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  1. Hi there! I'm hoping I've put this in the right place - apologies if I haven't but I'm a bit rattled at the moment; thanks to our lovely friends at NCO. Basically Orange decided to pass me over to NCO (without warning or informing me that they were doing so) and because I knew the debt was mine and Orange flatly refused to discuss setting up a payment plan; I thought that agreeing to pay in installments of £50 a month to someone that actually seemed reasonable was the way to go. The direct debit was set up and two months went by with the payments going through absolutely no problem. Fast forward to today and I get a phone call from the lovely NCO people regarding the "£2000+ on your account that you'll be paying off today"... My face looked a little like this for a moment while I wondered what on Earth this woman was talking about. I finally got a word in edgeways and asked her what was going on - the £50 had been taken at the beginning of the previous 2 months and I'd not been contacted at all to say it hadn't come out this month so I was a bit floored to hear that I suddenly owed over £2000. Apparently NCO has *tried* to take the £50 and it failed (I don't know how, as my account had plenty of money for them to take it...) so they decided to cancel the direct debit completely and then wait for about 3 weeks before telling me. They are now telling me that it's my fault that the payment wasn't made, it's my fault that the direct debit "had to be" cancelled and it's my fault for not checking my bank account every single day to make sure they were paid. The man I spoke to then went on to tell me: "It's your debt, it's your fault for getting into it in the first place and it's your responsibility to make sure we get our money. So don't give me excuses about being disabled; it's all on you." (I am disabled, I'm unable to leave my flat unassisted so I can't just go toddling off up the road to check my bank balance every day; which I explained to NCO...Their response was to laugh...Charming.) Anyway, when I asked why I hadn't been contacted sooner; either by phone or by a letter in the mail the man became a bit more aggressive towards me and wouldn't (or couldn't) answer me. I then asked him if the direct debit had been returned; why hadn't I been notified by my bank (I get email alerts about this type of thing) about a returned direct debit charge and he couldn't answer that either. I was then told that if I wanted to reinstate the payment plan I would have to pay £50 using my debit card and then pay another £50 by direct debit on June 1st. I do not feel at all comfortable giving them my card details and my bank has told me categorically that I should not pay them over the phone as it sounds a bit (in their words exactly) "dodgy". They also told me that the way NCO told me that the direct debit was reinstated is totally wrong - NCO have to contact the bank and ask for a new code and it's set up from there. My bank have also told me that if the direct debit was returned, I would be charged and they looked as far into the future as they could on my account and guess what...? NO upcoming charges at all. So my question now is what on earth do I do? The way that NCO have done things just seems really dodgy and very poor business practice; the way they spoke to me is just ridiculous and even my bank have said that it doesn't sound right at all. Any advice would be great as I'm a bit stumped and quite annoyed with the whole situation. Come back Orange - all is forgiven!
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