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Everything posted by trubster

  1. I have got a summons through from Northampton County Court, for non payment of an invoice at my previous address for an order from Viking Direct, I need to know if I can make an arrangement to pay this without getting a CCJ or is it too late, I did not recieve any warning of this summons. Thanks in advance Kevin
  2. Thanks for your help, what you were saying about O2 and deposits (davethorp) the only reason why I had to pay a deposit is because there is over 30 credit checks conducted BY CPW when I conduct mystery shops, which I was not asked for any form of consent, just told "Let me see what deals I can get on the system" I have cancelled the contract at another store where the manager knows I am a mystery shopper, and told him it was a mystery shop that made me take out the contract, he did say that the sale MUST NOT have used the trade in to pay the deposit and he said he can refund £20 of it, and o2 will refund £150, but I had to pay him £130. I paid it as it was my only option to cancel the contract but technically CPW have my phone and owe me £130 for it, the only reason why I paid it was because there was a note on my account from when I called HO and they said the policy is £20 refund max and if you want to argue it later you can?! Can I still argue this or am I best leaving it now? Thanks Kev
  3. Not a good idea but you definatly want to argue the toss, and I would be wary of dealing with someone who forges your signature... possibly inform the police
  4. I am currently tied into a 24 months AOHELL Contract as I signed up to the free PS3 offer, but I am not able to use the internet service as it is always down, 3 times in the last 7 days it has been down more than 4 hours and also9 times in the last 2 months. I need the internet for work as all my work is done online. I am losing money and need an internet connection which is why I am paying O2 god knows how much to use my phone to connect through my HSDPA Connection. Where do I stand and where do I turn for help and advice, at the end of the day I feel they are not providing the service I am paying for and dont see why I should continue to do so for another 21 Months, Any advice gratefully recieved *(Copy of terms and conditions would be great if anyone has them available to scan) Thanks Kev
  5. Thanks slick... (Have some rep... lol) I have been in to the store and the idiot said that I can not cancel as I signed my phone away to them and I will owe them £150... yeah right as the form said I trade in this phone to cpw for £150. On the O2 contract I recieved it says I have 14 days to cancel but they say there is no way there system will allow it to be cancelled even if I give them £150, i was told explicitly by the SA that I had 14 days to cancel or exchange... which he now declines ever saying. I have been into 3 different cpw stores and had the same cr@p I have read the CONtract and I post a copy of the relevant part below and I think i may follow the route stated there but not sure if that will work as I already have a contract with o2 on a seperate phone set up by o2 directly rather than CPW Thanks for your help
  6. can someone please givve me some advice on this as i am nearing the 14 days padlock! thanks Kev
  7. Also posted on MSE I took out an O2 contract at CPW the other day, I felt kind of forced into it as I could not make any objection without it being trown back at me. I have since shopped around and found a much better deal with O2 direct where I get unlimited calls to o2 numbers. I want to cancel under the 14 days guarantee BUT there is a slight problem, I was asked to pay £150 deposit but they took an old phone as trade in and gave me £150 for it so I did not actually pay out anything at all. How do I stand if I want to cancel as technically they have my old phone which they could have sent off by now and also technically the £150 deposit has been paid (By CPW) to O2 who now hold this until the bill has been settled... Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks, Kevin
  8. it was talking a load of old tosh and then in brackets at the end it says (2.1 Ghz) BTW click the image to view it in "Readable size"
  9. yes, both AMD Turion 64 x2 but just 300mhz between them... also this was a B2B sale (Self Employed)
  10. I bought a lappy from pc world last month and exchanged it today as it was faulty, when I looked on the SEL (Shelf edge label) it says on the spec of the laptop that it is a 2.1ghz processor, but it is only a 1.9 on the website and also on the laptop itself How do I stand as I purchased a 2.1 ghz processor but I have only been sold a 1.9ghz? do they have to match the spec? or give me a refund? Cheers for your help Kev
  11. Anyone seen Lee Evans XL Tour??? I Prefer his approach to it (Cant say here)
  12. I have lived in a 3rd floor flat in Sheffield for 2 and 1/2 years now and since we moved in we have been complaining about the lack of ventilation in the communal stairway, there are Somalis who live in the same block and when they cook, it stinks the whole flat out, also, the other residents smoke cannabis! The ventilation is rubbish and the smells make me sick. We have 2 kids and they keep getting ill and I think it is the cleanliness of the stairway as well as the lack of ventilation, because when they stay at other family members they are absolutely fine, but when they come back, they have coughs and vomiting episodes. Also, in January when there was really bad storms, there was 28 tiles loosened on the roof and half the ridge tile fell off, there was still a lot of loose tiles on the roof and the council refused to move them until I called the HSE 3 months later and they were cleared, after this, the "Repair Job" was classed as "Completed" with half the roof missing, Since then, we have had leaks through the ceilings (Under a cot), damage to the pointing, water damage to walls and god knows how much gas we have wasted heating up the outdoors (Literally) So I called them up today and said I had enough and some really rude woman said "We are STILL awaiting materials (Tiles)" and it was only reported last month, but I reported this in January, and it was marked as complete, so I complained and they relisted the job. I am at the end of my tether with this and I want to take the council to court for breach of tenancy agreement (As they promise to keep the property in a good state of repair) and they have failed this to the extent that they have threatened the health and safety of our 2 kids. I know you can’t sue government depts. (I.E. Councils) but it is "Sheffield Homes" that I am having the trouble with and they manage the tenancy on behalf of Sheffield Council I really would appreciate some advice. Thanks Kev :mad: (Also Posted on MSE)
  13. Same Here, I dont intend to be offensive, but I just cant see the point of throwing money at a problem like this... I cant begin to think what its like for the mccanns but I also wouldnt leave any of my children unattended, esp to go for a meal (if thats what it was...) I hope she is found alive and well as well as everyone else who is missing
  14. I am really sorry about sounding negative, but I have looked on the "Official Find Madeline McCann Site" and... why are people still donating money??? Has anyone seen the figure on the site? I cant remember nearly a million pounds cheque and a worldwide cruise being given to sarah paynes family I dont see how all that money can really help, sorry.
  15. is it the luton store? i can find out the stores direct managers phone number, keep ringing him 10 times+ a day and soon they will refund your £50... HEALTHCHECKS ARE A GLORIFIED VIRUS SCAN AND HOOVER!!!! DONT BOTHER
  16. Hi, My OH had an account with A&L, and paypal took money out of her account by direct debit instead of her credit card, she was charged a huge sum of money and was on benefits at the time, she lost £80 that was paid into the account from the jobcentre. She argued for 1 month and they closed her account and cleared the balance, her credit file shows a zero balance with no default. Is it still worth complaining and do you think she will get the £80 back and would the account be re-opened? Thanks Kev
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