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  1. Hello, I have been on this site before back in 2013. You me with my ESA Tribunal and I won for Depression & Anxiety (plus some mobility issues i was starting to have.) I was diagnosed by my doctor last month of having Fibromyalgia and rang the DWP to report my worsened condition with the doctors diagnosis. The chap explained I was due a review anyway and to wait for the form. With my tribunal notes beside me, it has just took me 2 weeks to finally complete my ESA50 form and getting things to send, I have posted it all up here. Can someone please advise me if this is ok? Thank you. I am hoping to skip medical and tribunal number 2. I know I am only hoping. Thank you. PLEASE REFER TO ATTACHMENTS FOR ESA FORM ... can only upload 5 at a time see other uploads please, thankyou THEN THE SEPERATE SHEETS IS COPIED AND PASTED BELOW (INC MY COVER LETTER) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please find enclosed my esa50 form. I spoke to xxxx from your xxxx branch on xx and i had explained to him my case has worsened. He told me that xx i was due a 3 yearly review anyway and to expect a form in the next few weeks and to just wait till it comes. Then to complete this form with all my new worsened symptoms and send it back to you. I had a tribunal on xx for depression, anxiety and problems with my mobility and was awarded over 20 points. I still have depression and anxiety but my mobility has worsened and i have also developed other symptoms on top of the above. I recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which understandably causes me many problems, some of which are outlined in the form. As with fibromyalgia, there are so many different symptoms, i could never write down all that impacts my life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- continued sheet, page 1 - xxxxxx – nino question 2 (page 8) … i am constantly in pain & constantly fidgeting to try & ease my pain & uncomfortableness, on the rare occasion if i do find a comfortable spot, it doesn't take long for that to start hurting too so i have to move again. Depending on my day, i can sit for 10mins (bad day) - 1hr (good day). However even sitting down tires me & proving to become very troublesome lately., i have to lay & nap frequently. I am never pain free. Even in bed i hurt and toss and turn alot. Tasks wise, what used to take me a hour to do, takes me all day now & even in that day i may not finish it. For example. When cleaning, we have a small long living room, when hoovering i can barely stand to throw the hoover round, i have weak limbs & become hot & exhausted instantly, i have to sit on the sofa, chairs & computer chair (with wheels.) For the majority time to hoover the floor. The maximum times i have had to stop while doing the hoovering is 3 times. I cannot stand for more than a couple mins hoovering without being in agony. I just feel too heavy, like the feel of concrete & gravity is dragging me down , my limbs feel very weak & stiff to be able to move around like i used to be able to years ago . When i tidy my room, it takes me 2-3 weeks because i have to nap alot & the feeling of after 5 minutes of sorting things , it feels like i have ran a marathon & drop with exhaustion & pain. When i am in the kitchen washing up, i have to sit on my mum & dads computer chair. Depending on the volume of the washing up. Will depend if i have to rest throughout. Normally washing up 1 bowl worth is my maximum limit & would have to rest about a hour before doing another bowl. My dad does my shopping for me, because i can not stand long enough or do it. Question 11 (page 13) always asking mum how to do the oven. She got fed up with me when i was doing it wrong. We have had rows where i am adament what i am doing is correct. She says i remember the layout of our old machines!! (same with the washing machine.) We have a diagram with instructions for how to use them. I still make mistakes because i forgot to refer to the instructions sometimes. Now i am not confident anymore & my mum thinks i mishear things & that i believe i know, but i don't. I remember her telling me certain ways which i now see & i believe are the correct way s but she says she never said it & it is causing big arguements between us. I upset her & she is ill too. As she is housebound she watches me all the time. I feel incapable, a let down & a failure. ….. Continued sheet, page 2 - xxxxxx – nino question 13 (page 13) by time i wake i am never refreshed & already feel extremely shattered, getting up & get dressed is such a chore, it alone feels like i have already been to work for 3 days, went shopping, done a thousand things or not had sleep for 3 days. Not long after being awake, because of my chronic fatigue, i am ready to go back to bed again due to being exhausted just after 1-2 hrs of being up!!! My limit is 4 hours awake. Seriously, i feel my next step is my coffin. I can not manage!! I write lists day before to try to cope. It is hard for me to concentrate, if people interfere & talk to me while i am trying to concentrate, i snap & feel resentment towards them, i want things done to how my head thinks, right now. Or i go into melt down in my head question 14 (page 14) if i am on my own & have noone to calm me down, any change from my plans that i have pre arranged, normally a day or two before, mean my anxiety freaks me out, finding new times makes me aggitated & uncomfortable. Especially with the case of waiting when i hurt & ache, the overwhelming feeling causes me to cry with anger & frustration. I can not cope with change, i know i over think, overload & feel its all too much, i do not know how to make this better as it is in my head. I hate it. Question 15 (page 14) i always have to be with someone. If i didnt have my boyfriend i would be stuck indoors. He is so understanding & patient with me. He's got a portaloo in his vechicle so he can take me on small trips out. I can't move well so rely on him massively. I would not go out alone with my problems & i would not be able to cope. I only see him at weekends. I rarely go out in the week unless it is with my brother or a family friend in their car. (this is only for appointments with my doctor, which they will try to get excused from work for.) As i cannot go out, i have to rely on others, for example. My dad will do my shopping for me. I have not boarded a bus in over a year. Prior to this, with my anxiety & depression & fear of my violent ex, i could only get buses that were convienent to my home, short journeys & dropped me to the exact destination with the return journey being the same. Since my ibs was getting worse (& my soiling episode), it was absolutely crucial that this stayed the same; except the journey has to be kept even shorter & that there was loos on site. For example; my doctors surgery. ….. Continued sheet, page 3 - xxxxxx – nino question 17 (page 15) i had a friend who used to wind me up. Although the issues may have been small to them, but to me they were massive nad made me very angry. I would throw things at them, break belongings & not feel guilty because they hurt me first. I blame these episodes on my lack of patience & anger & the need to protect myself ever from being vunerable again like i was in 2010. I had to delete this person from my life. I know i do still have these angry thoughts & sometimes before i attack someone, i can recognise this and stop myself by taking myself away from the situation immedidately. It takes me days to get over my anger, stress & get calm again. If i can not exit in time, or if someone pushes me too far, i can hit boiling point & see red. I can become a nasty person but i can not stop, however hard i try. If people treat me well, i am ok. My mum recalls times i have gone off at her & remembers a couple of times that she had said something & i have snapped at her in a rude way. This makes her become quiet. She says i am the same to my boyfriend & she knows i do not mean to do it, but it is still hurtful. She adds that she honestly does not understand why my boyfriend stays with me, because if it was her, she would be long gone, regardless of what is wrong with me. Saying it is really like i am still the jekell & hyde character i was after moving back home in 2010. It has not improved. She says i am a “ratty bitch” & is very suprised people have not told me “to do one”. My mum knows that unfortunately because of my anger issues, i can not get help for, she gets the brunt of it. However, she does know i have a lovely side to me, she just misses her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have also included my doctors letter to them, the list of my doctors problems print out, and my online repeat prescription form, i will send all this is, it is ok? can you see any errors? or anything i should add? Next set of uploads of esa form and docs stuff i have Last set of uploads of esa form and docs stuff i have You may want to remove your name and NINO for security reasons. ESA Claim - RC.pdf
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