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  1. This is my first post, so hi to everyone who's registered or browsing this excellent resource. If the subject of this post would be better placed elsewhere on CAG please tell me. I have an axe to grind with Sky TV and Broadband: I have ordered and upgraded Sky packages over the last few months with the intent of saving me money. (Upgrades advised by Sky customer services). The package, which includes Sky Sports/Movies/Variety packs and up to 2mb broadband/free evening and weekend calls has been quoted as being circa £47.00 per month. In the ten months I've been with Sky I've not had a bill for less than £72.00; this was the first bill inc. £12.00 for phone calls. Well now I'm really starting to get angry as my last bill was £132.00. The agreed amount of £47.00 should have one out on November 17th, however Sky (without my express permission) decided in their wisdom to take out the unauthorised amount of £132.00 ten days earlier than the agreed date. I received a letter from my bank telling me that Sky had taken the money and I didn't have enough in my account to cover the bill thus leaving me in the red. The bank then recalled the payment and charged me £25.00 for the courtesy. Sky then suspended my service. This means I cannot use the internet; I have no facility to make outgoing calls; and I don't have any TV except for the normal 7 or 8 channels. I duly called Sky TV to sort out the bill, the amount taken, and the bank charges. Needless to say, the customer service (CS) person was totally unhelpful telling me to pay up or lose the service completely and pay 12 months charges under the contract. I told them my bill wasn't due to be paid until the 17th and they said the bill does run up to 17th but they take the payment in advance. Eh?? My efforts were pointless. I called CS many times over the next couple of days with no joy whatsover. To add insult to injury on the 16th of November I received a letter from Sky with an invoice sheet for £223.00!!! To be honest I really thought they were taking the p**s and still do. Out of total frustration I called them two days ago and said I was seeking legal advice now, and I wished to have my line and services stopped with immediate effect. Sky told me I couldn't. I told them I was disputing the whole service I'd received from them. I told them they were in breach of contract (on several counts) and I wished to take my custom elsewhere. Sky then said I'd need a MAC code or something to tranfer and they weren't going to give it to me until the bill was paid in full. I really needed the phone and internet to pursue this, and my kids of 12 and 15 desperately need the web in order to do their school work. Especially my son (15) who need access to the net for his final exams. Sky were not in the least interested and said I should direct my complaint to Sky HQ. I said I'd got no phone to do that. They advised me to e-mail it then. By now my brow was furrowing and I was ready to strangle someone. On the evening of 26th November, and in utter frustration and desperation I decided to succomb to their demands in order to pursue the case in full. I agreed to pay the £132.00 over the phone by card and then they'd connect me back up within 5 minutes. As sson as the payment had been confirmed they said that the computer needs the rest of the bill payed before connection could resume. I told them that this isn't possile has the remainder had to paid within ten days of the 17th november. They weren't having any of it, and so I had to pay the whole lot. My next bill of anything between £72.00 and £223.00+ was due on the 17th December. I know this will mean (by experience) that my service will be cut on or around the 6th December. I've asked for printed dialogue sheets detailing communication between me and all of the CS numpties I've spoken to, and paper invoices with concise information regarding packages I've signed up to and total bill payemtns with dates. I don't recall how many times I've requested this information but it's going back moths now... Sky TV and internet might be good, but the customer service department is nothing but in name. I'm sure taking on a huge household name is going to be difficult, nigh impossible, but I've been ripped off and conned beyond any doubt. Is there anything I can do to get this looked at and even get some recompense, in the form of a refund for the money they taken from me unreasonably? Sorry for the long post, but believe me, if I went through every problem I've had with Sky you'd be reading forever. Thank you all in anticipation. Craig
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