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Everything posted by Lil

  1. Well done, thats great news!! Now they can see its not nice to treat people like that!!
  2. sounds good to me too, good that you have not given them extra time so its there time ticking away!!!! Maybe they were hoping this would give them more time. Good when we fight back isn't it!!
  3. Yes it should go that way, were all behind u!!!
  4. There are mixed feeling over this, some do send it before the 14 days, i decided to stick to the time frames. Sorry if this is not much help!! Someone else will let you know if its any different.
  5. yes just wait now, the next step for me was an acknowledgement from the court and then a letter from them saying A&L intend to defend then payment not long after, hopefully this will go the same way for you...
  6. All you need to do is sit back and wait now...................................
  7. They really tried it on with you didn't they!! If you want to pursue the other charges you could always write back accepting the £458.64 as an interum payment but let them know the amount they have left off will still be pursued. Why should it be down to them to decide what they will pay you and when the matter is closed?? I recon they are getting fed up off having to go through all the court procedures and having to pay interest that they are trying a different approach!! They know we mean business!!!
  8. Hi, follow the link bellow; its in the FAQ's
  9. Just noticed you have another thread started under 'Vampires' Its best to stick to one thread so people can read through your progress and help along the way. If you ask a Moderator they will merge the threads for you. They are the ones with their names in green writing. I'm sure if you ask Caro nicely she will help you.
  10. Hi Ross. Read the FAQ's and there is a list of what to do which is very helpfull. Have a GOOD read around this site even if you have already done so keep looking each time you come on her, you'll be really surprised at what you find each time. It is a very good idea to open another account as A&L will close your account. Any questions/problems just post on here and someone will try and help you best they can. The support from this site is overwhelming, its what got me through. Hope this helps
  11. Got a letter this morning from the A&L and expecting it to be the end statement, BUT it was just a normal statement!!! So much for them closing the account on the 20th............
  12. Hi, Like everyone else says this is a standard letter. You will also notice they do not even have the curtisy to sign the letter!!. Keep going, I had this letter and got paid out after keeping going.........
  13. Good one Lindy!! Keep us informed on how it has gone
  14. Think thats a good idea Brian, still no news on my account closure. Just checked online and can still access my account!!! So much for them closing it.
  15. Hi Brian. Still have not heard about them closing the account and its the 21st today. I will be expecting a letter in the post monday asking for the overdraft back.... I'll keep you posted!!
  16. Just had a look on that site Caro, really good info on there.
  17. They normally send the court and yourself a letter saying they will defend the claim so they get a bit longer then they pay up near their deadline.
  18. Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!! That made me laugh
  19. I read that somewhere too but you just need to wait now and let the courts deal at their time scales. From your threads i think they have untill the 27th October and they will use this time. Don't let them see its bothering you, i know its hard and each day the postie comes seems like months have passed but your gonna have to be patient...... It will come.....
  20. The second bit is for the overdraft interest you have been charged not the interest from the spreadsheet. If you know how much the overdraft interest is then you can claim this. I also got a bit confussed with this so decided to leave that bit out, but its your money so its up to you. Hope this helps.
  21. I will do, my thread is in the 'won' bit and its lil v a&l "won". I'll let u know after the 20th what happens about the overdraft.
  22. Hi Twinmumagain. If you can raise 2 sets of twins and an extra one then this will be a doddle for you!! I think we all think we'll be the ones going to court but the banks would then have to justify the charges. Which on yours is a great example of the charges on a 63p overdraft!! Love to see them try and get out of that one. Your hubby's right, swot up on this site, the more you read the more you get a bit of confidence. Any probs just post it on your thread and someone will answer you best they can. One thing though DON'T BE SCARED its your money so you get it back, and were all here to help and support you. Best of luck to you...... (not that you'll need it!!)
  23. hi nwsm heres a few i had, hope it helps; July 2001 Unpaid cheque charge £27.50 June 2002 paid item charge £25.00 Sept 2002 Failed DD charge £29.50 April 2003 Failed DD charge £29.50 June 2003 Failed cheque charge £29.50 April 2004 Paid item charge £25.00 July 2004 Failed DD charge £29.50 Nov 2004 Failed DD Charge £30.00 Nov 2005 Failed DD charge £34.00 Feb 2006 Failed DD charge £34.00 June 2006 Paid item charge £25.00 Think they charge what they feel at the time by the looks of it!!!! Keep up the good work!!
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