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Everything posted by alibobsy

  1. Ahh got it ims, so its how they break down the award that matters. Ali x
  2. Right so better from a tax point of view if they offer a settlement, but I guess you are probably loosing out on the total paid on these older claims where all the info is not available anyway. Ali x
  3. ims21 can I just ask a quicky (hopefully you are having a great time with your settlement getting ready for crimbo lol). Found an old credit file and it lists an entry for HFC bank, I have no idea where it came from and just in the past assumed it was some kind of debt collector. I think I was reading your thread as HSBC or something, just realised its the same company you claimed against (can you have your first senior moment at 40 rofl). What kind of finance was it? I vaguely remember having a sofa on credit in the 90's was it this kind of thing or a store card? Just want an idea-then will send off a SAR as it sounds like they keep records quite a while. Ali x
  4. I wondered what happens if rather than the standard calculation they give a goodwill payment instead-seen a few older cards/loans where the banks don't have/can't be bothered to find the old statements and negotiate a compensation payment and banks being banks they say its a good will payment in full and final settlement. In that case you can't break down which bit is the "8%", so what would be taxable-the whole amount?, 8% of the total?, allof it? Ali x
  5. I got this address off the rbos website and its listed specifically for PPi complaints: RBOS group 5th Floor Hardman Boulevard Manchester M3 3AQ Got this from their website today fro my claim to go off. Good luck ali x
  6. Got old credit reports and some letters which is how I got the card number, know the rough dates and the balance. But definately a good tip if someone has no info at all. Will post an update when they get back to me, I suspect they will "suddenly" find the paperwork lol. Ali x
  7. Ok so sent further info-managed to trace a few bits of paperwork so could quote a ref for Oh's card, also pointed out no response to rest of SAR. It's now been a month since that letter went off and still nothing. Reminder done for SAR's and am preparing a complaint to the ICO to see if that focusses them. Decided on my card as the info I had allowed me to work out approx dates for the PPI, as well as work out an average figure-based on the balance which I was around the whole period, that I would do a speculative claim anyway whilst they sort out if they can trace any further info. The figure seems a bit high at over 20k, but if they came back and made some kind of "goodwill" gesture anywhere in the ballpark I will be happy with that. Considering a claim for the mortgage insurance with them as well, when looking through the original docs I remebered asking about this, they had automatically quoted us for the MPP and contents/buildings insurance. I asked if we could go elsewhere for these and I was told yes for the house insurance no for ther MPP and I have some evidence for this as they still listed the house insurance on the final mortgage docs and I amended the contract as per my solicitor to remove it before signing-we then had to provide a copy of the contents/building insurance we took out. Clearly had we been informed that the MPP could be taken elsewhere I would have shopped around and done it. Ali x
  8. Well letter and interest calcs for my 2 cards and for Oh's one card sent today, will await their response. Ali x
  9. We have 2 claims with BC both with cards from the late 90's one says can go to FOS one says not with the above as the reason lol. Found a few threads where cards from the same period get one or the other response so they don't seem to know what they are doing. Read on another thread that the OP rang the FOS who said this is incorrect and to refer it anyway. I am giving them one last chance to increase their offer, but we will see. Ali x
  10. I was hoping other people saw it like that. I hope this is just a start position and we can negotiate from here ali x
  11. OK been busy off the forum for a while-OH managed to have an accident and so is unable to work so lost his current contract so working hard looking for bargains/cooking ahead etc to do crimbo on a tight budget. Will update the other threads when I can, but wanted to start my barclaycard thread. Had previously done SAR's about 2 years ago and had argued with them over how many statements they hold. They are still saying only 6 yrs held and as the PPI is going back to the period 97-2000 I decided no point in fresh SAR and to bang in a questionaire for my MC and visa plus OH's visa. Had a couple of we are looking into it letters then finally today a letter to both of us saying complaint upheld (good news) but that as they had no records a "goodwill" payment of £500 was being offered. To be honest this is derisory I think and I won't be accepting it. Taken IMS21's advice on other threads I have made a speculative calculation based on the info I do hold-I know the original start dates and interest rates and the original credit limits which never increased (and we were always at or around those limits), I have all statements from Jan 2001 onwards-none have PPI on unfortunately. But from a couple of old credit reports and the interest applied dates on the later statements I can work out when the PPi roughly ended and the date in the month the PPI will have been applied. I used the 80p in £100 calc to give an average monthly payment then bunged it in the brill spreadsheet from IMS21. So going to do letter now disputing what they offer with the new spreadsheets and see what they say. Ali x
