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Everything posted by uneverdid

  1. That's exactly what they have said of course I am now going to write back to them as advised above should I give them a deadline for their response
  2. If they still refuse what do you think my chances will be with the fos in view of the fact they can provide no paperwork
  3. Thanks that's what I will do your advice is much appreciated
  4. Never had a noa but wouldn't they have to own it to be named by experian
  5. Even if the account is statute barred I thought they could not offset by the way this was with arrow when it dropped off my file does this make a difference
  6. Sorry pressed button too soon hsbc combined my current account and cc account although I have not signed anything new so not really too sure about amount owed about £5000 I think thanks for your replies
  7. I was told I had to have it to get the cc but wouldn't of needed it as the company I worked for paid 6 months full sick pay and 6 Months half pay unfortunately I needed the card at the time and the ppi would of only paid out up to 12 months anyway. I Have totalled the amounts on the statements I have and averaged them out not added any interest as was waiting for a response they have said if I have any further info send it to them but they have also said it's their final response in terms of how much I owe surely it's irrelevant
  8. Hi I have a query with a ppi claim I have just received a rejection letter with the usual jargon but they have included this paragraph Regrettably due to the passing of time the original documentation has not been located however I can confirm that it is not bank procedure to issue insurance without the appropriate documentation being completed So what should my next step be the cc account is now statute barred and dropped off my cra file very recently. The ppi amounts to 3000 + so I am wanting it back I appreciate any advice Thankyou
  9. I was shocked to receive an email from scotcall regarding my old capital one cc threatening me with a doorstep collection visitor i emailed back saying I did not know who they were and if they proceeded to keep hassling me I would report them to the necessary authorities and claim compensation for the distress caused we shall wait and see if there is anything else I need to do I am currently waiting for the outcome of a ppi claim on this cc
  10. you would still.have to pay regardless of her income it will only reduce if you have more children or live with someone who has children just pay what you are asked and know that you have done right by.your child your ex can never say then.that you didnt provide she will get found out eventually cheats.never prosper !!!
  11. There is the other side to this too my daughter was admitted with life threatening encephalitis earlier this year, yes she spent more than 4 hours in A & E but during this time she was ventilated, ct scanned, had a lumbar puncture and several other procedures. I was horrified to be told that the hospital would still be fined for keeping her there despite the fact that she was too ill to move and was monitored by 2 anaethisists, 2 nurses and 2 doctors during this time. Do the figures quoted take patients like my daughter into consideration. I for one would wait as long as necessary if it meant the seriously ill patients got treated as needed. Yes it is a pain to wait a length of time but sometimes a necessary one and i have also been on the receiving end of that when the same daughter broke her wrist a few years ago and only now do i appreciate why i may have had to wait, and no i do not work for any government or hospital department i am just a regular parent.
  12. Schools get allocated a certain amount of funding depending where.it is this could be taps or msg and school have to top it up but if your daughter needs extra support then she should get it.
  13. Parent partnership are fantastic get the gp on side as well get as much documentation as you can and ask the school senco to arrange a multi agency team meeting. You need to discuss transition as this will need to be done carefully. Statements are seen less and less.now as it has a lot of implication so should not be done lightly. Good luck let us know how you get on.
  14. Well said lillibelle when 2 people have a child together both should be equally responsible. I have always done my utmost to provide for my children why should the absent parent be allowed to do as they please they should be pleased their children have such caring mothers/fathers. I sense in the future lots of lonely people who realise far too late what damage they have done. Anyway must go to work son needs new shoes feeding school trip a taxi service etc etc hope all you caring parents have a nice day
  15. Sorry jadeybags for crashing your post but he is rude i hope you get sorted
  16. How dare you 'you girls' i am a mature lady with a responsible job and usual mortgage etc trying to bring my children up right in fact my eldest has just started uni !!!! All i can say is you must of had a real bad experience with 'a girl' get over it !!!
  17. and this does happen to men too !!!
  18. Whats PWC ans since when do you stop being a parent once your child reaches 18 my ex pays £175 a month football and school dinners cost more thsn half of that school trip £375 never mind clothes food home etc meanwhile he pays less.because his new wife has a child yet her ex pays for him how does this work then he has a new car holidays etc i would sooner go without though to be honest because when i decided to be a parent i realised you have to be selfless to give your children the best you possibly can shame some parents dont feel the same!!!!
  19. No neither was my ex mine went from 231 to 175 so not too bad although i still had to support my daughter through the final months at college so why do they not have to ????
  20. Sorry should of.made myself clear i still get it for my 15 year old son
  21. Hi my csa stopped for my daughter in the november she turned 18 even though she still had almost 2 years left at college i didnt lose half as you still get 15% so should only lose 5%
  22. Thankyou thats what i shall do right now
  23. Hi I emailed Neil again last night and got a reply back today saying the following; I'm unable to provide you with a dead lock letter as we are following the policies we have in place, therefore in this case we have no reason to provide you with such a letter. I do apologise this isn't the outcome you were hoping for and our final decision regarding your complaint. we will now no longer enter into any further correspondence regarding the complaint you have raised. Does this mean just with me or anybody ??? how rude
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