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  1. I totally agrre with the previous two comments. It is important to let other unsuspecting people know the problems that they may face when purchasing from this company. It is interesting to see ELS that you say you are a family run company, we were also told this when we made our purchase from you. I would just like to point out that we have a family company and if we treated our customers the way that you do then we would be out of business very quickly. Word of mouth is the best advertising for a company such as yours, you need to work hard to make sure that 100% of your customers will pass on positive recomendations about you. Luckily sites like these exist to make sure that people can make an informed choice.
  2. Biffa 99 is right, so many people would not be making complaints about this company if they dealt with the problems that THEY have created in a fair and satisfactory manner. I have been promised a £600 refund, in writing, by miss Boulton. I am still waiting for this to be returned but she is not returning my letters or telephone calls.The last time we spoke to her she told us that we had to have the payment made back on to the credit card which the payment was made from, The credit company say this is false, any one got any ideas on that one? I phoned the customer services department on Sat and asked who can deal with this matter, the girl told me that Jane deals with it as she is the Manager, but the owners of the store are ABOVE her, so I think maybe we should all be looking to get together at the store to have a word with them, as previously suggested.I think as they are the ones who are going to lose business over this then they should know why. I am also going to be contacting the BBCs Watchdog programme,any one up for it,? as the more of us that do the more likely we are to get the case on TV.
  3. Glad to hear that you had no problems, consider your self very fortunate. I am positive that you would not be so quick to praise their communication skills had you the need to make a complaint. You are right , communication does go a long way but when you are trying to communicate with a company who does not return your calls or letters then it does make it rather difficult and frustrating , as I am sure many of this companys customers will tell you.
  4. Hello every one I am a newbie to this but am thrilled to find that I am not alone in my dealings with exclusive leather sofas who have been totally unproffessional in their conduct. Basically a year ago we brought sofas from them worth £3100 including 200 for extended cover. 600 deposit the rest deferred payment, which is approaching. Had a number of problems. Firstly delivery was not made on date stated, they tried to lie saying that it wasnt supposed to come. agreed to refund me the delivery charge 49.99, guess what? still waiting for that! Delivery did arrive on second date. On further inspection 2 faults, scuff mark on one of the sofas and the other was not bolted together correctly. Arranged upholsterer to come out to repair, which was a very young scruffy man who was late because he had gone to our old address! Repair was totally unsatisfactory unless you think painting a tippex type substance onto leather will make the leather grow back! Did bolt together the other seats but very dodgy as he said he is not a technician! Company eventually agreed to replace both goods, but after several weeks when the goods arrive dthey were the wrong ones.Which got returned. The very stroppy manageress when we eventually got hold of her has said we are not entitled to return the goods for a refund. They will either replace the goods again! or offer us £600 to keep the goods we had. We had said we would agree to that for £1000 as we feel that a fair amount considering the original cost and all of the hassle we have had. They are sticking to £600 top offer or nothing. Would appreciate any feed back on what you guys think. Cheers
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