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  1. The senior managers dealing with this have been on holiday back today, however it has come apparent Lloyds are unsure what to do, as they are well aware the have tried to cover up DSAR information, they made a five figure settlement for the first part, but due to what we have now found out this should of been six figures. As Lloyds are unsure what to do we will be posting a full update within the next week with evidence of what they have done, this will bring criminal charges against a number of the SMT at Lloyds. They think I'll go away but so far this has gone 2.5 years and I'm now ready to publish
    2 points
  2. Another requirement should be that when a parking company has been banned from using the DVLA then while they are banned, they cannot issue parking tickets during that time. Neither can they pursue any motorist after the DVLA reinstates its status for any tickets that were issued during theuir shutdown-for instance if they were a bit slow in shutting down a car park when first banned.
    1 point
  3. Where have you got the idea any debt can have bailiff s involved before you've lost in court????lll you paid, just because their stupid system shows an extra mystery payment and your reg not having paid, is not your problem!! there are numerous wrong or missing reg number threads here already none have ever gone to court and even if yours did they would have to disclose their data that will prove them wrong or they lose anyway.
    1 point
  4. Tony Abbott probably needs to hope he never becomes old and infirm. I wonder if he would like to be subjected to the kind of treatment he's suggesting or would want that for his elderly parents or relatives.
    1 point
  5. As they didn't respond, I would be inclined to resend your first response to their LoC just so they can't sat that they never received the first one. I would also point out that as this is the second LoC you could ask if this another one of a series or are they so useless that they don't even know that they sent you one last year.
    1 point
  6. Not been to court as yet but have just finished the bundle to submit for a six figure sum which highlights everything they have done, which we have also notified the press of. I feel the same as many others about the banks thinking they are above the law, as I have something so concrete it's time to make a show. Lloyds really do not know what they are dealing with taking someone like me on, hence why this has been worked on for so many years.
    1 point
  7. Another one who wants to cull the elderly, what next Soylent Green, waste not want not eh?
    0 points
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