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Everything posted by connerbconnerb

  1. Thanks natwesttookmymoney i'll add those before i submit it, do you think i should use both the old and new text sections ?
  2. Hi all thanks for the great thread and all the useful info on the site....I have just received the AQ (N149) and was wondering when filing in G (other info) should we start by using the original text..... I am respectfully requesting that my claim be allocated to the small claims track. This issue is not a complicated one; it is an issue of fact and not of law. The issue is only whether the money levied by the Defendant in respect of its customer’s contractual breaches exceed their actual costs incurred. I am happy to pay their actual costs and I am surprised the Defendant did not counterclaim for these, because I would have paid them without argument. However, the continuing problem is (in common with the 100s of other cases currently being brought by other bank customers) that the banks refuse to reveal the details of their penalty-charging regime. As the banks have a fiduciary duty towards their customers, they have a duty to deal straightforwardly and in utmost good faith. before adding the revised version..... The Claimant proposes the attached draft order for directions, for the courts due consideration. If ordered, the Claimant believes these directions will allow the overriding objective's to be furthered in that they will fully identify the most fundemental issues in dispute (as detailed below), and allow them to be assessed so that this claim may proceed justly and expediently. - The crux upon which this claim rests is the true cost incurred by the Defendent as a result of the contractual breach from which its charges arise. If the Defendent cannot substantiate the cost of each charge as proportionate to its loss incurred, it has charged contractual penalties contrary to the UTCCR 1999 and common law principles established since the early 1900's. - In the event that the Defendents charges were accepted as being a fee for a service (which is denied), examination of its true costs is required to determine whether the price is reasonable as required by the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. As the law relating to contractual penalties is long established, the Claimant believes the outstanding issues to be of fact. Accordingly, the Claimant respectfully requests that the claim be allocated to the small claims track, and estimates that the hearing of the claim should last no longer than one hour. Any advice would be appreciated
  3. Hi Blueskies Just read ur thread from start to finish.....And Well Done......I had 2 accounts with Barclays (Additions and Business).........i'm at the stage now (Additions account) where they have just replied with there defence, from our friend Adrian St John and its virtually word for word the same as yours was, just filling in form N149 and writing out my cheque for £100.00........Any tips on filling in the form would be appreciated from anyone. wish i'd known about the compound interest (16.9%) earlier I entered mine at the standard 8%.......but hey hoo it still amounts to £3,500 of my money they owe me.....posted off 2nd letter for the business account earlier this week, claiming £1,900 no doubt this will follow the same avenue......i'll keep u informed of progress
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