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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, when we started with the current employer we signed upto a T's and C's Matrix document detailing all our terms etc. We have recently been sent a data validation form to confirm our information is correct on "their system", amongst some mistakes in the document ranging from Surname spelt incorrect and Redundancy terms ect, they reference a different T's and C's document that they have tried to create themselves with has most of our original terms missing, ( the reason they say is that they dont use word any more and have moved to excel . Anyway they have asked us to sign this data validation form with any amendments and return to them. I am happy to make any amendments but i dont want to sign anything untill the resend out a corrected form? so have sent back the form highlighting the mistakes, they have replied stating they cannot make any changes as i haven't signed it . Im i right in what i am doing? as signing it could mean accepting the T's and C's referenced and being worse off? Thanks
  2. hi, I have just got my car tax reminder come and wanted to know about the Validation Character. It says Q, any idea what it means please
  3. Hi people I would just like some advice regarding a accident I have been involved in on the 2nd of January. I am not going to go too much indepth with the details but will explain what happened. I was driving home from a day out with friends and we took the dual carriageway route as it was more 'safe' than country roads according to my friends. Approached a roundabout, did the necessary checks, continued my course until from no where, a vehicle decides to hit me from the rear forcing me off road! I had go out of the car and the driver who drove into me said 'sorry, i've had a rough day' .He is in his late 40s to early 50s and works for my local county council. I have just spent £200 refurbing my wheels, £170 on a turbo inlet performance part and just bits and bobs. Anyways we briefly assessed the damage and he had a medium size dent to his bonnet and my bumper came loose with the paint cracked. We exchanged details and I told him I would contact him tomorrow sometime during the day as its dark now and I can't exactly see any other damage. He drove off and as I was off road, on the grass area, I was trying to re-join the carriage way/ It wasn't easy joining the dual carriageway as this was around 18:30, cars were at high speed and there really wasn't enough hard shoulder. Once I tried moving off, I could hear a loud grinding noise coming from the rear which to sprung to my mind was my rear differential and within a few seconds, the traction control light came on my speedo! Anyways drove home and next day decided not to go in to uni so I could get my mate to asses my car. The damage which was visible to us was, rear boot floor had little creasing present bumper was loose and paint cracked (maybe bumper brackets damaged) 4wd system not working At this point, I thought this was a little too much for a 'good gesture' and to say I would repair at my cost. I rang up the man and explained what damage had been caused which was apparent to us and I would rather go via insurance about this as this is far too much damage. He agreed and then we had exchanged insurance details, and then I submitted this claim. His insurance company was Directline and everything went through okay. Few days later, I receive a phone call from Directline saying they're sorry about the accident and that they would be accepting liability on this matter. I was provided with a courtesy car from my insurance company and everything was going all okay. I had left my car with a local garage who were happy to store the car until the vehicle has been inspected by the engineer. As days went past, there was no other contact from Directline and also my case handling team had told me that directline haven't been out to inspect the vehicle as of yet and this was about late january. After chasing and chasing, they finally agreed to inspect my vehicle on the 28th of January which was done. After the inspection, their engineers didn't contact my insurance, nor did they my case handling team. My case handling team who were working on behalf of my insurers were chasing them up and finally on friday 1st february, i get a call from my case handling team saying that the claim has gone into validation?. At this point, I was furious. I didn't know what to say. I did however ask my casehandler why this has happened and they said that Directline didn't give any information why and all they said was it has gone into validation. Now my problem is, my hire vehicle may or will get taken from me which I have no option but to drive around in my damaged car. What can I do? My car is a facelift audi s3 on a 2002 registration which I had purchased back in August as I had always wanted one. I bought it for almost £4000 with it being the much sought after in grey and now I'm panicking as I might lose my money . I simply don't understand why they are doing this. Any help will be much appreciated. I'm sorry about my english as it is not my first language.
  4. Hi been reading some posts on your forum and found them really helpful but need some advice regarding a situation I am in at the moment. I took out a mortgage just in my name in 1993. Due to severe domestic violence and unpaid mortgage payments I left the property in 1997 and started a voluntary repossession July 1997. The shortfall from the mortgage was just short of of £18000 and currently stands at just short of £17000. The mortgage was with the Haliax, who I dealt with up to 2002. I advised them of my circumstances, where I moved to etc because I was scared and did not know what else to do. From 2002 to 2009 I had to deal with DLC debt ollection agency regarding repayments - this was rather stressful and found them very harrassing. I was speaking to them on the phone but due to the harrassment told them that all comms in writing. The last letter I received from DLC was approx July2009. The last payment I made to DLC was June 2009 In November 2010 I was contacted by Merrils Ede chasing payment. I have advised them that comms is in writing only. I currently work part time, have 4 dependants, I am married but my husband has no connection to the porperty. I have no savings and no money left from income. I have supplied I&E on numerous occasions and have repeatedly offered £1000 as full and final payment of the s/fall (being loaned from parents). This offer is repeatedly declined and I am getting payment options such as 1. £4000 as full and final if received in 10 working days 2. £1000 interim and then £30 per month up to a capped limit of £5000 I cannot do either option. I have never been to court and there is nothing on my credit report regarding this s/fall I have received a DSAR from halifax and DLC and I had some concerns about information that was being used to asses my I&E - basically DLC stated that I had income of £2000 but this was because I recd childcare from Tax Credits which is then paid to the child care provider (must have been a bit tricky for the DLC advisor to understand that I do not get to keep child care money!!) Because of the harrassment from DLC, the incorrect information, and feeling like no-one was listening I made a complaint to the ombudsman ........... after a long wait they decided that I had not grounds to complain!! Now I am not sure who the debt is with now. I dont know if its the Halifax or Merrils Ede? Merrils Ede have given me their bank account details for the lump sum payment (hopefully the money tree at the bottom of my garden will sprout some extra notes within 10 working days!) so I have a feeling they have bought the debt and are hounding me now to get something back (??) Because my last payment to DLC was July 2009 i presume that I cannot declare statute barred? The Halifax/Merrils Ede cannot have what I have not got but this whole thing is getting me down Sorry for the long opening wanted to make sure I had enough details to hopefull get some advice
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