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ice maiden

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Everything posted by ice maiden

  1. Does anyone have the 2006 Terms and Conditions?
  2. Read the OFT's reply to Defence. It has really good points on how to argue against their service fee defence.
  3. lol It's turning into one hell of a conspiracy. How can so much happen to one person.
  4. Thanx for the replies. Do you know whether the cases were positive for the Claimants or positive for the banks?
  5. I can't find the case anywhere. Can you remember roughly what did was said about it?
  6. Which is why I'm questioning why they are telling it's been granted for a year. I recieved the letter today. It does not say anything about the review end of September. It just says the waiver will be reviewed regularly. What was their initial justification? They are telling me it will depend upon the progress of the OFT test case. lol at your spellings.
  7. hmm...I know the FSA is due to review the waiver soon but funny they avoided being specific about the dates to me. This is what they said:
  8. I think banks will also try to get stays for such claims and CI. Look at section 'g' of their agreement:
  9. o.k That is rather weird!!! Anyway I'll say congrats for having the guts to go & stand up against them in Court.
  10. lol the thread says "Barclays v me". For a moment there I thought they were suing you!!!.
  11. I will e-mail them to you tomorrow. If I havent done so by late evening just PM me a reminder. Ice.
  12. Some bank Terms and Conditions state that they keep cheques for 6 years. I believe the banking code also states the same.
  13. I've just read your journal. It's really good. Looking forward to the updates.
  14. Oooops. Sorry Gary. Didn't reply to that bit. Had totally missed it. It was an unspecified amount as I was asking for damages. I have not been able to post my case as it is quite sensitive. Thanx for the reply. Ice xxx
  15. Hi Gary, I have filed my claim and the bank has not defended but I realise that I could have worded the particulars of claim better. E.g I did not put a concise statement of the basis of my claim in law and fact.
  16. Hi I'm new. Question.........is the judgement entered imediately or is it entered after the hearing
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