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Everything posted by surprise

  1. My daughter's just brought the letter up and its made me laugh, I'm not sure what planet they are on to think they are going to get away with this!
  2. Documents attached. How they can say they've done nothing wrong is unbelievable. 1st Credit 12.4.10.doc
  3. Thanks I am going to try Reigate first see what comes back. I will post up the documents for folks to see what they have done. Take me a while to delete personal info. There is no doubt whatsoever that it is a cut and paste job.
  4. My daughter's had a letter from 1st Credit, not seen it yet, but the gist is they've done nothing wrong and we can go to the Police. Presumably the best way forward now is Trading Standards. I know you should go to your local TS but I know mine are useless, so what merit is then in going straight to TS at Reigate, will they deal direct. OFT have already been sent all the documents that have been received from 1st Credit.
  5. God bless the Halifax, two letters this week in the post. First one telling me to contact them and not to use my card and today telling me I'm ignoring their letters and they will issue a default notice in 5 days if I don't pay. I wouldn't mind but I've tried to close this account but can't because of the charges.
  6. This wouldn't be covered under the CCA. 1st Credit are well known for issuing Stat Demands but it would depend on how much you owe.
  7. You will soon get a phone call. I received mine Good Friday at 6.00 pm. I was livid. I told the guy that as there was a complaint in with the FOS why was he ringing the Halifax should have the courtesy to wait for the outcome. He kept saying I need to discuss the matter with the bank first. I then said but the bank didn't want to listen and gave me their final response so don't call again.
  8. Thank you. Will give this some serious thought today on how I am going to go forward with this. I think they should be sued under the "Trade Descriptions Act"!
  9. Who is the head of 1st Credit. I am playing with the idea of sending him a copy of my letter to him that I send to OFT along with the documents that have been amended.
  10. I've just found out they have tampered with the last application form sent to me. I have 9 copies in my possesion and the last one has been changed. They have cut and pasted a section from the terms and conditions which were not on the original application form supplied by the original creditor and neither are the terms and conditions the same ones. Oh happy day! My plan of action is to copy all the application forms with the letters that they came with and send them to OFT and TS, but do I let them know? if they haven't read this already!
  11. I sent a really stronged worded letter to the OFT last time to which no response has been received. I did ask the question why are 1st Credit still trading given the number of complaints made against them and all so added "its about time someone at the OFT got some balls and actually did something about this company and the way in which they continually flounce the law. There is not one Regulatory Body in this country that functioning as it should be. Perhaps thats why they've ignored the rantings of a mad woman!
  12. My daughter has now received a further letter from 1st Credit and they have outdone themselves with this effort. They also contradicted themselves, one of their earlier letters advised that Connaught weren't connected to them, yet have now been asked to ring them - I think not. I feel another very strong letter coming on to OFT. 1st Credit letter 25.3.10.doc
  13. Sorry to hear you are not having much luck with IT but at least you were prepared for further stalling. I know its a nightmare with courts waiting for Judges to see files. I have just had the same trouble with courts over my daughter's case where we sued for breach of contract and the company concerned where using delaying tactics. However, I have today been advised that a cheque is in the post for just over 4K. I hope that you will soon have this warm glow that success brings when taking on such cretins.
  14. I'm hoping someone can help with this a bit complicated. My daughter works for herself and took a company to court for breach of contract. Initially she got a CCJ by default as they never responded. When they received the court notice they then applied for set a side which was heard on 12.2.10. The Judge said she would grant set aside on 2 conditions. 1 They file a defence (at not time did they substantiate what they terminated the contract for) 2. They deposit the cheque for the amount claimed £4,580. by 4.00 pm on 26th Feb 10. 25.2. 10 They contacted her and offered her half, she said no. They failed to file the cheque or defence. The Judgement therefore stands. We have tried to collect this amount and have been told that they have no assets as the company has been acquired by someone else and both directorships were terminated 17.2.10. We advised them that if they failed to pay then we would send in the bailiffs, this is why I got the response, No assets! We have since found out that they are both directors of a company that was already registered at the same premises since 2006 but the one director was only appointed on 6.1.10 and the assets from the company that the CCJ is against were transferred on 17.2.10 to the other company. It transpires that the Director that attended the hearing was in full knowledge of the acquisition and also actually lied to the Judge as the solicitor that filed for the set aside had ceased being the company's solicitor in December 09 and when we were in Court the Judge said are these your solicitors and he said "yes". Hope this makes sense. Question is where do we go from here and what is the likelihood of us collecting the amount owing? As usual any thoughts on how to go forward would be appreciated.
  15. Write and say that you have already been advised of my situation together with proof of no benefits being received. I will pay £1 a month until such time as my circumstances improve. Make sure you do pay the £1 though this will show willingness to pay.
  16. I will answer about moving bank, can't on the subject of charges. You can move bank and I would suggest you do so immediately. Quite a few went to Alliance and Leicester and managed to get overdrafts. I didn't want one and just opened a NatWest step account, best thing I've done. I have still left my overdraft as owing and the charges are mounting very nicely. I tried to come to a settlement arrangement with the Halifax but they wouldn't have none of it and I was told to go to the FOS along with other customers. Our claims are now being dealt with by the FOS. I would go down the Complaints Procedure route and see if they will reach an agreement, but don't hold your breath. You then have the option of going to the FOS once you have had their final response. I think if you read the thread Halifax charges £1 a day you will glean quite a lot of info from it.
  17. surprise


    Halifax have always charged for returned items and the money for D/Ds needs to be in the bank before the due date. They always used to charge £35 so presumably if they are now charging £15 this was probably another of their changes.
  18. The other banks that I have experience with that have been fast are Halifax, Abbey (Santandar) and Barclays all have gone in straight away.
  19. No it doesn't. Natwest fast service is excellent. I have an account with them and you can make a payment from the account to anyone's account, any bank, and its there within 10 minutes. I know this for definite as my other daughter needed some money urgently and it is a round trip for me of 2 hours if I had taken it to her, but I just made a transfer to her Lloyds account and she said it was there within 10 minutes of me actioning it. Furthermore, I paid a cheque into my account on a Thursday and funds were available on the Saturday. Yet when I banked with the Halifax it was 5 days. There returned items are only £5 as well.
  20. My daughter opened a business account with NatWest and she has defaults. Whats good about the NatWest she transfers money from there to her personal account and its done the same day, not like other banks that take 2/3 days.
  21. Its arrived, my usual weekly letter from the Halifax reminding me how much I am being charged. A bit disappointed I didn't get a Dear Bigyeti letter, must favouritism!
  22. I shall look forward to mine. Every Sunday evening I have an email to let me know I have a paper free document. As you say, same letter reminding me of their charges. Surprising I can receive a letter on a Sunday evening when it's not a banking day!
  23. With an adjudicator at the moment. Doesn't mean a lot when my last case is still with them from June last year. The Adjudicator has since left. I must be very unfortunate with adjudicators, have had 3 cases in the last 2/3 years and all 3 left whilst dealing with me. No comments, the family have used them all!
  24. So IT committed an unlawful act by adding interest and the Judge said he hadn't acted unreasonable and so you didn't get costs! Contradiction in itself I would have thought, but hey ho, I don't think we will ever understand the British Judicial system.
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