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Everything posted by Lollipop123

  1. Thanks Guys!! The amount i will claim the second time around will directly offset my overdraft with them so they will have their money back!!
  2. I have asked NatWest why they have allowed my account to go overdrawn on numerous occassions and so far have not had an answer to that question. They just change the subject or say it is my responsibility to manage my account correctly - which is very difficult to do when they are applying charges left right and centre. Natwest, have bounced 2 payments of 5 pounds due to insufficient funds (i was due to get paid the following day) yet the same day taken out the charges that were £38 EACH, which then put me over my overdraft so more fees were applied. I dont call that responsible.
  3. Hi, I'm not sure if i have posted this in the right place or not! I have had a letter back from Natwest offering part of the money i have claimed back which i will reject. However, they have said in their letter that the will only be prepared to pay the money back into my bank account which i no longer use (and is well overdrawn as they have continued to issue charges) Can i ask for the money to be paid in the form of a cheque? Also, as they have continued to apply charges to my account, i would like to claim tham back too, am i allowed to do this or can i only make one claim? Any help and advice would be greatly received!! Thanks
  4. Excellent, thanks all!! I have just spoken to CCCS... They seemed really friendly and helpful and have said that we dont need to put up with any rudeness etc on the phone from them - its a tactic. The lady also suggested i put in a formal complaint.
  5. This is, im afraid going to be a bit long winded! I have used this site loads and it has helped me thus far...now im stuck tho! 1. The beggining... About 3 years ago, i took out a loan with Natwest, at the time, my priority was to get it paid off as soon as possible so it was a shorter period, and high monthly repayments. Just over a year ago, i suffered a bout of physical ill health that has left me with a disabilty and as a result struggled to come to terms with becoming a partially disabled bod. This had a real effect on me in that nothing else mattered expect the fact i couldnt walk properly and life was sooooooo unfair. So, i missed a few payments, didnt deal with my money as well as usual. This year, i was better, felling more positive and was ready to take on the world - well me debts anyway. I had fallen behind, i hadnt spoken to anyone and things were not looking bright. I made an appointment with my bank to re-negotiate my loan over a longer period of time as my brother was moving out and we all now need to chip in more. My thinking was... i re-negotiate my loan over alonger period of time, which means i can pay more rent each moth and still live comforably and with the month off i can bring myself up to date with the other people. I went through all the usual form filling etc, sent them all off and heard nothing. No acceptance, no refusal. I chased up numerous times only to realise for myself that i had been refused. I was at this point living in my overdraft as the amount of charges being applied ot my account were outrageous and it was getting worse each month. So, i opened a new bank account, and am now managing that as well as i usually do. Natwest however, are still applying charges to my account, my over draft with them is now at £600 and it is entirley made up of charges - the account was in credit when i "left". I called them each month to pay my loan and was told that the payment had to come out of my bank account - not be paid off over the phone as i had been doing. They are not prepared to change the billing date to give me a chance to put the money in. And now, have stopped processing the payment to pay off my loan, instead crediting the Current Account. I have applied to reclaim my charges, which they claim will take 6-7 weeks. I had call from someone in their collections department who informed me that i could only go throught the process of reclaiming my account once, i was alos informed that i was obligated to pay the amount i owed them in full immediately - a figure of nigh on £400, which i couldnt afford. Her response was "well then we'll have to default you then" When i questioned why, as i had not refused to pay, just couldnt afford the amount she was saying and asked if it was possible to pay a reduced amount, she sighed and asked how much i was thinking, i replied £250 a month, she immediatley dismissed me as when the account goes to collections, it has to be cleared within 6 months or it goes through as a default. Outcome of that conversation was that i was going to default even to i had agreed to pay. This week, i have had a several calls on my home number, which is very strange as up until now they have only called my mobile. My mum answered the call and informed them i wasnt in, she got basically the thrid degree and was told that i had to call them immediatly about a very urgent matter. Now, im really not liking the way i am being treated or spoken to but thats not so relevant. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do, when i call them back, they are going to want a payment of £600 minimum, which i cant afford, from past experiences they will not exept anything less than this amount. I have asked them for help, and so far its got me nowhere apart from in a state, my home is now being plagued with 6 or 7 calls a day. I dont understand why they have suddenly started calling me at home? Is it a tactic that can be used against me? I have never once ignored their calls or their texts, ive always called them straight back an discussed things with them. Ive done what all the advice ive ever read says to do and that not ignore it and get in contact with them and its got me no-where. I have a sneaky feeling, they are calling me at home so its logged that they have called and ive not been in responsive, when its not true at all... i've not been home! Is it true you can only go through the claims process once? What is going to happen next and how can i get myself out of this mess??? What makes it worse, is im about to give up full time work (as such) and study to be a teacher, i will be working but its likely to be reduced hours and therefore reduced payments. Will the problems im having mean that i cant do this now? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  6. Well at the moment i am getting 8 calls and 2 text messages a day from Capital One. I have sent them the harrassment letter (cheers for that one!!!) but still they continue. I wouldnt mind, but as i put in my letter to them, i have a hearing problem (hopefully temporary) so cant actually hear much. Mind, most of the calls are silent... Whats my next move? the link in the OFT website no longer exists.
  7. All ready done!! Natwest arent impressed as they have still being applying charges and now want them paid ASAP... I'm going to claim back all the charges imposed on my account so far - then they can have the money back (tho i suspect i wont owe them a penny by then!!!) Funny, how they NOW want to help me and have been on the phone non stop to discuss my case....
  8. That was my argument!!! I used to bank with First Direct, sadly it was a joint account with my ex who would spend spend spend (and its meant to be us girlies who are shopaholics!!) They never ever (nor would they when asked) bounced a payment or stopped us from drawing out money. When i seperated from my ex and went back to Natwest i explained what had happened previously and spefically requested that if i didnt have clear funds, no payments were to be made. I am paid monthly so any charges could be paid a couple of days later when my wages had gone in. Was told it wasnt a problem and they would help me manage my money. Sadly, they didnt keep that promise. I really am unhappy and very uneasy about the banks ability to take money out of my account as and when they see fit. I understand and aggree that if i cant afford to pay for something then they payment doest go through and will live with a small charge (tho, as everything these days is computerised, why should there be a charge??) but not to the point where the money they have taken out of my account leaves me unable to survive the month!
  9. Very true... However, i had an issue with my old bank - i specifically asked them not to pay anything unless i had the funds in my account. They took notice and bounced payments totalling £40 and then immediatley charged me £60 for the privilidge. This putting me in my overdraft (which i was hoping to avoid) therefore meaning i cant pay bills the next month and yet magically they still take charges out then too... and so the cycle continues! I think, i might just ask my company if i can be paid in cash each week, least then if i run out of money, its me thats controlling where its gone and not someone else! PS... the lovely bank in question was NatWest!
  10. Funny you should say that,.... My Grandad used to work at a brewery up the road from me. Every Friday, my nan and all the other Wives would be standing outside the gates at their finishing time, take their pay packet and hand them back their weeks spends... If we got paid in cash now a days, i wonder how many wives (and hubby's etc) would be doing the same!
  11. Hey all, I have been looking around this great site for a while now! Thought it was about time i said hello. As with a few peeps here, i have gotten myself in a bit of a pickle financially (with ALOT of help from my ex). am now just trying to find the best way out of it. The worst bit is, i really want to retrain as a teacher. Which means further study, which i cant do as i cant afford to pack up work well, not my current job anyway. So as it stands, i cant retrain to do a better job that we see me earning new money!! Still, i learnt a lesson.... never have a joint account with anyone who doesnt know the value of money!!!!
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