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  1. Just spoken to the Court Managers Office about my hearing on Friday afternoon. I said I'd had a letter from DG saying that they were applying for a 'stay', he looked up my case on the system and said as far as he could see.. it was still due to be heard on Friday!! Although he did say it was probably worth calling them back on Thursday afternoon... so fingers crossed! I'll keep you posted!
  2. I recieved a letter from DG yesterday saying they were applying for a stay.. I've not recieved an n244 and i'm supposed to be in Court on Friday 17th August in Blackpool!! Gonna call the Court Manager on Monday.. I'll let you know..
  3. Thanks freaky.. DG only sent me a letter.. nothing else. I'm going to ring the Court Manager on Monday to find out exactley what's going on? Thanks for your help xx
  4. Hi Jo, Our letters must have gone out together, but I got my 'we're applying for a stay' letter from DG! But.. I haven't heard anything from the Court, so I'm not entirely sure what happens now?! Hayley
  5. I'll keep you updated too my hearing is on 17th August at Blackpool.. haven't heard anything.. yet.. bundles are done and with the Court and DG.. I'm just waiting.. oh and sweating a bit!!
  6. Thanks, I've just got back from the Post Office, she said there was no point in posting it today, as they couldn't guarantee delivery til Monday!! So I'm gonna deliver the one to the Court by hand tomorrow and the other I'll just post tomorrow.. Not a great deal more I can do. Just glad the whole 'bundle' experience is over! Thanks for all your help by the way.
  7. Got mine to the printers two copies with cover came to £25, but they were 250 sheets each! They look great and they've saved me sooo much time! My bit of advice (having completed mine today) for what it's worth is.. get stuck in, once you start it, it comes together quickly and if you get stuck.. ask! I did... thanks again for all the help I've had
  8. Thanks debbie, god knows how I missed it! Anyway.. here's the finished artical.. all 250 pages of it!! I'm off to the printers and then I'm off to treat myself!! Statement of evidence 3-7 Correspondence from Claimant 8 -19 Correspondence from Defendant 20-23 Bank Statements 24-67 Schedule of charges 68 Relevant Case Law Summary 69-71 Dunlop V New Garage 72-73 Murray V Leisureplay PLC 74-104 Nicole Rich Unfair Fees Report 2004 105-193 BBC Money Programme Bank Commission 194 Parliamentary Early Day Motion 195 BBC Interview with Peter McNamara 196-197 UTCCR 198- 208 UCTA 209- 223 SOGA 224-230 OFT Summary 231-233 Terms & Conditions 234-249 Previously settled claims 250 Thanks everyone for all your help! I've well and truly had my hand held.. couldn't and wouldn't have done it without you.. Final question (well for now).. When I send it to DG, what's the best way to send it and will they allow for the postal strike? It's supposed to effect deliveries for the next few days.. Thanks Hayley
  9. Thanks, In really appreciate the help! I've almost finished but I'm missing the 'Relevant Case Law Summary'. Maybe I've got it and I haven't spotted it.. I got the bundle e mailed to me from someone on here and it's been great. Anyway, here's my index.. I'd appreciate any comments.. I'd really like to number the pages properly then get it off to the printers this afternoon.. but I just want to make sure it's ok! Statement of evidence 3-7 Correspondence from Claimant 8 -19 Correspondence from Defendant 20-23 Bank Statements 24-67 Schedule of charges 68 Dunlop V New Garage 69-70 Murray V Leisureplay PLC 71-100 Nicole Rich Unfair Fees Report 2004 101-189 BBC Money Programme Bank Commission 190 Parliamentary Early Day Motion 191 BBC Interview with Peter McNamara 192-193 UTCCR 194- 205 UCTA 206- 220 SOGA 221-227 OFT Summary 228-230 Terms & Conditions 231-246 Previously settled claims 247
  10. Thanks debbie, I can see a tiny bit of light at the end of the Court Bundle tunnel!! H xx
  11. Thanks Lateralus! I'm gonna take it to the printers.. there's no way I've got time to do it myself. Thanks, I really appreciate all your help.
  12. Thanks.. Got another question I hope someone can help me with about T&Cs!! I opened my account with the Midland Bank when I was about 15 or 16 I think.. so that'd be around 1993-4. Do I include T&Cs from then or from the time I'm claiming? (2001-2005)
  13. Lateralus, Can I just ask.. I'm up to item 4 on the list for the bundle and it says about the litigation.. I've used the link, but do I just include HSBC's concluded claims with claim numbers/amounts etc? Sorry I going a bit stir crazy with it.. I've printed out the main bundle (198 pages) and the SOE and I've run out of ink!! Aaahhh!!! Thanks again! H
  14. Hi kujina, I've got my hearing on the 17th August so my bundle has to be done by Friday.. so I'm a week ahead. Have you managed to find the OFT summary, I can't find it! I'm just printing off the bundle paperwork and I've done my SOE, can't believe how long it all takes! (Thank god I've got the 6 week holidays ~ don't think I could have done this without the time off work!)
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