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  1. My car was - shall we say - taken roughly from behind by an Audi in January, it was a write-off, the attending policeman on the night said so, indeed; agreed with me that it was so. Aviva - for it is they - wanted to take the car from Andover to Poole, to be looked at, I had instruction from Andover police (Whichurch Roads Division) to hold on to the car, until the investigation had been completed, I explained this to several women in several telephone conversations, only to have them ring me the next day (or later the same day!) with a "Mr W******, we believe you are ready to have your car collected?" This was the call centre in...wherever? Mumbai? I was in Andover for a training course, when that came to an end, I drove the miserable vehicle 40-odd miles (no one had told me not to!), while it made a noise like a Stalwart and any police who passed me on the M3 managed to look the other way! It came to rest in my Mothers drive...and is still there! I then went to my broker (A-plan in Newbury - it was by now March) and they tried to get things moving again, I kept offering to send photographs of the fold across the roof and the wheel-arches 2mm from cutting the tires, or suggesting it would be a lot cheaper to send someone out with a camera or smart-phone to take photographs (the police having still not cleared it for removal). More idiot calls with people on the other side of the world (Aviva (India)?) ensued with no one being able to understand that A) the car could not be moved, B) was clearly - to a half-wit with one eye - a 'write-off', and C) I was getting very annoyed. Another intervention by A-plan resulted in another request for the car (now 40 miles further away from Poole) to be taken to..er...Poole. I wrote the first of several complaint letters to all parties (Aviva, A-Plan and the garage in Poole who had by now falsely [in my opinion] accused me of not communicating with them when their internal phone system seemed shot to pieces). Someone from Aviva (UK) - who I won't name yet (but might be naming on my blog with all her correspondence), then agreed that it was all a shocking delay and she would be taking full charge of everything. Over the next few days I gave all the details of the accident/indecent and all relevant facts and personal information to not one but two separate individuals. The same info. I had already given several times to women at Aviva (India), and A-Plan...twice! It was by now May'ish and by some irony the police had released the vehicle. The Irony being that Miss whatshername from Aviva had finally developed the bright idea of allowing me to send photographs to her...which I did! Enclosed; [ATTACH=CONFIG]46480[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46481[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46482[/ATTACH] She has never acknowledged receipt of those photographs, nor answered the eMail that they were sent with, I know she got them as I never received a bounce-back while I did receive a 'I'm on holiday' bounce-back to my next letter of complaint - which she hasn't replied to either! The law firm which was by this point dealing with the medical aspect of the claim did get their copy. Now, a third - increasingly exasperated - eMail from me followed the other week, it reported that I had by this point - 8+ months after the accident - discovered that the car is quite rare, or at least the engine is (I'm no petrol-head!), and in discussion with Braydon Motors of Essex (who know Volvos) was given verbal quotes of around £2000 plus for a runner (which was likely to be on it's last legs - I've spent about £3000 getting mine 'right' over the last 3 years), if one could be found (they are that rare), or £1500 for a dead one which could have my engine put in it for around £600 with labour. The car's value with A-Plan being listed at £400/450, based on the old Volvo 940's (it's a 960 model). She finally replied, only in a very petulant manner, three lines, saying the car would have to go to Poole! She failed to mention the other eMails, the photographs and/or her tardiness in failing to reply to them. Meantime, the law firm want me to ring a number no one answers, to get hold of the other parties insurer (UKI/Natwest apparently?) who to date have not contacted me at all. There is more nut that'll do for now! Question for the Aviva person who apparently reads these...What the hell is going on? Questions for Caggers... Can I insist that the verhicle be rebuilt or repaired? Can I go to the Ombudsman without further recourse to Aviva? They've had more than eight weeks to deal with at least three separate complaint letters/eMails. I asked months ago if I should have retained the hire car I had for 28 days, or get another hire car to charge to the other party, I got no answer from Aviva, should I just go and get one and bill someone, if so who - Aviva or UKI/Natwest? I suggested an interim payment back in March, got no answer form Aviva, given my life is half on hold until I get a replacement car, can I request such a thing? Given the difference in Market Value between the original quote (400-450) and the actual market value (2000'ish), can I expect the higher amount? If it gets settled before I die! The girl from Aviva said she'd reimburse my premiums (I paid cash up-front), but reading another thread just now, it's clear that that's not something she could do, and shouldn't have said she could, however, had this all been sorted out in Feb/March (a more normal timetable), I could have transferred a replacement vehicle to that insurance, now it only has a month or so to run, can I claim compensation for loss through delay? Finally - after my last irate eMail, someone from an organisation claiming to be the 'umbrella group' for the insurance industry (CCS or something) and representing UKI/Natwest, rang me about two weeks ago, but we got cut-off, her number was withheld and she hasn't emailed me. She also started to ask all the details I have now given out at least six times. She clearly didn't have my details in front of her and I have suggested in the past that it seems to me like Aviva might be the other parties insurer...trying to offset the purchase of a new Audi by giving me the run-around? Am I being paranoid?
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