22. Ive just spoken to my Nanna and the fire was fitted when the tenancy was in my Great Grandad's name (her Dad) and she moved in to look after him. She had to write (on behalf of my Grandad, as he is blind) to the Housing Trust for permission to put the fire in. Then when he moved into a home and subsequently died. The tenancy was put into my Nanna's name. Does this change it at all? Anni
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