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Everything posted by misf1

  1. Yes it's for the same account, a catalogue I opened in 2003.
  2. Hi all I have received a claim form from Restons Solicitors on behalf of arrow global for a debt from 2003. Arrow say they purchased it in 2011 and I remember a claim form from them in 2012 with Bryan Carter. I'm pretty sure it's the same alleged debt but it was statute barred in 2012 it still is now. This debt is 14 years old. They've tried before it's no different now. I've asked them for the prove it and also made my defence of statue barred. I just wanted to know, can they keep filing claim forms with Northampton county court? or is this harassment because arrow has already been told once that it's statute barred. Thanks in advance
  3. Yes am just waiting for them to send the info. As soon as I have it will try to get the CCJ set aside
  4. I paid a debt management company to pay off my debt. I paid fenton cooper for a few debts, but they have no record of the payments for this debt with the DCM, so the proof they produced was for a different debt which was with fenton cooper
  5. can they remove it totally or just mark it as satisfied?
  6. Yes they've just taken a payment. I have written to them to ask for proof that the debt is legally theirs to claim. I am also looking into setting aside the CCJ. I suffered depression and had to have months off work following this and now I feel ready to fight against it. I asked fenton cooper for proof that the debt was paid, they gave a list before but I was paying more than one debt to fenton cooper and they could not prove that the debt was paid against the blackhorse loan. I did claim the PPI on the blackhorse loan but was turned down. They have now written to me again to say they will be paying my PPI back all £1100 of it
  7. I had a CCJ issued to fenton cooper. They have now sold this to capquest. My problem is I didn't know about it and capquest are all of a sudden taking the payments from my bank account. Can fenton cooper do this, sell my bank details with the CCJ? I would have thought this was a data protection issue. Although I admit I don't know that much about these things.
  8. I have contacted them and offered them 800 to be paid over 4 months, they have accepted this. They said if it's not paid they will go straight to a judgement. I'm not sure what happens now? Will they withdraw the claim? Do I have to do anything?
  9. Thank you. Looks like I'm doomed to get a ccj for the full amount
  10. I think I've done this right. I've attached everything they have sent me for this claim
  11. Sorry, i'm confused too. They sent me a letter february 2012 asking for the money in full I sent an SB letter, they sent me a letter stating it wasn't SB and included all the agreements and spreadsheet schedule of payments and that was it I heard nothing more until December when they called me about a debt, I didn't know what they were taking about as they were very vague on the phone a nd they sent me all this information again. I wrote back and they ignored it, the next thing I know I have a court claim.
  12. They sent it before the summons. I replied but they ignored and I had a claim form through the post
  13. They also sent me a spreadsheet of payments made by the Debt management people, it consists of dates 2006-2011 and the amount paid and the name of the DMP. They've also sent a copy of the direct debit I signed with the agreement. A list of payments, interest and fees from black horse from 2005-2006
  14. I received a default notice from black horse in 2006 but they haven't sent me a copy as part of the claim. They sent me a copy of the agreement , I do not have nor have never recieved a notice of assignment from AG
  15. The claimants claim against the defendant misf1 the sum of 1000 due under the following account -*********- 1000 assigned to the claimant by Lloyds Black Horse Ltd, notice of which has been provided to the defendant. They haven't attached anything else to the claim, they just sent me some stuff in the post
  16. I don't think so but I don't know. It was all done through a debt management plan. I didn't think I included this debt but I may have had others with Fenton cooper that were with the debt management plan. I want to pay the money I just dont want a CCJ and I want all the charges like PPI taken off.
  17. I was also mis sold PPI on the loan but when approaching the original lender they refused my claim a year or so ago. The print off of the payments from 2011 show nothing really, not my name, no bank info, just a list of dates and amounts and the name of a DMP company which payments are said to have come from, no account number no nothing.
  18. I have received a claim through Northampton court for a very old debt, they claim it is not statute barred as there were payments made a couple of years ago. I thought once a default had fallen off your credit file as it was over 6 years old that it was SB. They've sent me lists of payments made through a DCA. I contacted them and offered payment in installments if they withdrew the court claim, they agreed and then when I sent them my income and expenditure they agreed to take installments through the court as part of the CCJ which I have been trying to avoid. They said they would only stop the court claim if I paid in full now. I explained I don't have the money to pay now or I would. The court claim is very vague and I was wondering if I could defend the claim in some way and then be able to set up payments and totally avoid the CCJ. I have only just seen the default fall off my credit file and to have a CCJ now would mean my credit file has taken a hammering for 12 years (once the CCJ falls off). Any help would be grately appriciated as I don't have long to file a defence now as I've been talking to the DCA's legal team.
  19. The MRHA have recalled the french made breast implants called PIP see here Medical Device Alerts : MHRA Many women have had these implants and have been told to contact their companies/surgeon. However everyone seems to be in limbo as to what to do. Clinics are telling people that they should wait until the safety of the implant gel has been tested and that their aftercare policy will cover them if they have a rupture. I do not have these implants but I know people that do, so am asking if anyone has any advice on their behalf. Where would the stand legally, their company has sold them a product which hasn't even been medically tested for saftey. Can they request free operations to replace these implants? Have they been mis sold a product? Can they claim compensation from the clinics? or health regulatory body in france/UK.
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