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Everything posted by SURFBOY

  1. Breaching their terms........ How naughty of you !!!
  2. Have to agree with you. Appeal to the PPC, Then when that is turned down, appeal to POPLA. That will cost them £27+vat for each one!
  3. You could just ask flash Park how they got hold of your Ni number. Could be very interesting. I think you realy need to find out what the initial "offence" was that went to magistrates court.
  4. Understood as well No6. I will do what i can to support.
  5. "I would suggest that your constant nit picking and attempts to show off while not recounting any real experiences are the source of any confusion that might arise. You only developed a problem with what I was saying after I was not as grovellingly grateful for your smug comments as you felt I should have been. I have attempted to make myself clear when you have expressed misgivings about my choice of words but you have still persisted in vindictively trying find fault in every post I have made." Not nit picking or showing off, i have no need to, just stating what I BELIEVE to be good advice. It has served me well and i bet countless other people well. That is what this forum and others is about. I will try to defend this advice when i feel it is being underminded, but everyone is free to make their own choices.
  6. No need to get personal. I was only pointing out that your choice of words was wrong and setting out my reasons why i think your choice was wrong. Is that so hard for you to understand? Or are your posts worded so that you hope to create confusion to the tried and tested advice on this, and many other ,forums?
  7. Sorry, but you quite clearly stated, in your post number 59 , that this IS a fine. This is not the case. There is NO FINE. There is no OFFENCE commited. No matter what SSS might like to call it the fact is they are wrong. You posting what you have is spreading confusion to people that come on here for advice and it is not helping them. By using the words FINE and OFFENCE then SSS are going against the BPA code of practice that they have stated they adhere to.
  8. Call it what you want but this IS a fine. From a couple of dictionaries: - A sum of money required to be paid as a penalty for an offense. - Punish (someone) by making them pay a sum of money, typically as a penalty for breaking the law. That these fines are unjust and have no legal standing is besides the point. We are talking about a company who claim you have committed an offense by parking where they say you cannot and are attempting to charge you for it. You can call it a speculative invoice if you want, but it is a fine. You are so wrong. No offence has been commited. NO private company can impose a fine or penalty on any private individual. You obviously have not been reading the information on the internet have you ?
  9. OK, they MAY take you to court. But if people ignore the fine in the hope that it'll go away they should be prepared for the eventuality that it won't, leaving them to either pay a higher amount or have their day in court IT IS NOT A FINE! IT IS A SPECULATIVE INVOICE THAT , FOR MANY REASONS, IS NOT LEGALY ENFORCABLE. You have stated that you have read the advice on many forums yet you come out with a statement like that.
  10. However, in your posts you state that they WILL take you to court ,when the evidence suggests that they are not NOT LIKELY to take you to court. They MAY TRY court a few times to try for a default judgment. That is why the advice is to IGNORE anything from PPCs apart from GENUINE court papers. ALL the internet forums on Private Parking i have read advise this course of action. Having said that, it is just advice (factual based ), and people make their own minds up.
  11. SSS took 34 cases to court in the whole of 2011. How come all 34 cases are not on their web site? Were there some wins in there maybe? I wonder how many tickets were issued in 2011? I bet there were quite a lot more than 34 tickets issued? So, moowave, it is obvious that they do not take all cases to court as you claim.
  12. What you should warn others is that SSS " MAY" take them to court , as may any other PPC. The FOI request made to the MOJ makes it quite clear that PPCs do not take every case to court. Of all the tickets issued a minute ammount end up in court and a lot of them go undefended.
  13. " We did ignore them from the start. When they threatened court action we felt we should respond. Perhaps we should have ignored them then too but given the number of copied court documents on their website showing automatic victories over people who decided to ignore everything I'm not sure this would have been a good idea." It is safe to ignore the "threat " of court action. This forum and others on the internet suggests ignoring up untill actual ,genuine , court papers are sent. They advise this because all PPCs rely on the mere threat of court to scare people into paying up, even SSS rely on the mere threat to part you with your money. Some PPCs do start court proceedings, including SSS, but they do not take every ignored ticket to court. That is factual information supplied in a FOI request from the MOJ.
  14. It looks like their web site and questionable court claims fooled you.
  15. I notice you take great pains to ridicule my posts. That's up to you. It does not concern me. I am entitled to my opinion. I think you have foolishly lost £160 when there was no need to. And i think your advice to pay this company is wrong. There is a wealth of factual information on the internet about this company and others like it and factual information telling you that your wife was not even party to any contract but you chose to pay them anyway. That is your choice and you are free to make that choice, but i think your advice to others in your posts, to pay up, is wrong. Let people take in the factual information and then make their own minds up.
  16. i will donate to a fund as well. count on my support.
  17. You say you enterd a defence to the court claim, what was that defence? That your wife was not driving at the time? That they have no legal authority to be bringing a claim? That even if they did have the authority £160 is a contracual penalty and as such unenforcable? That your wife was not even party to any contract? Your wife decided to back down after entering a defence, why? Was she actualy party to the contract? You realy should have read around the many advice forums on the internet before parting with your hard earned money!
  18. Idealy , what you should have done is ignored them totaly from the start. Unless they actualy own the land in question or have a vested interest in the land they can not even bring a case to court. Why did you pay them anything?? As your wife was not the driver she did not enter into any contract with them and therefore owed them NOTHING. Your wife has been well and truly done over by these people. You have just wasted £160 for nothing. If you like giving that ammount of money away can i have some please £160 would be nice.
  19. I think the dvla should now be telling everyone not to post their documents but to take them to dvla offices instead ! This is a crazy decision and it affects everyone countrywide!!
  20. This can not be right. The whole system, as it stands, is faulty then?
  21. You lost the first case because the magistrate said you did not ' deliver " the document. You then appealed. You then lost your appeal to a higher court. Does that mean that a precedent is set? Does that mean then that posting the document upon sale of the vehicle is no longer the lawful way to notify then?
  22. I had to laugh when the DVLA tried to fine me for the late licencing of my car. I just told them to check the CCTV in their reception office where they could clearly see me handing over the documents and to check the date and time on said cctv images. Iheard nothing more from them. I happend to be shopping in Truro at the time and just handed over the documents whilst i was in the area.
  23. Judgment set asside, then original claim defended,(win) then there will be no CCJ at all! Why pay them what they are not entitled to? Just remember , you have done nothing wrong , at all! But if you can afford to throw your money away then that is your choice at the end of the day!
  24. Sorry, but if you did not know about the court summons then you can easily get it set asside. And can i just say that you have NOT been advised to ignore a genuine court claim on this site! Are you sure you never received a summons? If you did not then you must get the judgment (in default) set asside. It is in your own interest. Surely paying the £80 court fee is better than paying devere £180 when they are not legaly entitled to any money from you at all. They may also be guilty of disability discrimination by charging you in the first place.
  25. So did you get a summons from the court before this judgment? The information on this site and other sites is to IGNORE everything EXCEPT a proper stamped court summons.
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