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  1. I have been waiting for news on the tv or radio as to whether the banks have been told to pay out or not. Nothing! Yet last night on the radio, a lady rang in to say she was having a fab weekend becasue she's just claimed £2k back in bank charges!!!!! My mouth fell open! my 1st claim was paid out in June 2007 but the 2nd claim stayed in Aug 2007 and been waiting ever since, most probably with the rest of the country. Soooooooo can someone please tell me if its all systems go again??? I read the announcement by the Judge but I cant make head nor tail of it as I am just your ordinary person not a legal secretary,lol. those things are designed to confuddle people I'm sure. A very bewildered Jo x
  2. Hello good people, I have previously claimed from HSBC on one of my accounts and I have another on a stay at present. What I wanted to know is, is claiming from the Credit Cards of Capital One the same process? I have got all my statements sent to me so far but wondered if I continue to fill in the same spreadsheet as I did for the bank charges?? Is there any difference in what you can claim back etc etc etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated as we are in debt at the mo and desperately need to lower payments. Thank you in advancce. J
  3. Have you had to apy £65 for the application?? They wrote bak to me asking for it, cnt afford to keep dishing out cash, want it coming back to me! Now wondering whether to write in again, what did you put in your letter hun? Jo x
  4. Rang court and they are sending it back cos I dodnt put proof of benefit into envelope. It didnt actually ask me to send it in! pointed that out to woman. do'h! Has anyone got their stay removed from Blackpool Court????
  5. Ok so I sent in a request for removal of stay. Has anyone had theirs done? has anyone got their court dates? losing all hope with this system at mo. Jo
  6. ok, no word form Court after sending in letter and form to stop the stay. Has anyone else had anything back? feel like I'm being ignored and this is all pointless at mo. God I need this money ! so in the crap at the mo. Need this while I'm off work with my back op! j
  7. pmsl of course I'll try putting in an appeal as well with the GIN! cant believe I put that! do'h!!!
  8. Hi there, I got a stay against my claim with HSBC on 16th. My court dtae was for the 17th so was quite miffed to get it. I am puttin gin an appeal against it but what good it will do is any bodies business. Jo
  9. Thanks for that, so I just send the N244 form that I filled in with one of these covering letters to the court?.? j
  10. Ok so I have filled in the application for removal of stay, do I send it to the court? Do I include a cheque for £35? is that made payable to Blackpool County Court? What is an N!? Sorry but bit flustered today, everything in this house HAS to go wrong at once when the kids are off. Jo
  11. Ok I have a letter from the courts this morning saying that my case has been STAYED. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr So as I have only just got in and read this I better go read up on what I do next. This is a pigging nuisance as could do withthe money NOW! damn bathroom flooded this morning cos stupid overflow pipe had come out of tank and the ballcock had not worked properly! Lovely wet bathroom now, nice. At least I dont have to attend court on our wedding anniversary, hehe. JO
  12. Yup I rang them earlier too. DG havent as yet put in a stay so I'm going on the train of thought that if they were really going to they would've sent it out the same day they sent us their letter! I'll still ring Thursday afternoon if havent heard from DG by then. What time are you in court Friday? Jo
  13. Aww yes please! Hopefully it wont get to that, will print off a letter reoving stay just in case i get to court and they say the banks been in touch. Sperkesister is going on smae day too but hasnt replied to my pm about what time due in court. How r u doing?? jo
  14. Right well the next Court bundle was osted on Thursday but havent heard anything from DG as yet. Thought they might have replied with their snotty letters today. Does this mean they think they are in a good place to put a stay on my court date? Will let you know tomorrow if I hear anything. Court is on Friday at 2pm. JO
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