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Found 2 results

  1. Hiya weve got an outstanding council tax debt from 07 previous address,a bailiff come to the door of new addy telling my husband he wants £356 now then he will set up payment plan,my husband told him our situation were in with new council tax bills rent other bills going out and 4 children to feed n dress.But he was still having none of it my husband is on medication for panic n anxcity attacks.Weve phone head office to talk to the head bailiff but they cant put us through.He said if we dont pay he can enter property change locks and take goods.Some advice would be helpul please,weve offered him £200 then monthly payment plans but still refused its not like we are refusing to pay hes just not being realistic HELP !! I dont want my hubby being ill again his come along way up to date.
  2. October 13th 2009 I signed a agreement with the bailiff to pay a fixed amount every month. There were 3 names on the debt as i lived with friends at the property, but only 2 of us paid each month because we were out of contact with the other friend so we just decided to pay it ourselves (the girl who pays the debt with me is girl 2 and the girl we don't speak to anymore is girl 3 in the story) 1st of October this month i paid my share of the payment agreement but when my friend (girl 2) rang up it was saying the reference number was wrong so she phoned the Ross and Roberts office and a women at Ross and Roberts told my friend that the debt had been paid, she immediately rang me and told me i was really unsure about this cause i knew what the consequences would be if the payment wasn't made and we still owed money.....So she then rang them back and asked again if they were sure it had been paid so we could have piece of mind and she reasured us it had been paid!!! BUT as i suspected on the 19th of October i got a phone call saying we had defaulted on the payment and they were outside my property wanting a payment else they were taking my goods as you can imagine i was in a mess i was trying to explain to him what had happened but all he kept saying was he didn't care what the women had send to me we still have debt left on the account! I asked him why the lady in the Ross and Roberts office said that the debt was paid and he basically accused my friend (girl 2) of lying, I rang my friend (girl 2) and she asked for the bailiffs number and rang him to ask him about it, when she did this however he told her that her name wasn't even on the debt that's why the lady had told her it was paid because this debt was for me and the other girl we lived with (girl 3)!! I WAS IN SHOCK, there hadn't been a time in the past 5 years that me and girl 2 had not lived together and i had never had a council tax bill or ever lived on my own with girl 3....................i had to pay the bailiff £200 to get rid of him and he put on loads of extra charges for being outside my property so what was a little debt is now large again because of this!! The next day i was so upset and couldn't get the thought out of my head, i went and found all the original paperwork and the case he is referring to (same reference number on the new letter and the original document from 13th October 2009) has got my name, girl 3 and GIRL 2 on!!!! This is there mistake basically they are punishing me for there mistake as if they never told my friend her name wasn't on it when she rang the Ross and Roberts she would have got the new reference and she would have paid her share and this whole situation would have been avoided!!!!! Why does it have all 3 of our names on the original paperwork but only mine and girl 3 on Ross and Roberts system????? Has anyone else had a similar experiences or have any advice on how i can take this matter further?? I have all the original paper work to prove it!!! Thanks to anyone who can help!!
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