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  1. Hi all, first off let me say I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this but hopefully will get to the correct place if the post/thread needs moving. Second apologies for the epic post... Ok, so on the 3rd May 2014 I arranged a collection of one of my Lumia phones to be returned for repair under the limited warranty. The phone 21 months old so I contacted the manufacturer directly instead of Orange who supplied the phone. After completing the online form, I was emailed by Nokia to inform me that the device would be collected on the 6th of May. The 6th came and passed by with no collection. I called UPS who tried to tell me that Nokia had mis-informed me as the ticket had for the job had only been produced that day due to the bank holiday, this is despite the website package tracking saying otherwise. So this was a day wasted waiting in for the collection agent. Now this fact is fairly pertinent because I work from home and part of what I do (Mobile PC Tech) requires I leave the house and visit my customers, so had called off a few visits to ensure I was available for the agent. I didn't really believe UPS to be honest as I cannot believe that they have to wait for some bloke to come in after the weekend and press print to get the tickets for the jobs, but that is beside the point i suppose. Anyway she tells me that the first attempt to collect the package would be on the following day, the 7th of May. Ok. So the 7th arrives, and passes by with no attempt to collect the device. I figure theres no point getting into a fury on the phone and decide to wait for the next day and figure they are bound to collect the device knowing Ive already sat in for 2 days waiting. So the 8th arrives, and, no collection...so I call UPS again, who sound a little surprised that no attempt was made but give me some tosh about how they try for 3 days, and I point out, that may well be true, but UPS haven't actually tried yet have they. So she tells me shes going to call the local depot to find out what's going on. She comes back and says she cant talk to them but has left a message. So half hour later I get a call from the local depot, it is one of the office girls, she was infact very nice and she was stunned that the collection had not taken place and actually told me she was surprised about the mention of the bank holiday thing because she could see it was added to the system on the 3rd, which is when the job was created... Anyway I tell her I can wait in no longer as I have work that needs attending to, and that the best I can do is leave the device in the porch for collection. She says she will upgrade the collection to a pre midday collection. So as it turns out I was still here in the morning on the 9th working remotely, and the collection guy arrived at 12.10, was on the phone, grunted collection at me, took the package and stuffed a ticket in my hand and buggered off chatting on the phone again. So, I thought to myself, I feel a little let down here, and decided to email Nokia through the complaints online web form, outlining pretty much what I've said here and telling them I expect them to cover any additional costs incurred by myself such as phone charges for calling premium numbers to contact UPS etc...and that I expect some form of apology from them and from UPS for letting me down and wasting my time and I would like some form of compensation/goodwill also for wasting my time and causing major disruption to my week due to their initial mis-information regarding the first pickup date (which I believe to be a misleading statement by UPS as im sure Nokia got this date from the UPS system). So Nokia get back to me today and you can see the response below... Thank you for contacting Nokia Careline. We greatly appreciate your loyal support in Nokia. At the same time, we regret that you experienced dissatisfaction with the quality of our service. We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences caused. Regarding your compensation request, we would like to let you know that Nokia as a company and as a manufacturer does not offer monetary refund, reimbursement or financial compensation. These transactions can only be made and processed through the authorised retailers of Nokia to where the handset was purchased from. Nokia does not have direct control over the UPS and the delivery and collection management is under their responsibility. Although, Nokia has to assure of the proper UPS service for our valued customers, such as yourself, the process still depends on the UPS process. You may wish to bring this matter to the attention of UPS for further assistance. The issue that you have experienced with our warranty UPS service has been positively noted. Your feedback will serve as an encouragement so that we may continue to develop and provide greater technology, products and services to our customers. As one of our valued customers, your satisfaction is one of our primary objectives, that is why we are constantly looking at ways and means to improve the level of service we accord to customers and your correspondence in highlighting this matter has been positively considered as an opportunity to improve the delivery of the desired service to our customers. Moreover, upon checking on our system, your mobile device (*************) has just been dispatched from our repair centre and on its way back to the address you have registered. We appreciate your patience, consideration, and understanding towards the matter. Rest assured that all comments you have made in regards our service will be raised to the proper department for consideration. Should you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again. So, I feel that Nokia are basically trying to completely disassociate themselves of any responsibility here, which I find a touch ****ty. My point to them is that I have a contract with Nokia, not UPS, I should not have to contact UPS to resolve any issues regarding the way I have been overlooked, Nokia should be doing this on my behalf, as it is Nokia who contracted UPS as their agents to perform this task of collection on their behalf. I see no reason why the retailer, Orange, have any responsibility or legal obligation here, the retailer has no input into this situation and had no legal obligation to do so. I also cannot see how Nokia can make such a bold claim of not offering any compensation, are they saying they have no need because they never make a mistake, or are they saying even if they have they will make no effort to rectify the position they have put others in. So finally, my question to CAG is do I have an argument here, I feel a little aggrieved not only at their blatant attitude to wasting/disrupting almost half of my week but seem not to actually care anyway and plan to do nothing about it. Yeah Im a little peeved... And if I do have an argument what is it and how do I go about getting some action here. Thanks in advance to all... mrbrooks
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