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  1. Hi guys, new to the site and looking for some advice please help i work in a 'premium' high street retailer part time and have done for 18 months, during my time here i have worked so hard and my previous manager, deputy store manager and supervisors all sing my praises and have never had said a bad word or had an issue with me. I work extremely hard and do above what is expected of me, do overtime when needed, cover staff illnesses etc. two weeks ago a new line manager was appointed to my department, i instantly raised my issues about this to my previous line manager as i went to school with this girl and wondered if this would be a problem as when she was manager at another retailer and had worked with my ex boyfriend. (sorry for personal details but feel this is relevant) my previous manager told me not to worry, stick it out for a few weeks and see how i got on. So saturday the 13th i approached my new line manager asking her if it was possible for me to have the next saturday 20th off work either unpaid or as a holiday as I just found out i was moving into a new flat and had to sign my lease this day, also it was my 21st birthday that weekend. I asked her this at 6.10, 20 minutes before the store closed and she shouted at me, saying i should have discussed this earlier on in the day when other staff were in so she could arrange cover, the reason i did not do so is because it was a saturday, our busiest day of the week and i did not see her all day apart from when she or I was busy. She said the only way i could have it off was if i arranged cover, please note previously we never had to arrange cover, with a big store like this there is always enough staff for you to just simply take the day off, also since joining my department she never once told us what her rules were about taking days off, holidays etc. i left it after that and tried to arrange with my landlord another day to meet, sadly this was not possible and the next time i was working was friday 19th, i presumed she would be in and planned on speaking to her that day, importunately she wasnt so i discussed the matter with my supervisor and another manager. the other manager told me to contact her on her mobile to ask her about the situation but my supervisor told me there was no point as she doesnt 'appreciate' phone calls on her day off. as wrong as it was i did not come to work on saturday 20th, i had left a letter explaining and phoned her in the morning to explain the circumstances she was ok and said she would discuss it when i was back to work on the wednesday. worked with her wednesday and thursday and there was no mention of the situation. Then on friday 26th another manager asked me to come to the office where i was handed a brown envelope, inviting me to a disciplinary meeting on saturday 27th. Please note, this document was dated 23rd August, i was not given it till 3pm on 26th august despite having worked 24th and 25th secondly it had been lying on a desk in an office used by all members of staff. i had less than 24 hours till my meeting, when i went to the meeting i argued my case while she made me feel like i was 5 years old again. she then decided to issue me with a written warning which i feel unfair. Also after this meeting finishshe began to say 'off the record' as she put it she didnt have anything against me, she cant rmemeber anyone from school and she really wants me to do well etc as she had heard how hard i have worked and that i basically hold my department together despite being just a sales advisor on £6 ph. I wish to appeal to my store manager which she said i am allowed to do. my points are - i feel a personal issue is here somewhere, i have never even been close to any disciplinary action in my 18 months here, 1 week after she joins my dept this happens. - the document was left lying in an office for 3 days before issued to me, which i am embarrassed about as it was probably seen by many members of staff - i was not given 24 hours before my meeting, therefore did not have enough time to prepare - she did not mention anything about the situation or how to resolve it before the meeting - she did not outline expectations of how long we had to put in notice for a holiday - i only wanted 1 day off, not much when you consider the amount of my free time i devote to the company, unpaid i know i did take the day off without permission but do i have anything to stand on if i appeal? So sorry about the length of this post ! thanks
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