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  1. Thank you for your insight into this and I do appreciate it. I'm going to run this conversation past my partner and then will make a decision I am just so angry about it and no i dont want to throw money away. Am going to CAB later for another matter so will run this past them and see if they will help resolve it if partner agrees. Thanks Lisa
  2. No I didnt get a summons and the lady I spoke to at the court said because they deal in bulk claims that it was nothing unusual. She is sending me out a dispute pack but has told me that as the court is in about 4 week arrears it is highly unlikely that the claim will be dealt with in time and if the judgement then goes against me I will not be entitled to get a Certificate of Cancellation which has to be done within one month. I am afraid this time I will have to bite the bullet but I am contacting Castlepoint Management Services (the shopping centre) my MP and also bringing this to light to the Disabled Motoring Association. I think even if I have to pay I will endeavour to encourage people to avoid going to Castlepoint until they review their stand on only targeting disabled people as the rest of the car park is free.
  3. Did not receive a summons have only just recieved a Judgement for Claimant (in default) have rung the court this morning and they told me the company Money Claim online and it was legal and binding and to get it reversed it will cost me £80 to apply back to the court now I think I am going to have to pay it as the woman at the court said it would take longer than the required two weeks to sort it and if it takes that long it will go over the date when I can get it taken off the CCJ register. I cant believe this company is so low that they would do this to disabled people the rest of the car park is free so do not even understand why they are able to enforce it at all. I have never had a debt in my life and I followed all the advice that I was given. I am going to see my MP and also the local council and I am also a member of Disabled Motoring so I will be contacting their legal team. This company needs to be forced out of business it is a disgrace.
  4. Hello About 18 months ago I got a letter through the post saying that I had parked my car illegally at Castlepoint Shopping centre from the above company at the time someone told me about this site and I came on to check because I had recently had an operation and others were using the car as well. My badge was apparently in the windscreen and out of date This I am not sure of as I had reapplyed for it during my recovery from the op and i was unsure which carer it would of been to use it. i did as you said on the posts and ignored all the letters that were sent to me from this company and now I have a county court letter saying I owe them £180 I dont know what to do regarding this and since being back on the site it is still saying the same things ignore. I need help with this and am notsure where to turn to. I have never used a forum before so any help would be appreciated. Thanks Lisa PS I have been an amputee for 10 years and have always had a blue badge and it only lapsed once during this operation. I dont know who was driving the car on the date they stated so cant give it to them as i had both professional carers and friends and family using it.
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