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Everything posted by dpick

  1. Hi far as I am aware if there is no mention of debt collection fees in your BT contract then they can lump it just pay the bill till £71.62 is left then if the DCA starts tell them to take you to court. dpick
  2. And porky has still not answered my question about the morals of the PPC dpick
  3. By unwary I mean the poor people that pay them and do not know any better and would you answer the original question where are the morals of the PPC with the unenforceable costs and penalty charges. dpick
  4. And what about the morality of the PPC that is defeated in court due to these costs being a load of bull, where is the morality of the PPC's who then keep trying to get these immoral sums from the unwary. dpick
  5. I agree close thread I do not seem to see anything about the morals of the PPC's from Porky dpick
  6. I can remember teachers forcing kids to write with their right hand and then caning them for bad writing. I know gives my age away. dpick
  7. Hi I would also send a copy to Lloyds as they are adding interest and charges they are still the owner and if they then assign it to another DCA complain like hell to everyone as this is a no no. dpick
  8. I fully agree with this then anyone like me that does not like adverts can record then skip through when you do watch. dpick
  9. Hi the experts will be along but for me I would report this to the ICO dpick
  10. I think I would be saying if you want to charge then remove your flaming pipe. More ideas to rip off the public though how can they charge as there are more than 1 gas supply company. dpick
  11. I seem to remember some very surprised MP's when the North east of England had a referendum as to should Newcastle rule the Northeast (put simply) and got a very loud NO in response. I think they may get the same response to who do we want to rule us UK or Europe. I say neither it wont make a bit of difference to us they would all rip us off.. dpick
  12. Hi don't know if the experts will be along now, may be in the morning I do know you will get help with this. dpick
  13. Hi I am no expert with Payday Loans but from reading threads on CAG I believe the advise is pay the original loan + 1 months interest then tell them to get lost. dpick
  14. Hi the experts will be along but they will need to know if the accounts were settled in full or were they partial settlement. What can happen a creditor will take a partial settlement and then at a later date sell the remainder on to a bottom feeder DCA. dpick
  15. Is it not a wonder how these immoral companies think that we should treat them in a way that they would not treat us. dpick
  16. Letter to fredy Thank you for your recent communication having reassessed my finances I find that due to the government reducing my benefits I find that I have to pass on the reduction so I will now be making payment of £1 a month direct to Capital One. Thanks again. dpick
  17. Also yes they can send a reconstruction in that they are correct but the reconstruction MUST be correct and must contain T&C at time of account conception. Wrong address means they have not complied. As above you can just pay what you want if they try court they up the creak without a paddle. dpick
  18. Hi if MKDP say there was a payment made Nov 2011 then they have to prove that the payment was made by your son or authorised by your son. We have seen a lot of threads where a DCA say a payment has been made that somehow seems to end up as a clerical error. As has been quoted above a set aside must be applied for quickly and is a lot easier when accompanied by a good defence to the original claim. dpick
  19. Same again they have not compiled with your CCA request, and from their response they are stuffed. dpick
  20. Don't tell them what is wrong with the reconstruction just tell them it is a load of rubbish and they have failed to comply with your request do not give them further information. I had same thing with Littlewoods(wrong address) it ended up with them missing out on £1700 due to their terrible altitude. If they are anything like Littlewoods the computer system only allowed 1 address on the system so all they did was overwrite the original address. dpick
  21. Defiantly report them to OFT and Trading Standards for misrepresentation calling themselves Court Ballifs Limited. dpick
  22. Hi it is not a FINE it is just an invoice they hope you will pay. Wait for the mail if you receive something then post details dpick
  23. Far as I can see they are another company that charge you for a DMP use CAG and set one up for yourself it's free and you are in charge no one else. dpick
  24. Yep and nowt about the number of people who appealed and had the decision reversed. dpick
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