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Everything posted by d1cky

  1. d1cky


    i am claiming against abbey national to reclaim my bank charges. i have taken all appropiate steps correctly up untill my mcol! at the time of writng my particulars of claim i didnt really know exactly wot to write as the site i was using to help me with my claiming bank charges only dealt with the letters up to the mcol. so i had to fill this out without guidance as i hadnt discovered this site! this is wot i wrote in my particulars of claim on mcol: I am claiming against Abbey National plc, for unlawful bank charges 4 the sum of £364. I am also claiming 8% interest which adds up too £64.76 Making a total claim of £428.76 i also ticked yes to "does, or will, your claim include any issues under the humans rights act 1998?" n e way in the mean time i have recieved a letter from abbey offering me half my claim (i have not replied) with a copy of thier deffence. a cpl of days later i recieve my aq, i have filled my aq out using the new strategy and sent a copy of it too abbey and will of had to of handed it back to the courts by wednesday (not yet done). not quite sure wot to do now knowing that my mcol particulars of claim seems too short and brief, ticking yes when i was surposed to tick no. not replying to abbey's offer and the fact that my aq deadline is the 14th. any veiws and comments much appreciated thank you!
  2. i have just filled out pdf version of n1 but when i print it only prints down too 5 c in the particulars of claim. can any body help me?
  3. thanks nick, i think ill wait to see if n e 1 else wants to add to that, i have untill wednesday to give my aq too the court so i supose i have a bit of time to weigh up my options, but i will get all ready incase i do need to amend. ta very grateful for ur thoughts!
  4. sorry again, my origianal was for northampton county court but when i received my aq it was for my local court, do i keep it as it was on my original or do i change it to my local?
  5. thanks michael, also was i suposed to tick yes in "does, or will, your claim include any issues under the humans rights act 1998? because i did! sorry but i have only jus found all this help from this site i was jus trotting along b 4 now not really knowing wot i was doing!
  6. this is wot i wrote in my poc on mcol: i am claiming against abbey national plc, for unlawful bank charges 4 the sum of £364. i am also claiming interest which adds up too £64.76 making a total claim of £428.76 i now realise this was too short and basic. i have also sent a copy of my aq too abbey using the new stratergy, and have untill wednesday to hand it to the court. can anybody help me as too wot i should do pls!
  7. oh damn, only just passed second thought after wot has jus bin written, i was using a different site to this first of all but they only went up to mcol bit, they didnt explain n e thing about wot u had to write or nothing so i tackled this 1 by my self, and in the poc i jus wrote a short very basic paragraph. this is wot i wrote: i am claiming against abbey national plc, for unlawful bank charges 4 the sum of £364. i am also claiming 8% interest which adds up too £64.76 making a total claim of 428.76. i didnt realise u had to go so deeply into the situation, can any body help me as to wot i should do now?
  8. oh damn, only just passed second thought after wot has jus bin written, i was using a different site to this first of all but they only went up to mcol bit, they didnt explain n e thing about wot u had to write or nothing so i tackled this 1 by my self, and in the poc i jus wrote a short very basic paragraph. this is wot i wrote: i am claiming against abbey national plc, for unlawful bank charges 4 the sum of £364. i am also claiming 8% interest which adds up too £64.76 making a total claim of 428.76. i didnt realise u had to go so deeply into the situation, can any body help me as to wot i should do now?
  9. ok, do i still amend the one i send to the courts even if i have already sent the orriganal to the bank, might sound stupid but i dont wana lose on a stupid technicality like that!
  10. yeah it does thanks nick, i wont be doin that then, i take it that means i cant mention that throughout the whole case, bit out ov order thats vital evidence that they are admiting defeat atleast by half! wot do u think on the rest of my passage?
  11. can i jus say the amount of help from u on this site especially 4 me on this thread is astonashing, dnt know wot ppl would do without you, yr great, but jus 1 more thing for the time being, i havnt sent n e thing to abbey about declining the offer, is it jus a case of that they will get the hint when they recieve my aq and draft order? or should i of formally sent a decline and should i still do so?
  12. yeah me too, i have also sent the aq and draft order directions to abbey today i was thinking of waiting till nearer the dead line to hand it too the court, to give the bank a bit more chance too offer me full payment b 4 futher court proceeding, do u think this is a good idea? do u think i should attach the offer from abbey to the aq that i am giving to the court? and i have sent nothing to decline this offer too abbey , is this ok?, or do u think i should write to them i have actually declined?, i mean i am sure they will know what my decision is when they recieve my aq and draft order!
  13. i have had an offer off abbey for half the money im not taking it, i am using the new strategy 4 my aq, has n e 1 done this with abbey yet?
  14. hello gary, do u think its a good idea to send my aq to the bank as soon as pos, and wait a bit later to give it too the courts as to give the bank a bit more time too offer full settlement to me b 4 n e more court proceedings happen? and also i have had half the offer from abbey (i didnt take it) is it worth sending this to the courts with aq?
  15. r u saying to write the blue highlighted bit into section g of n149 wot do i have to attach? or is that it?
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