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  1. Hi guys; i am really desperate for some help. I will start from the beginning and briefly explained the situation. I started working for this company 4 years ago. The first year i was a full time employee and worked 35 hours shift a week. A year later, i started university and i have asked for flexibility, i was given it right away by my current Manager and HR. All i had to do was to give them the hours i could work in a week. Agreement was to do 20 hours per week. For example: I worked 4 days a week 5 hours each. But because some days i had classes midday, i could only work 3 hours a day and make up the time through out the rest of the week. This has been going perfectly fine the last 3 years. Now, suddenly (considering this is my last year at university and even better, my last semester) I have been told that my working hours are not acceptable and i was given a disciplinary hearing without much warning! I have provided them with the hours i could work this semester in September 2011, just like i have done the last 3 years. I wrote the times on a post-it note and explained it to the new manager (HR has been replaced since i started work as well). After a month or two, i was given a WLB(A) Form (Work-Life Balance). I denied filling it as i was flexible anyway and thought why should i fill a form and accept not being flexible! The letter stated that i should fill it and if it is accepted, i would be notified! Why, i asked to myself! Are they trying to get rid of me and this is their strategy!.. After a month of receiving the WLB form, i had another letter in my pigeon hole stating that i had a disciplinary meeting scheduled, without even a warning whatsoever! In this meeting i was told that my working hours were not acceptable. Also how i was not allowed to be flexible (when all the other part timers are allowed) I was also told it was in my contract that i wasnt allowed to be flexible! Now, only contract i have is the full time contract i signed when i first started work 4 years ago which mentions/allows flexibility. I have not signed a contract when i become part time, and my contract was a verbal one. If there was a problem, surely, i should have been told about it years ago! My working hours have never affected the running of the department as my HR claims right now. I go to work, do my shift, do my job and leave. And clearly as everyone also states, i am the best at my department. I have asked my line manager if he had any problems, he said no. My supervisor said no! I just dont understand what is her (HR) problem with me! In the meeting she also mentioned how i called in sick this many times and been late 8 times! I have been late because my motorbike was broken and i had to take public transport which takes 1 hour or more to get to work! She also mentioned about last minute holidays! She said i need to give at least 3 working days before booking a holiday! I asked why they were approving if i wasnt allowed, she managed to change subject! If i have to take a day off for an urgent matter, i always ask in person. And if i am allowed, i fill out the holiday sheet! Ok, here is the last part. Today i went into my pigeon hole and the second WLB form she has given me was stolen from my pigeon hole together with the staff handbook i was given after requesting it! The letter was dated 05.12.2011 when in fact she placed it in my pigeon hole on the 8th of December 2011! So i had it signed by a colleague. I wrote received on the 08.12.2011 and he signed it. Then (stupidly) i put it back in my pigeon hole! I told my manager today that both items were stolen from my pigeon hole and he said he would talk to HR I took the rest of the day on sick leave and left after working 2 hours. Later today i received an email from HR (on my very personal email address). She said that she heard i "mislaid" the form she has given me for the third time and she attached a copy in the email and asked me to fill it and send it back to her today! I have no intention of filling the form as i dont see it necessary. We already had an agreement since i started working part time and how on earth i am being asked to fill out a form after 3 years of service! I would be really grateful if you could help me on this matter as this is seriously stressing me very badly! I am a student and i cannot afford losing my job. And from what i can see, this is what they are trying to do! By filling the form, i believe i will be accepting a new agreement between me and my employer which will not be for good cause. I really appreciate all your time for reading this and any input will be appreciated. Many Thanks...
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