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Everything posted by ranader

  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Thanks again. The spreadsheet sounds the best option so I will pm my e mail address to you barracad.
  3. I have to admit I did not do that just put from 1/7/2000 to 1/7/2006 and the total amount of the claim. Maybe I should try it again but that sounds a bit long winded is there not a quicker way ? I am a bit non techy and do not understand microsoft works I tried to dowload the spreadsheet to my desktop by choosing the save option from the box that appeared on screen. An icon was created on my desktop but nothing happens when I try to open it.!
  4. Thanks for your reply barracad. For some reason I cannot download any of those spradsheets on to my computer so I am trying other methods ans I used the CAG calculator. Maybe if I could work out the daily rate. Looked for that in FAQ but cannot see it. Any help greatly appreciated.
  5. I am doing my online claim for a refund of £563 taken by goldfish The calculator indicates the 8% interest is £246.71 which seems very high to me and I do not want to make an exaggerated claim. Is the 8% on the whole amount or charges each year and added together and is that correct? Can anyone advise a mathematical dunce please ?
  6. Thanks Dolly. I had assumed it was deemed to be served on the date of issue. I will try again tomorrow and post on here.
  7. Thanks for your reply rebecca. So I should be able to enter judgement tomorrow then. This seems to have dragged on but I will have to exercise a little more patience I suppose. The bank rang me while I was out today but I just want to get this done as things have gone a bit too far for discussions I would have thought.
  8. Can anyone advise me when I can enter judgement by default. The date of issue of the claim is 14 June and the bank have not entered a defence or acknowledgement. I thought I could apply to have judgement entered today as the 14 days have elapsed. However it is telling me I can not yet enter judgement yet ?
  9. thanks maverik. I am pretty sure I ticked the box but I did not attempt to work out the 8% and I did not include it in my total amount claimed as I thought the court would add it on after judgement.Also I am lousy at maths. I am beginning to think I should have included it in the overall total now
  10. My claim was issued online on 14 June. Can I apply to enter judgement on 28th June and how will I know if there is a defence ? Should I have included the 8 % court cost in my overall total on the form or can this be added later ? I estimate it to be another £250 or so Any advice greatly appreciated
  11. I agree with you both. Unfortunately I think he was so surprised to be offered so suddenly a sizeable amount of money he had written off a long time ago that he signed on the dotted line and is not now interested in pursuing the matter. I was quite appalled that he did not wait to get his statements to be honest. I am guessing that if the woolwich are prepared to offer so much then he must have been charged a four figure sum and I did advise him accordingly. I would certainly recommend that everyone waits for their statements and claims all that is properly owing. Good luck to all.
  12. I have just scrapped a claim against a and l as I have realised I put the wrong addrerss and defendant on. Can anyone advise please who I should be the named defendant in my on line claim Did anyone name steve bailey at the chester business park or just a & l ?
  13. Thanks for that barracad. I could not believe that I had made such mistakes but as you say will have to be much more careful.I will ring the helpline tomorrow morning and hopefully will not have to pay again again as I really cannot afford another £80 at the moment.
  14. On reading through the form I have submitted I realise I have made one or two errors.I have not specified the name of the defendant and have managed to get both my address and the defendants address wrong. Will I be able to rectify this over the phone or will I have to send another form and pay another £80 fee ?
  15. I advised a colleague who has a woolwich account to send off the DPA letter a month ago.He heard nothingt until last thursday when he recieved a letter advising him they will pay £780. The woolwich merely asked him to sign an undertaking he would not pursue the claim any further. My advice would have been not to accept as sure as hell they owe him very much more which he could recoup in court. It does show that the woolwich would appear to be rather less obstinate than alliance and leicester for example upon whom I shall serve a summons next week.
  16. A word of warning. I made the mistake of asking for 72 months statements by telephone and they have sent them but charged me £220. I have spent a long time arguing about this with a manager and he finally agreed to reverse the charge. It would seem the request should always be in writing and clearly marked as a DPA request subject to the 40 day rule in order for a ceiling £10 charge to apply.
  17. I am sympathetic but what KM say is true. Believe me they are taking on extra staff bigtime in Skipton to administer arrears albeit on minimum wage. Whether it justifies £50 I am not too sure but it all costs. Good luck anyway.
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