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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/10/19 in Posts

  1. The council of ministers is made up of democratically elected ministers from the member states. The European Parliament is made up of democratically elected representatives of each member state and are proportional to that state's size. These are the people who make, pass and agree any legislation so yes it is democratic https://europa.eu/european-union/eu-law/decision-making/procedures_en In fact the EU is probably more democratic than our outdated FPTP system
    2 points
  2. Evening All! I've amended to reflect @brassnecked's comments (as per post #86, simply changed "mitigating circumstances" to "facts"). Everyone keeps suggesting @ericsbrother should give it the once-over but time is running short - I'm out of the country for a week from tomorrow morning, and my return will fall inside the 14 day period that the WS must be served - i.e. too late! I don't want this to sound like an ultimatum, but if EB hasn't replied by mid morning tomorrow, I am going to have to send it with or without his blessing. Best Regards, --skeet23
    1 point
  3. You could start a small claim with a good chance of winning - but you would have to travel to their local court and if you lose, then you lose your claim fee and hearing fee as well - probably about £150 - plus you lose travel costs and time. If for some reason there has to be a further hearing you will have to travel again
    1 point
  4. If the parasol caught fire because your bonfire was too hot I'm sure the neighbour would be jumping up and down in a purple rage. ow as for the concreted area, if you dont use it as access yu could put a couple of posts into it to stop him from crossing it with a vehicle and so on but I would just keep on nagging the council to investigate the nuisance and try and get them to hand out one of the new style ASBOS's. Both they and thel police have the powers to do so and you can as well but it means spending money on a civil suit. Noise nuisance requires a certain level of DbA and DbB at certain times of day and be conti
    1 point
  5. just sent the owner a cancellation LETTER by royal mail allow ONE further payment of the monthly DD [30 days notice] then ignore them all dx
    1 point
  6. I wouldn't want to be a constitutional lawyer at the moment - they faced being damed if they do and damned if they don't. I remember some very anti judges front pages not that long ago with personal details splashed across the DM's front pages - we all know being a woman/BME/gay means any opinions are invalid (no we don't but you know what I am getting at).
    1 point
  7. Seems that EMC website is down or been deleted "SHARKS"
    1 point
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