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Posts posted by Patma

  1. Hi Mike,


    I'm in the same boat as you with regard to having rejected an interest rate hike from citicard and now having a bill due to be paid by 29th Nov which I don't know how to pay. Have you phoned the number on the citicard statement? I did and got the message that they have now closed down.

    They give a number to phone 0207 8710464, but I rang that and the automated system wouldn't recognise my account number as belonging to them. Trying to get a real human being to answer was a thankless task, so in the end I gave up.


    I have to say that if I was in your position I wouldn't be paying them anything, but of course that's your decision.

  2. I'm checking out a PCN that a friend has been issued with for "parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours".

    The PCN was stuck on the car windscreen and looks not much bigger than a large receipt.

    On the reverse it has a short section "If you believe that the Penalty should not be paid and wish to challenge" but it does not give any of the grounds upon which a challenge may be launched as is found on the back of a PCN which I got in the post recently and am challenging. There is no photo shown or referred to, just the word of the CEO "who has reason to believe that the following contravention occurred"

    Not having seen one of these mini-sized PCNs I'd be interested to hear any views on it please.

  3. For the record I want to make it clear that I have no knowledge of what has transpired. I have been out of the loop with regards Fred's case since the end of July and so am as in the dark as everyone else.


    When I was told that the appeal was to be heard on 8th October, I was also promised that I would be informed of the result, but that did not happen.

    If I should hear anything, I would immediately report it here, but I'm not holding my breath.


    I just want to make this clear because when I was involved with the case, I was eternally grateful for all the support from so many CAGGERS and came to think of so many of you as friends and I would not deliberately withold information.

  4. I've now received a stack of documents in response to my SAR.

    What they haven't sent are any of the following....


    "Details of any charges added to the account; specifically, the date they were/it was levied, the amount of the charge, a detailed financial breakdown of how the charge was/charges were calculated, and what the charge covers/charges cover.


    "Details of any charges added to the account; specifically, the date they were/it was levied, the amount of the charge, a detailed financial breakdown of how the charge was/charges were calculated, and what the charge covers/charges cover."


    I've alsoreceived the latest statement which shows the refund as promised, but then they've added new charges of £24, £12 of which is for being over the limit, when the statement itself says there is £10 available to spend.:???:

    The SAR accompanying letter begins

    "I write in response to your request for a copy of your consumer credit agreement under S 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974."

    Well of course I didn't ask for it under S 78 but as part of my SAR.

    It goes on to say... " There is no requirement under the CCA to provide a copy of the original signed agreement. We are endeavouring to locate the copy of your signed agreement but please be assured we would not have opened a credit card account without having sight of an agreement...":violin:

    I never entered into any agreement with LTSB because the card was originally an Easycard.

    I'm going to give this some thought now and decide what to do about it.

  5. If its worded as you have yes it is technically invalid, it should say 'the PCN was issued on the basis if evidence provided by an approved device' whilst the cctv mobile unit may be approved that is not what it says on the PCN and that is what is required.


    Thankyou for that green_and_mean, that's very helpful. Having scrutinised the cctv images again, I was wrong in saying that there's no driver visible as my son has shown me that his arm is visible. This means he was definitely in the driver's seat when the footage was taken and as it's impossible to tell from the footage whether the car is moving or not.


    With your latest info about the lack of reference to an approved device, we'll get an appeal in.

  6. The PCN is actually invalid from what you have said but if your friend is willing to pay then you may as well let him/her.


    After checking out the area for signs, my relative has found that there is one stating that loading/unloading is not permitted at any time.

    As I mentioned however this is regularly flouted by taxis and other people picking up outside a Tesco for instance.

    I've now checked out the cctv and it does show the car without any driver in it, so although it doesn't show it moving, it obviously was.

    Do you still say it may be invalid, green_and_mean?

  7. Ok thanks ForestChav and green_and_mean,

    That gives me a much better idea of how things stand. Think I'll just get the driver to pay up then.

    He tells me he was just loading up at the time. It's a pedestrianised area where cars and taxis frequently stop to load/unload passengers and shopping etc. It was a mobile cctv camera which snapped the pics, so I guess they must have decided to clampdown.

  8. Hi, I'd be grateful for any suggestions as to how to deal with a PCN which arrived addressed to me yesterday. The car is registered to me, but I wasn't using it when the PCN was issued.


    It states The following contravention has occurred. Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force"

    "The alleged contravention was captured at the time by Civil Enforcement Officer X who was monitoring real time pictures from the mobile camera unit Mobile XXX at the time stated above. This alleged contravention is supported by video evidence."


    Below that is a picture of the car, but it's impossible to tell whether it's moving or stationary. Also it's not possible to see the driver.


    I've read the stickies about what needs to be on PCN's and it seems to say that if the PCN is posted, as this was, it must state why it wasn't issued at the time. I don't know if I've read that right though. This PCN doesn't mention why it wasn't issued on the spot.Can anyone clarify if I've read this right please?


    Also am I obliged to reveal the name and address of the driver as I was thinking of just writing back and stating that I was not using the vehicle on that day?


    Any advice much appreciated.

  9. :-DWell I seem to have a result.

    Aletter has arrived from a Suzanne Glew, Customer Relations, Brighton saying........


    Thankyou for getting in touch with us. I'm sorry you are unhappy about your account charges.


    Although we haven't changed our opinion about our charging policy, as a gesture of goodwill I'm willing to refund your charges. I will aslo add net interest at an annual gross rate of 8%, so the total amount we're paying is £167...


    This is our final offer. We'll use the refund to reduce any outstanding credit card balance that you've got with us and you'll see this as an adjustment on your next statement.


