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Posts posted by Patma

  1. Yesterday I also got a letter from RMA who are dealing with the Mastercard debt. So far I have had no response to my CCA request or my telephone harrassment letter from them. This is the letter. They are now in default with the CCA request because it was received by them on 21 st November.


    This whole situation is crazy because I've been paying thse debts for over 9 years and my payments are up to date. Suddenly in mid November, they started hassling me and claiming I have ignored letters and default notices from Barclaycard which I have never received.

    I wrote to them with my CCA request and also asked for a full statement of account because I have never even had a single statement in all those years. The only response to that was to tell me a balance, which I don't regard as satisfactory as I want to know that all the payments I've made have been credited to my account.

    I am so glad to be able to share all this with you all. Thankyou so much for all your help. I look forward to seeing what you think of it.

    Best wishes,


  2. Sorry the application form is hard to read. If it isn't, I'll be happy to translate what it says and post that.


    As far as Calder Financial is concerned, according to their correspondence they are Mercers Debt Collections trading as Calder Financial.

    I got the following letter from them yesterday, which came in the same post as the application form above, so I'd welcome any advice about to handle it. A letter has just arrived 5 minutes ago from a local Debt Collection Agency they've appointed by the name of Scotcall demanding I phone Calder immediately or they will send someone round for a pre-legal visit. Here's the Calder letter.....


    All the Best, Patma

  3. Hi, I've now had one response to my CCA request. Barclaycard have sent me "A signed copy of my Application Credit Card Agreement". I would like to post it on the forum to get feedback on whether it's likely to be a properly executed agreement, but I can't figure out how to do that. I'm a bit dim when it comes to computer stuff, so please can anyone explain to me how to go about it?

    So far I've managed to scan it into the computer, blank out personal details and have uploaded it as an attachment.When I try attaching it to a post, it comes out very small though.

    I've also had letters today from Calders and RMA, both of which I would like to post and ask about if poss.

    Thanks Patma

  4. Here's an update. I sent my request for a copy of the CCA to Barclaycard, with my postal order for £!. I've checked online and it has been signed for as of 21.11.07, so the clock is ticking.

    DCA'S are still phoning every day, but I haven't been answering them. They keep leaving urgent messages on the answering service though, so now I've set myself up with a dictaphone and speakerphone, so am going to be answering calls, from tomorrow.(Should be fun!;) )


    I got the card and also a Mastercard round about 1985, followed a few years later by a thing called Barclaycard Reserve. I defaulted on all three, round about 1998 and have been making interest-free payments ever since. I plan to send CCA requests off for the other two Barclays cards tomorrow and also to Lloyds TSB (administered by BLS Collections and dating back to late 80s) and Marks and Spencer Chargecard (administered by Rockwell). The sums I now owe are down to a few hundred on each card, so I'm hoping I might be able to negotiate some settlements at the very least, or even perhaps get them wiped out. We'll see. I've been reading your Barclay's story, Diskmandave and think you've done brilliantly. It's such a help to read all the inspiring stories from so many of you and I'm beginning to feel a bit less wimpish about this whole thing.

    Thanks to everyone who's got me started. :D Patma

  5. Hi,

    I've spent several hours reading posts to get my head around what actions I need to take, but I confess I'm getting a bit confused, so would much appreciate some advice from some of you seasoned members.


    Basically what's happened is that, out of the blue on Friday, I got a very unpleasant phone call from a woman at a DCA by the name of Calder Financial, She informed me that, I had failed to respond to a demand for increased payments to a debt I have with Barclaycard, or to a Default Notice they had supposedly issued. The call was typical of others I have now read about on the forums and it ended with me telling her not to phone me again and to put anything she had to say in writing.


    I have been maintaining payments to Barclaycard for about 9 years on a no-interest basis after getting into financial difficulties due to being a single parent and health problems. I didn't receive any demand from Barclaycard to increase payments or the Default Notice I was accused of ignoring and I have been making payments as normal.


    The day after the abusive phone call I did get a letter from Barclaycard headed "FORMAL DEMAND" and ordering me to contact Calder Financial to pay the balance outstanding of £745.78 in full.


    Today I have also had a missed call from yet another DCA (RMA) and don't know why.


    As far as I can see, my first course of action is to request a copy of the CCA, but I'm not sure who to request it from and what to do next. Also I would very much like to know if Barclaycard are within their rights to ignore my request for a statement of what I have paid in the last 9years, as since interest payments were suspended I haven't received a single one. I wrote to them requesting a full statement some months ago but was completely ignored.


    I live on income support and disability benefits so can't pay Barclaycard in full as demanded and to be honest I'm feeling really worried about all this., so would really grateful for any suggestions.

    Thanks, Patma

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