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  1. I've just found out that a payrise has been given to the rest of the company and not to me. I queried and was told yesterday "it says in your contract that your won't be reviewed till 2009". I looked at my copy of the contract last night and it says that my salary will be reviewed in 2008. Went into work today and told them this and they produced the copy of my contract that I'd signed and it says 2009 What can I do about this? Is it just a case that I as I signed the one that says 2009 I'm stuffed, or does the fact that the contracts disagree give me some leverage?
  2. Hi My gf took a secured loan out with Blemain finance in about September 2006 for about £12,000. We're looking to clear this off and I've been doing some searching on the web and found that Blemain can sometimes charge large amounts to clear the loan early. We're desperately trying to find the original loan documents. Does anyone know if Rule 78 will apply to this loan? I've searched on here and other places but can't find any concrete answers. As the loan was for less than £25,000 I assume the CCA will apply. Just want to be straight with our facts in case Blemain try to pull a fast one!
  3. Hi My fiancée wants to get all the information about her mortgage but we're not sure who to ask!! The mortgage is with Southern Pacific but all the letters come from Capstone Mortgages. Any idea please?
  4. That's what I was thinking. Can anyone shed any light on this? If in initial letters asking for the charges back I had included fees for servicing the OD, am I able to remove them from what I claim using MCOL?
  5. Always the way, we'd filled it out using the wrong date, ah well, its only typing Thanks for the advice.
  6. Sent off DP letter asking for list of charges. Got them back at the weekend and now filling in the schedule spreadsheet First question, on the list of charges they sent there are two dates, "Date Incurred" and "Date Applied". Does it matter which of these we use on the spreadsheet?
  7. Hi Sent off the letter (many thanks to this site) to get a list of all my statements from the Woolich. Got a letter back saying that they would send a list of charges and not the full statements, this arrived yesterday. Am I being cynical in thinking that :- a - It won't contain all the charges (some were missed off due to "computer error ). or b - It contains charges that I can't claim for, so if I use this as a basis of calculating the total value it will enable them to say my claim isn't valid. Cheers. Nelly
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