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  1. Hi All, Earlier on today, around 4:00pm, someone rung the buzzer for our flat (we live in a small block), I answered and the person asked for me by name and said they were from Enfield Council, I said to hold on, I left my flat and went to the front door of the block, the man said he had come round in regards to the outstanding Council Tax debt, which I do not dispute, after a while, he then said he was from Equita and turned his badge round, which had the name CHRIS on it, as it was facing his chest prior. I stated that I was unable to speak with him, as I was on the way to pick up my son from an after school club and that he could speak with my partner who was at home with our 2 year old son, he started saying he was there to take goods and will start with my car, which was in the communal car park, parked in my allocated parking space, with my door number on display. He followed me into the block and stood by the front door entrance to my flat, as I did not let him in. I quickly explained what was happening to my partner, she told me she would deal with him and that I needed to go pick up our 9 year old son from school. I left my flat and told him that my partner would talk to him, I went outside to the car park and walked towards my car, he followed me, then rushed in front of me and stood between myself and the car, as I attempted to gain entry, he started to push me in my chest to get me away from the car, I managed to unlock the car, open the door and sit in the vehicle. Before I could close the door, he attempted to drag me out of the car, saying that it now belongs to Equita, as he had seized it, although he had not provided me with any paperwork at all. After a short while, he gave up trying to pull me out and instead decided to use force to restrain me within the vehicle, he pushed his left forearm against my chest and used all his strength to pin me to my seat in my car, he then repeatedly tried to snatch the car keys from my left hand, with his right hand, this lasted for quite a few minutes. He was applying so much pressure to my chest at one point, that I found it difficult to breath and told him so, but he continued to press me into my car seat, he then started shouting at my that I tried to "mug him off" and that he was taking the car as "it belongs to Equita now" I told him that he cannot use force against me, restrain me, or force his way into my car and that I was also having difficulty breathing, I also stated that I needed to pick up my son from school but he said that "its ok, he can walk home on his own". He then started shouting that he "goes to the gym a lot and that he only weighs 11 stone, but is very strong and fit, unlike me who is 18 stone plus and that he could hold me there all day, until I gave him my car keys" he then kept saying "I bet you are on benefits as well", which I am, but cannot see how that is relevant to him. After a short while, my partner came out with our 2 year old son and strapped him into his car seat, at this point the bailiff got even more angry and started to shout out her to take him out of the car, my partner seeing me in distress and pinned down, then tried to pull him off me, at this point he punched me in my mouth, bursting my lip, he quickly let go of me, turned around and punched my partner in her mouth as well, followed by a punch to the side of her head, he then went after her and punched her in her stomach. I got out of the car and he backed away from her, at which point I noticed he had dropped his car keys I picked up his car keys, shouted at him that I would seize his car, he rushed over to me and tried to grab his keys, at which point I threw them as far as I could into the car park, my partner ran over to the keys and threw them further, as he ran off to get his keys, my partner and I got into the car and drove off to my sons school and called the police. I had blood all over my mouth and some blood stains on my shirt, my 9 year old was really distressed when he got to the car and saw my injuries and started crying and said he didn't want to go home, we drove to his grandmothers house in the borough of Waltham Forest, the police said they would meet us there and have an ambulance waiting. When I arrived, the ambulance was there and the crew assessed my injuries, whilst we waited for the police. I had a swollen, bruised and split lip, severe pain to the right side of my jaw, aching front teeth and pains in my chest. My partner also had a split lip, with some bruising and was feeling concussed. The ambulance crew advised that we both went to A&E to get treatment, as our injuries were quite prominent, I stated that I needed to take the kids home, as their grandmother wasn't in, only my partners younger sister, who wouldn't be able to look after the kids on her own. The police arrived and were very helpful and understanding and took our statements, they said that they were from the Waltham Forest borough, so had to get in touch with Enfield police to see if any reports had been made. After a while, they came back and said that the bailiff had made a counter claim, stating that I had punched him and he had given my name and description, so it will need to be investigated and that I will have to go to a police station on appointment to give a statement on what happened. I had not punched him at all, the most I did was try to push him off me as he was holding me down in my car. I do not dispute owing council tax, as I am on zero to low income since losing my job at the beginning of the year and have been in touch with the council, making payments as and when I could, last payment I made was 28th of October for the arrears on my last years council tax, however the bailiff was chasing this years council tax, plus some others from a few years back when I was struggling to make ends meet and had made payments towards, albeit not since the beginning of the year, prior to losing my job. We took pictures of our injuries and one of the police officers asked them to email them to her,, my partner has a slight cut and bruise on her top lip, my bottom lip has cuts, swelling, bruising and there is some bruising on my gums by my teeth. Since returning home, I have found it extremely painful to eat or drink water and my partner has a severe headache. Thanks for reading.
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