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  1. I am still waiting, ELS have been served papers, I have to wait for a reply, then take the wonder next step. I am looking forward to seeing them in court, I am going all the way with this one. These people putting away. A one week old baby could do a better job than them.
  2. Phone the Ed Doolan Show on Tel 08453009956. He will advise you. show is between 10.00- 2.00 pm
  3. I am one of the unlucky one's that has experience bad dealing with ELS. I really would never believe a company could really carry on in a rude manner, if I didn't experience it first hand from ELS. They don't return phone calls, they don't answer letters, but they are very good at telling liars and stealing our money off us, that is rightfully ours. I guess I will be seeing them in court because I am not going to stop until I get my money back that is owing to me. If they want to play games I will bring the media's attention to this. Yes I agree, Lubylou should be charge for the beautiful advert they have just posted. £25 per letter is too cheap. We are not all on here because we have nothing better to do with out time, we have a problem with ELS services, and the court will hear all about it.
  4. I wish I knew were ELS find the time to play games with people, and having to go in and out of court. from what I have read, they should be in court 7 days a week for ripping people off like this. I must print off some of these comments to show Trading Standards when I visiit then next.
  5. I am also getting advise from Trading standards to go the small claims court, and also in the mean time I will be contacting the ED Doolan radio show on radio WM 95.60 to expose Exclusive Leather Sofa. Tel the show on 08453009956 if you are still having problem, just to make people that listen to the show be aware of companies like that.
  6. I am also a new comer; I order a bed sofa 7th January 06 from ELS it should have arrived 3 months after order. Paid a deposit by cheque £249.99. sofa arrive November 06, when it arrive it was not what I ordered. I order a thick mattress and they sent a thin mattress, they took the sofa back 4 times. trying to amend "god knows what" That means 8 times I had to take time out from work. They couldn't fix the problem, so i said for the them to keep the bed sofa, because it was not what i ordered. Many calls was made to the company, now trading standards taken over, because they won't return my deposit. I don't see why I should have to buy something that is a lot of money and its not right and up to the standard that I require. The manager someone called Annier was very rude to trading standard and said i will not be getting back my money, and told Trading Standard she is going to sue me, just because i wouldn't take the goods which I didn't order. So it looks like I will be getting my self ready for court on this. The joke about the whole thing is that on my orginal Invoice it stated that I order a Thick mattress, they sent trading standard a copy of my invoice and guess what!!! the order THICK was rubbed out on trading standards copy, so I am going to have them in court on this. I am ready for a fight in court on this, since this woman Annier and Sam Cameron feel like playing games. They took back the bed sofa so that meant I was left without anything to sleep on, so I was on the floor. until trade standard gave me the go ahead that the sofa contract was finally cancelled. and that was in late February 07. So from Novemeber 06 until now sleeping on the floor until I can find a company that I can trust to get me what I want. I am going to the small claim court to start the ball rolling, and I am not going to stop until I am happy with the rule. All that stress that company put me through. We will see what the court as to say about that. My advise to you or anyone else that is having problems with Exclusive Leather Sofa is to head for the same claims court don't give up, and also phone Ed Doolan show on radio WM 95.60. he loves to put companies that feel they need to bully people in there place. Tel 08453009956. Lets all give this wonderful company Excusive Leather Sofa some air time. Maybe they may mend their ways after they have been shame up on the radio, I know one thing they will loose a lot of business if the whole world know what that company is like. I am going to try and get on the Ed Doolan show now before I go to work. show is on from 10.00 am - 1.00 pm every day, so listen out from the word EXCLUSIVE LEATHER SOFA'S, because I KNOW they are going to be famous.
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