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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/22 in all areas

  1. Update. After sending the dealers 'solicitor' a copy of the advert and a copy of the Mercedes build list, i received a call from a 'legal eagle'. He said not to go ahead with my planned Court action, he will sort it out. After 1/2hour i had a call from the dealer to arrange collection of the car and refund. This matter was concluded last week to my satisfaction, full refund. Thanks all for your advice and time. Regards Catter
    3 points
  2. Why bother with the uncertainty and hassle of suing DPD? Isn't Game simply liable under s29 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015? All the OP needs to point out - again - to Game is: 29 Passing of risk (1)A sales contract is to be treated as including the following provisions as terms. (2)The goods remain at the trader’s risk until they come into the physical possession of— (a)the consumer, or...
    2 points
  3. well answer them then can't hurt you. it's probably the india call centre scammers wanting to fix MS windows security issues, sell you a warranty for white goods you dont have or alike. redwood collections aren't one of the usual dca's involved in speculative invoices and even then we don't see phonecalls on many SI threads that are only at your very early stage. type in redwood and you'll see its mainly student fees. dx
    1 point
  4. Peston has spotted that the Department of Health has buried in a document that it's made nearly £9bn loss on £12bn spent on PPE. Such a waste of money. https://twitter.com/Peston/status/1488494435679838209?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1488494435679838209|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fpolitics%2Flive%2F2022%2Ffeb%2F01%2Fboris-johnson-news-sue-gray-report-partygate-covid-coronavirus-keir-starmer-live-updates
    1 point
  5. Thanks noted!!. Update: I have now got a mediation date for next week. I have accepted and will update the thread of the outcome.
    1 point
  6. I'm afraid it is extremely likely that you will have to do sue DPD in the County Court. Don't worry it won't be difficult. We will help you and I expect that you will win. Have you got evidence that you asked them to leave the console with your neighbours? Please start reading up on the stories on the Hermes sub- forum – the Hermes stories because the route that is taken with Hermes will be the same route that you have to take. Read up fairly thoroughly – probably a couple of dozen stories and then come back here and we will help you get started.
    1 point
  7. Just an update - Hermes as a tactic didn't upload their response to Money Claims on this. They seem to have posted it. This therefore went to the County Court Business centre around the 18th of January, but can't do anything via Money Claims online - will have to wait for the paperwork to come through.
    1 point
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