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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all, I’ve spent some time looking at this site and it’s finally time to put forward our situation and get some advice from the helpful people on this forum. It’s very similar to the situation of Noveum and the current one of Sharris 100, but as ever slight variance on each situation I guess. My wife took my season ticket, without the photocard (no, it was not given to her, I must stress, I had been at home working that day and it was sitting on the side in the kitchen) on a one off occasion to go up to London. Needless to say she was caught on the way up to London on SWT. From reading here, no reason and no point delivering excuses, but like most people here we are mortified, and like most probably didn’t realise the seriousness. The first period of shock through reading this forum, especially the criminal record piece which may affect my wife’s future employment when returning to work, has given way to a more practical view due to the advice I’ve seen given out here. So our situation is that we have NOT received the letter yet from SWT. This incident happened at the beginning of February so this is seven going on eight weeks. Thus I will give an update on what SWT will want to charge us with and will ask for some advice then. but this does seem a long time compared to others on this forum I have just a couple of questions initially. SWT still have my annual season ticket, I’ve been thus buying weekly season ticket passes, now adding up (it’s £400 a month), and I presume there is nothing I can do to expedite the situation? My wife was told by the guard that it would be several weeks before my card would be returned to me (though from what I have read here, that depends on the prosecution and what they want to do I presume?), but I guess it’s just a matter of sitting tight and waiting til the letter comes from the prosecution department? Plus assuming that I will receive my card back, what would be the process with the prosecution department for getting refunds for additional costs while SWT hold onto the ticket? I’ll be sure to update everyone here once we receive the letter, but an answer to the above would be appreciated, though I presume it will be to hold tight Thanks
  2. This happened today morning. I have a nationalrail season ticket and My train from my regular station got cancelled and in order to avoid delay to my work, I decided to take a bus and travel to a different train station(2 stops away) from which the trains are more frequent. I got on to a bus and showed my season ticket and the bus driver let me in to travel in the bus. as soon as I entered in to the bus, a person who claims that he is a ticket inspector asked me to show the ticket and by seeing that ticket he said that its not a valid ticket to travel in the bus and he wrote my name, date of birth and address(wrong house number but the post code is correct) on a normal blank paper. I recently moved to a new place, so I wasn't aware that this kind of season tickets are not valid on buses, in my previous place I used to take a weekly season ticket on my oyster card and they work pretty much fine when I tap my oyster card in every bus. I dont know what should I do, I am ready to pay the penality fare but I had given a wrong door number unknowingly. May I kindly request people here to suggest some suitable actions that I should take before any serious things happen to me. Any assistance would be helpful.
  3. am i correct in my understanding that a fortnight's worth of fair evasion on a monthly season travelcard ticket that does not belong to someone (I borrowed my mum's when she was away on holiday and got caught) would be calculated on an individual or per day rate? (because this is what i was told by the revenue protection person who interviewed me) what i am saying is that i admitted that i used the ticket and it wasn't mine, but now they are saying that I have to pay 14 times the cost of a daily travelcard - one for each day i had it in my posession. whilst i accept what i did was wrong and i make no excuse for what i did it seems illogical that they would charge single travel card fares each time for a return journey. I didn't even use the travel card bit because my colledge is only a few stops up the road from me. I am willing to pay the cost of a weekly or 1/2 of the monthly rate, but charging me each day individually doesnt make sense. Also I didnt go to college for 3 of those days because I was in France with my dad (i have proof of this), do i still have to pay that because the ticket was in my posession therfore i could've used it, or do they have to prove i used it each day? I am asking this because i want to know how i can calculate what money i owe so that i am prepared for it. i have been interviewed and they said they will make a decision next week but i have the option to try to negotiate a settlement before they escalate it to a court. so i need to work out what they will calculate it as so that i can match of give them a better settlement offer. Any advice anyone can give would be very gratefully received. It was such a stupid thing of me to do but i thought at the time that if my mum wasn't using in then it would be ok for me to use it instead. I know now that it was a stupid assumption to make but i accept that i was wrong and i know i have to face the consequences. thank you in advance and i will keep you posted as to what happens in case other people find it helpful
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