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Everything posted by Gooders

  1. Hey Kazzaw, Any updates? Really interested in the outcome of this!!! When are you sending in the bailiffs???
  2. Brinkmanship???? Think what you are experiencing is well beyond that, more like flagrant disregard!!! BRING ON THE BAILIFFS
  3. All, Got this through the good old e-mail. Interesting and I have signed the petition, last count 1,277,000 ish. Not sure if this is the right place to put this but think it could do with max publicity. If you drive a car in the UK, please read - Sarah Kennedy was talking about this proposed car tax scheme on Radio 2. Apparently there is only one month left to register your objection to the 'Pay As You Go' road tax. The petition is on the 10 Downing St website but they didn't tell anybody about it. Therefore at the time of Sarah's comments only 250,000 people had signed it and 750,000 signatures are required for the goverment to at least take any notice. Once you've given your details (you don't have to give your full address, just house number and postcode will do), they will send you an email with a link in it. Once you click on that link, you'll have signed the petition. The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it. The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery driver. A non working mother who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in one month. On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit in time you can probably expect a Notice of Intended Prosecution with your monthly bill. If you are concerned about this Orwellian plan and want to stop the constant bashing of the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website (link below) and pass this on to as many people as possible. Sign up if you value your freedom and democratic rights - http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/traveltax Gooders
  4. Well, Having spent quite alot of time over the last month reading through the forum I have decided to take the plunge. Ive started off by tackling my 2 personal accounts with LTSB. Sent the SARs off on 30 Jan and called today to confirm receipt, which they did. However, interestingly the girl did say " I have spoken to your branch and they confirm receipt of the SAR but due to the extremely high number of claims they invisage it will take a few weeks to get the information to you". This as you can imagine set some little alarm bells ringing and I pointed out the 40 day compliance after getting them to confirm they received my letters on 31 Jan! So looks like I am on my way roll on 12 March!!! Following the advice on other threads it is my plan to follow this up with a "polite" letter with about 10 days to go and then the non-compliance if required. Is this necessary to show my willing if this goes further or is it a requirement? As I am using LTSB as my 'test' case(s) I have more coals in the fire: STEP 2 HBOS closed account without notification/authorisation. Informed them of their mistake 1 month ago and still no sight of my money!!!! OUTRIGHT THEFT IMHO:mad: as I have informed them of their error, given them opportunity to refund the money they just decided to take. Now thinking of requesting a 'goodwill' payment for money/daily work rate(1 day off work to sort out and another 1 next week if nothing heard) and expenses in bringing the matter to their attention(was advised that I need to go into the branch by customer services on the phone). Just a thought can I get the police involved??? STEP 3 Student Loan Company, over £7000 in arrears charges! which should be fully paid by summer. Then claim going in for the lot!!! STEP 4 Getting any/all advese notes removed from my Credit Rating I have a felling that this is going to be a long process and will no doubt have lots of questions. Please if you have any comments that will help or support me through the process I would truly appreciate them!!! Gooders
  5. Lucid, Thanks for the reply, (and by the way I have been an avid reader of your thread with LTSB!!!) The problem is, and I will go into more detail if I need to, they closed a 'holding account' without the 30 days notice against the banking code. Now it it is 3 weeks after I had to bring this to their attention I still have not had any information about where my money is etc!!! I am comptemplating going to the local manager and charging them for my time (I was told that I had to go to a local branch by the telephone advisors, this was incorrect(although I did enjoy the irony of the the assistant manager being on hold for 58mins(I timed it) through the same elongated CustSurv phone line we all have to deal with!!!). I feel that I have a decent clai:cool: m against them and although I am VERY angry after getting back to the UK to find this, I feel that I am willing to proceed this if it is in fact against the law. Therefore I need to know if this is indeed theft????????? If it is I have every intention of taking this further! Or am I letting my anger get the better of me???? Please help Gooders:cool:
  6. Hello All, Recently, I have had an account with HBOS closed without prior notice! I am fairly sure that they cannot do this as it is against the Banking Code and in reality it is a form of edited I drew this to the attention of HBOS over 3 weeks ago and still no sign of MY money that they removed!!!! At this point I should state that the account was , I deemed a holding account and was not in regular use (or had been for 2 years). I would have had no problem with closing this account if I had been approached by the bank....what really p****s me off is that no approach was made and that the only way I found out about it was a closure statement when I returned from Afghanistan!!!!!!! Even after I had updated my address information & taken out an ISA in Sept 2006(account was closed whilst I was away in Dec 06)! So with that said, can they do this? Do I have any recourse? Although the amount is fairly trivial can I claim expenses I have incurred due to their [taking] of my money? Any help, advice or even people who have had the same thing done to them would be appreciated. Can't help thinking they get away with doing this all the time and their 'holding pot' just earns them more interest!!!
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