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  1. This may have been posted on here previously, but I picked it on Facebook this morning - it reportedly originated on MSE forums. DJ Harvey, at Lewes County Court, dismissed the claim of One Parking Solutions and was rather scathing of OPS in their judgement. It's well worth a read if you've not read it before. There are some real nuggets in there that will be of use to us mere mortals. One Parking Solution v Ms W 5 Feb 2020.pdf
    5 points
  2. Try this hopefully it's better for everyone
    2 points
  3. I see they define one of the possible ways to force the use of the app on people I was loath to list some, but as its started - another is that you can't go on public transport or a plane or public buildings without it. eg you are self isolated and locked down, without any support or help - or you install the tracking app and might be allowed out and might get some benefits while you are locked down. It wont help anything as its all based on self diagnosis whether accurate, honest. malicious ... or not - No actual testing, no actual diagnosis - just an excuse to track you and who you come within somewhere between
    2 points
  4. Very very sorry, I'm abit outdated, my phone is very old and slow and no access to pc or laptop I will do my very best to send over the best quality of things as I can
    1 point
  5. It's nothing to do with me. I just found it on a parking tickets group that I keep an eye on (albeit I far prefer the tone and content of CAG on this subject - by a long shot) and, as it had originated on MSE forum, I would expect there'll be some updates posted on there. I haven't had a chance to look yet, but I can't imagine it being too hard to find. It's a good one though. I have to say, it all felt a bit surreal when I read it. You become accustomed to the constant fear of 'judge lottery' and then along comes this little beauty to brighten up your day.
    1 point
  6. No need to phone the pdl co... why? off to the fos then follow our irl guide
    1 point
  7. dont agree that you will have a hard time getting a set aside, you get it almost automatically as long as you have some sort of defence to the original claim and that defence doesnt have to be bullet proof, just not hopeless or frivolous. So you have read up on VCS at this site and you need to get piccies of the sigange there, either your own or some lifted from another source that are contemporary to the time of the claim. Now also read up on Simon renshaw-Smith and Excel parking and look at the signs carefully and see who you would have entered a contract with at the time. So get your evidence sorted so y
    1 point
  8. Thank you FTMDave - had to do plenty of research just to get my head around all of this! and how the likes of Simple Simon can try to get away with this! Yes exactly my thinking in terms of paying off the CCJ - it doesn't benefit me now and only him! That's great advice - thank you, I will keep tabs on what happens there and use that for a later steer! What I will do is write to my MP in the mean time, and will also write to the landlord too complaining about this. Thanks again.
    1 point
  9. The Sunday Times had an article about care homes in the Covid crisis yesterday. I'm posting a link that shows the start of the article but sadly it has a paywall at the moment. The first couple of paragraphs don't read well though @anandMenon1 tweeted a bit more of it. 'The government was asleep at the wheel. We were sent a public health document on March 13, which said that if any of our residents got significantly ill, they wouldn't be allowed into hospital and would have to die in their home. We've never read anything like it. Elderly people weren't a priority. The government's thinking was: care homes w
    1 point
  10. Should be OK can make general comments and edit names out don't want a right hassle from this, it could potential;ly blow up in the PPC's faces now one has been robustly tolchocked by a DJ forensically picking their claim apart.
    1 point
  11. If a vaccine was offered by UK Government in say October 2020 with less than normal trials being conducted before it was given the go ahead by regulators, how many of you would be willing to have the vaccine or allow your Children to receive it ? Personally I would be very reluctant to have such a vaccine until a large number of people had received it and there was no evidence emerging that it had caused serious side effects.
    1 point
  12. That app is deffo a disaster https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/05/14/nhs_contact_tracing_app/
    0 points
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