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Found 2 results

  1. Hi all, Need some help with my barclays account, which I have held for years like many of you from what I have read so far. I am in a spiral of reserve fee charges, and overdraft debt. My wages go in each month pay all the bills, then the charges, interest account fee, etc, come out and I am straight back in the the reserve amount and incurring charges to be paid out the following month..it's a never ending circle. I do not want to count how many reserve charge letters I have received but I could easily pay off my 1800 overdraft and some, with what they equal . I phoned barclays for some help breaking the reserve cycle but all they could do was offer me a small loan to pay off my overdraft and stay out of the reserve fee. I decided to go with it and be very careful with my pennies..however my wages went in, bills came out, reserve fees and interest paid and I was back in the same cycle I didn't borrow enough to get out and stay out of my overdraft. So as you can see I am nowhere to getting this resolved. Has anyone had any joy with claiming any of these charges back? Does the bank charge test case a few years back mean that charges cannot be reclaimed? Please excuse my ignorance of this! ...anyone got any advice? Thank you for your time.
  2. Good afternoon, I received a phone call on my French phone nearly 5months ago from a company called "regents legal" concerning an outstanding liability of 462.50 british pounds. I was shocked to receive this call as I have never had any bank problems in my life (either in the UK or in France). The company explained that I owed barclays 462.50 pounds when I never spent that much money. I waited months to receive a proper explanation from the company barclays had contacted. Their answer was always "when are you going to pay us Mr. Lacroix", and we are unable to explain why you owe barclays this money. They finally sent me a mail in February(that I never received), followed by an email of my account details (1month later, only after I spent40 euro twice on my phone calling them up!) I had money left on my British account, all my mails where transferred from the UK to my French home, and my UK bank manager told me that my UK account would automatically be closed. I used my credit card while I was in France, and when I realized I had a 50pence dept, I immediately tried to transfer funds onto my account. Unfortunately, I was unable to do so since Barclays where more concerned about making me pay 462.50 pounds than letting me pay my debt of 50 pence. I now owe more than 400 pounds to Barclays because of this, and was not told about their "reserve fees", when I went to their bank at Picadilly Circus, I was told it was like in France, where in case you make a mistake on a transfer one day, you would not have to pay any fees. I was therefore lied to, because there are fees of 22 pounds to pay per week, whatever the amount. To make things even worse, the second company just called back and told me that I would have to pay even more fees. What should I do? I believe this to be outrageous behaviour on behalf of barclays, and shall never go to this bank again. I tried calling barclays,but each time I got them on the phone they told me they weren't dealing with my dossier anymore. Furthermore, Regents even said they would start to press charges?? Do you know what I should do since some people here seem to have the same problem? john
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