  12. Dx means their signature which is full of brilliant links to info to help you. Send a SAR to each company and they should send you any info they hold on you-black horse are a bit hard work at getting info out of and I am still chasing them on some earlier loans of mine as I have had only part of my SAR info sent. Worth a good look around-get in that attic etc for any info you do have-banks seen to be ale to find things easier if you can at least give them a ref number of some kind, but they should be able to find things from your personal details anyway. The more info you can give them the better. Good luck ali x
  13. Still watching this xboxer, I am still chasing sme stuff for my SAR. But hoping they get it right this time lol. Once I have the paperwork will start my claims. Have established from partial SAR reply and my old bank statements that we are looking at 9 loans. First 3 all refinanced into each other then paid off. New loan refinanced into another 3 then settled early. then 2 more loans at the end. Should add up to a fair bit in the end when I finally get there lol. Hope you hear soon, and its a positive reply with a nice offer, although with black horse i wouldn't hold my breath. Ali x
  14. I have googled to no avail-shed loads of sites mention the review and to get a claim in, but nothing specific regarding our situation and i can't find a copy of the full review. In the end decided to contact the FOS and see what they reckon. I contend that 1) the judicial review is new evidence(and probably states claims should be looked at again) and 2) this is a fresh complaint on new grounds all be it on the same subject-previous complaint was as they had been fined (don't recall having the t & c's as in their fine) and a belief it was added automatically, this new one is also based on the fact that job had a good redundancy/sickness package as well. Will post what the FOS say as it might help others. Ali x
  15. Still looking for help on this one so bumped ali x
  16. Help! Letter re Oh's claim to say its turned down as the have already issued a final response in 2008-don't recall this at all. Looking at the attached copy of the letter from 2008 it seems to be more about complains relating to tem passing it to a DCA when we considered it to be in dispute. There are 2 paragraphs at the end though-one relates to charges and one to PPi. Regadng the PPI it just says you requested it and never queired it on you statements so it stands. They are saying it cannot go to the FOS as the final resonse was in 2008 and is now time barred. Can I respond by saying it is not the same complaint but afresh one relating to the same subject. Surely the recent court case and the OFT guidence/review means I can raise it as a fresh complaint? Our complaint is much more complex now as we only recently became aware that having a good redundancy/sickness package through work makes a difference. Ca we ask for a fresh final response due to new evidence (would both the court case and recent publicity be further evidence?). Ali x
  17. Well I will see what the come back with anyway and take it from there. Something I have considered is if I assume each payment has around 20% PPI (most of my others so far have been 17/18% ish so not unreasonable-especially with roll over loans). I have all my bank statements so certainly for the loans could do a claim based on 20% of each payment into the spreadsheet. Think I have got details relating to interest rates so could make a guesstimate at a reasonable APR then let them challenge it. In my letter I have asked the to confirm dates of destruction, details on what happened and who authorised the destruction, so we will see, perhaps the are just trying it on lol. Ali x
