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  1. Hi there, Please note I offer the following detail both to avoid negative comments or judgement about deliberately skipping debt, and to also give sufficient information in the hopes of getting directions on which way to proceed. I have dual Australian/UK citizenship and now reside in England after leaving Australia under a big black cloud two and a half years ago. I owned several properties in Australia, but had a severe mental breakdown following some significant personal events. I fell completely behind in life as a whole and was unable to deal with anything, including my finances. I'm talking not being able to answer phones, open letters, or answer the door. I was under the care of a psychiatrist, but it appears that after being treated here in the UK, that the medication I was on was wrong for me and likely contributed to my behaviour. I bought one house in the height of my mania, and was unable to bring myself to visit the house I'd moved out of or organise its rental or sale. I managed to speak to the bank once or twice telling them of my mental health problems, and they were understanding, but I was unable to follow through and had no one to assist me to sort out my affairs. Somehow I got the idea to move back here. A friend who previously worked in bankruptcy said I could file bankruptcy from the UK, which seemed ideal, but by the time I had gotten my head together, the last house had been repossessed and it was too late to do that. She also told me that the debt could not be chased and that it would be over in six years from any judgement. Again, I was in no mind to dispute or look further for advice. I just wanted away from everything. Other friends, family, and even my psych encouraged it, so in my mind I welcomed it all as good signs for a fresh start. I didn't notify the bank of my move, but my ex did. I received the odd letter through the post at first about things that I don't recall, and never acknowledged or responded to. I was still in a state when I got here, and it took nearly a year for me to get proper assistance, and I am now on medication with suspected diagnosis of GAD or bipolar. I haven't forgotten about the debt, but it also isn't something I allow myself to think about often. Now to the heart of this post. Recently I received a letter from an Australian debt recovery agency saying they now own the debt for one house and have asked me to contact them to arrange a payment plan. There was no mention of court action or anything legally threatening at all. I have not responded to them as yet, but contacted my friend who'd given me the initial advice, and she now only offers very bad news due to legislation changes and cited UNCITRAL and cross border insolvency. After googling madly I came to this site and read some threads, and I am unsure now more than ever how to proceed. My main fear is that they make me go back there. I may be doing better, but the thought of returning is causing me much distress. I'd rather have the court here issue a judgement than return, although I'm unsure if I would be able to cope with actually attending court either and can't in any way afford a solicitor. My job only just covers my monthly expenses. I rent privately and have no debt here other than to the utility companies. I don't get enough for working tax credits, but I do get council housing benefit which is only a few quid more than my council tax bill. After all that background, my question is: As it appears to be in the early stages of any action, would I be better off sending a letter to the agency now outlining my current financial situation, or wait for further correspondence to see what they say? I doubt they'll drop it as it is a very significant amount of money owed, so I guess I'm answering my own question, but any constructive advice will be appreciated. Kind regards
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