    I have passed on your concerns about Power2Contact and the issues you have had with your minimum payments onto our Hove Customer Relations Centre as they are the best people to help you.


    I hope you understand my reasons for declining your complaint. However if you remain unhappy please treat this letter as our final response. etc etc.........



    they are refunding their charges but declining my complaint.... :???: whatever....


    I've also had a wholly unapologetic reply from P2C in which they claim they have every right to come visit me and it's up to LTSB whether they stop or not.


    I'm waiting for the results of my SAR to see if they come up with any sort of agreement.

    One thing I don't understand is what is the legal basis for these charges?

    I've never agreed to be subject to them and surely you can't have a one-sided contract or can you?


    Presumably as the letter doesn't agree to stop applying penalty charges in the future there'll be new ones forthcoming as I only paid a token amount this month again, pending the arrival of the SAR so I can assess the situation properly.


    Onwards and upwards :wink:

  10. I arrived home yesterday afternoon to find a hand-delivered envelope pushed through the door addressed to "The Occupier".



    Inside was a postcard from Power2Connect demanding that the occupier phone 07980913028 within the next 24 hours to avoid further action

    .What a cheek!!


    I've also had a letter from LTSB about my complaint from a Mark Sexton of customer services.


    This is what it says......


    Thankyou for getting in touch with us. I'm sorry you're unhappy about your account charges.


    Because of the Office of Fair Trading's (OFT) statement of 5th April 2006, you believe certain charges we have made to your account are unlawful. You would therefore like them refunded.


    Most of our credit card services are completely free and your card provides a convenient method of payment. We do, however, make a charge if you pay us late, go over your agreed limit, or if we have to tell you that a payment hasn't been made. All these matters cause us extra cost.


    We tell you about these charges on your monthly statement.

    Details can also be found on our website or by contacting our branch staff or telephone helpline. Your statement also shows the minimum payment required, the payment date and the credit limit, so you should find it easy to stick to the terms and conditions you have agreed to.


    As you may be aware, the OFT's view is that a charge of £12 is fair and reasonable.

    I've reviewed our records and can see that we've only applied charges of £12 to your account. Because of this we are not in a position to offer you a refund.


    The OFT's statement is their view of the principles they think credit card issuers should follow and we believe our charging policy is fair. Ultimately only a court can decide whether a term is unfair in legal terms.


    I'm sorry we don't feel able to agree to your complaint but if you have any new information that you feel may lead me to reconsider my decision please let me know.


    If my response doesn't fully explain my decision, please come back to me. If we're unable to resolve any ongoing concerns you'll be able to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service for help.


    As long as you are happy with the way I've dealt with your complaint, there's no need for you to reply to my letter. If I haven't heard from you within eight weeks from the date of this letter I will close my file.


    Yours Sincerely,


    Mark Sexton


    I think I've got a rough idea of what to say in reply along the lines of the fact that I am awaiting a breakdown of how they arrive at a charge of £12 and cannot agree that their charges are fair until I have that information.



    I also have no evidence that I have agreed to their conditions until I have a copy of the signed excecuted agreement between us.


    Also that it pushes a person further into debt to have extra caharges added onto the minimum payment which is not in the interests of either party.


    I've just spoken to my next door neighbour and discovered that the snoop from power2connect went to her house grilling her about me.



    He wanted to know did I work, was I married and who else lives in the house.

    It wouldn't surprise me if she told him everything he wanted to know.

    She said he had a bullying manner and wasn't "a nice man".

    Finding this out has made me even more furious now.

  11. Today two letters have arrived. One is from LTSB Customer Relations and is the standard "sorry you have had cause to complain letter" and the second is something I haven't come across before. It's from "power 2contact" regarding LTSB credit card and says...




    LLOYDS TSB has engaged power 2 contact Ltd to act on it's behalf in relation to accounts such as yours where it has lost contact with accountholders. Power2contact Ltd is a specialist customer contact company with many years experience of getting in touch with customers and putting them back in contact with the bank.


    We at power 2contact Ltd understand how easy it is to lse contact and we want to work with you to help rebuild your relationship with LLOYDS TSB.


    LLOYDS TSB records indicate that, despite a number of attempts, they have not been able to establish contact with you. They request that you get in touch by calling them on 0845 600 6392 immediately.


    If you fail to contact LLOYDS TSB within 3 working days of the date of this letter, we will instruct one of our Contact Managers to visit you at the above address to discuss and hopefully resolve the matter with you.


    Yours Sincerely,


    K. Hillyer


    Now it's nonsense saying that they have lost touch with me as I have written to them and have the evidence of a reply, but what they don't have :madgrin: is my telephone number and I'm not about to give it to them.


    I shall reply to power2contact and point out that there is no loss of contact taking place,that I only intend to communicate in writing with LTSB and that I do not give them permission to visit me.Has anyone else come across this crew from Crewe?

  12. I've heard from Fred that there is to be an appeal hearing on Friday 8th October in Exeter. His very experienced McKenzie friend will be accompanying him. Everything is as ready as it can be.

    I'll let you all know the outcome. All my fingers and toes will be crossed as I guess lots of yours will be.:grouphug:

  13. Hi dx, Great to hear from you.

    Longtime indeed.



    The other thing we've had contact about is still ongoing but waiting in limbo, so nothing can be said unfortunately.


    About these charges which have piled up and made the minimum payments enormous.



    I didn't pay the last one at all,

    because I knew that by just paying the normal minimum,

    they would still add their extra charges on,

    which I have no intention of paying / can't pay.


    Should I make a minimum payment albeit late,

    or withold it for now,

    send off a CCA,

    SAR and tell them I am claiming back my charges?

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