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Everything posted by sadie123

  1. Thanks noomill060, will do it this week. I know they have paid out before so how can they still try and get away with not repaying the charges. Surely if it gets to court the fact that they have settled other claims should have an impact on any decision. I take it they are just trying to put as many people off as possible. There must be thousands of people now looking their money back from them. Sadie
  2. I have just received a letter from First Trust today telling me that the charges where all agreed at the time and they have investigated fully and find no fault on their part. Do I just now file the claim. sadie
  3. Im not sure I would phone their customer services number and ask why!!
  4. Hi Just reading some of the threads regarding recorded mail to First Trust. I know that all there mail is diverted from the local branches and sent to a central head office. eg If I post something for the Holywood branch, they will not receive it. First trust pay for a divert service in which the mail is put into an envelope and diverted to, i think it is ann street. So if the recorded items are going through the system they are being placed in a sealed envelope and diverted. That would explain why they are being received and not signed for. The best thing to do would be send the letter special delivery as this would not be placed in the envelope and would be signed for.
  5. Thanks for that. Keep you all updated. Sadie
  6. Hello The quarterly charges that I am referring to are the ones which If you use your authorised overdraft by even £1.00 at any time in the quarter First Trust charged for ever transaction that was made within that quarter on the account, amounting to as much as £40-00 to £60-00 pounds each quarter. I had already paid an arrangement fee for the overdraft at the being of the year and this was a yearly charge so why should I pay twice. Going down the unreasonable route, see where is takes me. In for a penny in for a pound. Sadie
  7. Hi Just an update. Received notification last week that First Trust where looking into my request and would furnish me with the requested information within 40 days. I replied to this letter detailing that the 40 days had started from the date of my first request and gave them 7 days from the date of the letter to comply. Before the week was up the details of my charges had arrived. Just over £1500, however, I have noticed that this figure does not include the quarterly charges imposed on the account for using my authorised overdraft. So will be checking these out and adding the total to the amount already calculated. Sadie
  8. eratu13, Yip, that's what the cheque was for and the letter that was sent along with the cheque explained everything. First Trust were never the sharpest tool in the box anyway. Second letter sent today reminding them that the clock is still ticking, so we will wait and see. They have got until the 13th Feb to respond.
  9. eratu13 Wasnt even a letter chq was sent back with a compliment slip hand written note:- WE HAVE RECEIVED THIS CHEQ FROM YOUR CUSTOMER (chq out of abbey account as have already changed banks) HOWEVER THERE IS NO ACCOUNT NUMBER PROVIDED TO LODGE IT TO. PERHAPS YOU COULD RETURN THIS CHQ TO THE CUSTOMER ASKING THEM TO UPDATE THESE DETAILS. Chq was returned to abbey to be forwarded onto me. Will be re sending chq tomorrow, and try again, cheers.
  10. hi, i have just received my cheque back from first trust telling me that there is no account number provided to lodge it to. I take it this is to try and put me off. What next? Help!!
  11. thanks will keep u posted on my progress
  12. Hi I have just sent off my letter to First Trust requesting info under data protection. Has anyone been successful with there claim as yet.
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