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Everything posted by rightfullymine

  1. thanks eggopp, yes it makes me a nice person to give them a few extra days! not that im doing it for them though!
  2. hi cartoon head i have heard this £5 a statement before, i agree with bottomburp either send SAR plus cheque or P.O for £10 recorded delivery or take to your local (branch that is not pub!). if you send recorded you can log on royal mail website and see when and who took delivery of your letter, so there will be no denying they have it. or make sure they sign for the letter if you take it in and aknowledgement of the £10. they are just being awkward Bs as you say. dont be deterred. as far as proving where you live when they are still in correspondence with you - WELL - why dont you include a photocopy of you lastest statement with the address highlighted and state current address on it.. what more do they want. i think as you say maybe they are inundated and now trying to stall a bit!! talking bout annoying things they do, i opened my account as mrs rightfully.... about 2 years later they changed me to mr rightfully... i told them on more than one occassion, it wasnt changed i just thought oh well as account was running ok.. when i came to open parachute account they asked for last 2 statements, i took them in without thinking,, these are no good as they are mr.!!! so i had to show driving licence and passport....opened new acc. ok. just shows how slap dash nationwide can be.. well good luck getting back whats rightfully yours... if i have been of any help please add to my reputation by clicking middle icon at bottom left. thank you
  3. thats great news, i was a bit worried there. thanks once again michael for your reassurance
  4. thank you advoc8 come to my aid once again thats great news, i was a bit worried that all would go wrong.. now i can sleep ok hee hee thanks again
  5. hi endor71 i was reading your thread and you mention the new rule in april !! i think i may have missed something, i hope it dosnt affect mine then also in due april. so what is the new rule? please enlighten me
  6. i may have a bit of a problem, i have checked on royal mail web and seen that my 1st prelim letter has been delivered - so i have just marked the days off on my calendar. the first 14 days not a problem, send LBA then 14 days on from that is a problem as it falls in the week i am away!!! isnt that always the way!! will this be a problem for me.? can i just delay going to the court to make claim until the following week? or can i collect the paperwork from the court early before i go away fill it out and get someone to take it to the court when its due? has anyone any advice that can help me please
  7. now i have sent off my 1st prelim letter i am now taking on the nationwide again, this time for my husband on the flexaccount they closed a over a year ago.. just done the SAR off we go again.
  8. hey congratulations... on getting back whats rightfully yours what inspiration !!! enjoy spending
  9. DONE IT.... SENT THE PRELIM LETTER OFF TODAY..recorded delivery of course!! now i am really excited,, 14 days count down...once they get it... thanks so much for all the help.
  10. ok i will do that.. thanks so much for your help and support its very much appreciated
  11. hi pitters thanks for your help, ok i will send to pipers way again.. so i have decided to go the simple route as i dont think the figures are worth the worry!! how do you think i should add the unauth over fees just an add on in the letter. or put at the bottom of the spreadsheet??
  12. hi can you confirm for me.. when i send 2nd letter do i send it to pipers way where i sent SAR - or back to address on package. kings park road moulton (henry geilt) thanks in anticipation
  13. well ive done my simple spreadsheet... and just about to print the 2nd letter.. can anyone confirm what address i send this letter too.. the SAR i sent to nationwide house pipers way swindon.. but the package i recieved was addressed kings park road, moulton park northampton... should i send it back to there to henry geidt, or pipers way again.
  14. good luck in getting whats rightfully yours !! keep us posted
  15. hi emmap21 when you first send off the SAR to request your information you must send a cheque for £10. the letter is in the templates thread so you can get the wording correct. the £10 is the one and only charge you need to pay to get all the relevant info you need for the past 6 years. if you ask for the information without a SAR letter the will try to charge £5 a statement! check out the barclaycard thread and you will see how others are progressing. remember to post useing recorded delivery, so then you can go onto royal mail website and see who and when took delivery of your letter.. then its 40 days waiting. i recieved mine in 3 weeks by recorded delivery. good luck in getting back whats rightfully yours !! if i have been of any help please add to my reputation by clicking the middle icon bottom left.. thank you
  16. firstly thank you pitters for answering me so promptly i am this morning still having a major delemma... thank you for your offer of help, in figures i am only talking 115.00 that has been taken from me in unauth overd. fees (no interest). i suppose i would be better to stick to the simple and claim back 1205.00 of which i can be more confident.. i could just mention in the letter (not including 115.00 of unauthorised overdraft charges) then maybe they will give that back to me out of the kindness of their heart !! i will give it a thought for an hour. thanks again pitters have a good day
  17. thanks michael, i checked throught them again and found another one ! then overall total not including interest is 115.00. not sure if this is substantial enough to persue if interest is difficult. shame i just cant claim for the amount they have taken from me!! or can i?
  18. hi pitters you sound like you have got it all under control !! i have been reading through your thread and can i please askyou a question? you say you added interest, but not the 8% - what interest is that? i am trying to fill in my spreadsheet and i am really confused at what to add or not !! would be grateful if you can take a look at my thread and maybe shed some light for me thank you & good luck getting back whats rightfully yours
  19. CONGRATULATIONS KenSpe hope you enjoy spending every last penny.. hope i am luck too! HAVE FUN X
  20. well i have done the simple spreadsheet but i am a bit unsure if i am doing the right thing !!! my claim is for 1205.00 thats not including the 8% !! (thats for direct debits & cheques fees only) my uncertainty is i also have been charged 101.03 for unauthorised overdraft fees. i looked at the spreadsheet and notes to cover the overdraft fees and it put me off a bit, i have also read on here that its easier to not claim for the overdraft and interest . i think its not worth it but then why should they get away with my money?? does anyone have any words of wisdom that could help me decide once and for all. i am no great mathmatician and all the working out of interest scares me :shock: :shock: i have been reading a few other threads and they say they have added interest but no mention of unauth overdrafts?? very confused now!!!!!!! please help me
  21. hi brok i sent mine to pipers way, swindon. that was fine recieved statemens ok. go to FAQ and you will find all info you will need. there is also a thread with names and addresses. remember when you send make sure its by recorded, then you can go onto royal mail website and see if your letter has been delivered and the signature of who recieved it. good luck on getting back what is rightfully yours! if i have been of any help please add to my reputation points by clicking middle icon on bottom left side. thank you
  22. think i will turn in and do this in morning.. nite and thanks again. sleep well
  23. thank you so much advoc8 for helping me, i thought everyone would be in bed, great to know someone is there to help. think i will redo the simple with no unauth overdraft & interest.. thanks again..
  24. h ok so i do the other one ok!! but you know when you get the last sheet with your statements that lists unpaid cheqs & dds and unauth overdrafts ?? they list interest seperately do i list that too?? its only a matter of pence each time?? so is it worth doing the complex one or can i forget it ?? not sure whats best :? :? :?
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