  18. Ims you are such a great help to people on here you deserve a big payout. Even if their figure is a few thousand different you have to weigh up having the case now and what it can do for you-pay bills, earn interest, invest, improve quality of life. this can easily be worth letting a bit slide-you get money now the bank saves a bit in the long run and one less case for the FOS to have to deal with its win win win for all Re the SAR can I check something. RBS are trying the old 6 year thing as well as asking for further info-they are trying to say any account CLOSED more than 6 years ago will have been destroyed. But I reckon the fact we had a current account and later a mortgage means we are current cusomers so surely they will hae kept something. Plus the loans we had were those one pays off the last types and the last one only ended just under 6 years ago so again i reckon it will be linked and held. My question is with your claim were the accounts "live" so to speak or ended more than 6 years ago? I find it hard to believe one bank keeps stuff for years and another just for 6 years. Anyway i have challenged them and given alot of info from my bank statements re payments etc so will wait and see. Ali x
  19. Hmm thanks for those thoughts IMS. I am thinking like you its only worth stiring things up if the PPI claim is higher than the balance outstanding, will hunt out any statements and do some calcs. May leave a while as still ongoing with so many other PPI cases, this may g on the back burner for a bit. Ali x
  20. What appears to be a standard "we are turning you down" letter. they have not addressed any of thepoints I raised on the questionaire and simply state the policy was opted for on the application form so no advice was given- so no miss sale. Isn't that a contracdiction, surely they had a responsibility to ensure any policies were appropriate and sold correctly. Haven't they just admitted they showed no duty of care to customers. Another plus in our favour is the fact when the balance left on this card was sold onto a dca, we served both the OP and the DCA with a CCA requests which they failed-just kept producing made up example forms-no signatures or anything, any other DCA's that wrote got an "OP failed cca in dispute till original agreement produced". Nothing was ever found. If they had the original form-the one they alledge we "requested" PPI on, they would have produced it by now so I reckon good case. Will decide if off to FOS or court. Going to ask for charges and default removal as well as PPI refunds. Ali x
  21. Didn't get anyhting further so contacted them to chase up, gave them the ref number for one of the earlier loans plus the payment and rough date details for the previous loans-will await results. Ali x
  22. Ok further update they ae saying they can't trace a credit card in OH name-no mention of the loans? They ask for further info and waffle on about not keeping data longer than 6 years.My understanding is that they can keep the info as long as its relavent-surely having a current financial link-current account and mortgage with them would make it likely the info hasn't been destroyed. ali x
  23. Still looking for help on this, had a look and seems t have a bunch of statements for each-the majority of statements for one account. So thinking I might do a rough spreadsheet based on an average for the months I don't have to find out how much I could claim back on each for the PPI. If the amount is higher than the balance then it may be worth a challenge-also seem to be some charges applied as well so think the total claim will make it less of a risk and if we go to the FOS I hope to argue the default removal as well. Ali x
  24. Ok well title says it all 2 catalogue accounts that with help from here I did CCA requests which they failed on. One littlewoods, one simply be. Both finally after alot of letters back and forth agreed unenforcable as they did not have a signed agreement SB listed the account as settled on CRA, but littlewoods refused-both refused default removal. Now also realised-from old credit report that I had an earlier littlewoods account which was settled and paid off. Just wondering about PPI and charges, am I rocking the boat as they have not contacted me for over a year and both defaults end in the next 18 months or so? If I do a SAR will it just prompt them to start asking for the money again or is the fact i have the confirmation in writing (as well as the entries on my credit file) to back up my position? A bit torn really on which way to go. Any thoughts? Ali x
  25. Whilst sorting through some old papers looking for stuff to assist with my numerous PPi claims I found a printout of my credit file from equifax in early 2004. Unlike now each card or loan has the reference numbers on! so now my SAR for santander regarding all my old store cards will actually have the reference numbers on, this will stop their arguement that they don't have enough details to trace the old paperwork. Alot of banks etc are trying to say without ref number they can't trace ( i suppose they may have stuff archived in sme way that can only be retrieved via ref numbers but it may just be a fob off lol). Worth a root around for old credit files first I found another black horse loan reference-still chasing them on an incomplete SAR reply and 2 extra store cards I forgot about. When paid on thurs off for another £10 postal order and the SAR will wend its way to Santander yay. Ali x
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